Why do Republicans suck?

I guess you know someone that is owned now! Born In The Heart of DIXIE.. Nobody i know has ever owned anyone..And still fly Flag..The flag does mean something else to Yankees ..You aren't Born Here. Flag to Me has nothing to do with Hate...Heritage
A heritage that depends utterly on the capture, imprisonment, transportation, torture and enslavement of unwilling human beings who were considered by their captors and owners as animals and property, and treated as cattle - legally and as a practical matter.

Your heart may be in Dixie, but Dixie was built by black slaves on the bodies of their dead, the earth is soaked with the blood, your heritage reeks of it. Your heritage of courtly manners and dehumanizing treatment, gracious speech and daily degradation, sown throughout with the worst excesses humans are capable of committing. If you don’t KNOW it’s true, you’re not old enough to remember. I remember. I was here for it.

If anyone told you different, they lied.
Maybe you should think about that.
A heritage that depends utterly on the capture, imprisonment, transportation, torture and enslavement of unwilling human beings who were considered by their captors and owners as animals and property, and treated as cattle - legally and as a practical matter.

Your heart may be in Dixie, but Dixie was built by black slaves on the bodies of their dead, the earth is soaked with the blood, your heritage reeks of it. Your heritage of courtly manners and dehumanizing treatment, gracious speech and daily degradation, sown throughout with the worst excesses humans are capable of committing. If you don’t KNOW it’s true, you’re not old enough to remember. I remember. I was here for it.

If anyone told you different, they lied.
Maybe you should think about that.
Dixe wasn't the only culprit. Northern mfg. went along for cheap raw materials such as cotton. Nothing is ever that simple in human motivation.
Put Your HEART in DIXIE or GET YOUR ASS OUT ! Nothing the Dems or REP. do effect me I will be doing the same thing every year..And yes there are still Haters in Alabama..Not all

Why the hell would I want to do that? I'm a proud backer of Abraham Lincoln, rubbed his nose and everything. We grow and do different stuff year after year.

However, to each their own. Beware folks that seek to exploit you by appealing to that sense of regional pride. If whoever is talking about where they and/or you are from instead of what they will do for you they are full of shit.
Dixe wasn't the only culprit. Northern mfg. went along for cheap raw materials such as cotton. Nothing is ever that simple in human motivation.
Those “northern mfg,s “
Were just relocated to where the hillbilly highway led them
You are right it isn’t so simple
Well look here boy, ain't nobody give a good motherfuck about none of that bullshit coming out yer mouth. We done whooped yer daddies daddy so guess it's time for another. Ya done went and pissed off a hornets nest boy.
Well f5ck you sir sucks alot Just stay up there if you dont like .We wish you would .WE fly flag Proudly we dont care if you like it .. Just stay there where they kill each other. in the city.Nobody down here care if you like the flag or not..None of ya'll owned anyone.Or me.Just sit there and think you can change the world. Dumb Ass.You are on a GROW site.YOu never have anything to ab about growing.Just like to troll and find someone you dont like or agree with..Nothing you say or do will Change anything .So just keep spitting shit out
You are talking about the slaver’s standard. There is nothing there of which to be proud. In fact, it is saturated with shame for having been the mark of centuries of untold brutality.

This should not earn the angry “pride” you are showing. That kind of offended display generally goes hand in hand with the usually denied attitude that “there’s people and then there’s n*”
Well f5ck you sir sucks alot Just stay up there if you dont like .We wish you would .WE fly flag Proudly we dont care if you like it .. Just stay there where they kill each other. in the city.Nobody down here care if you like the flag or not..None of ya'll owned anyone.Or me.Just sit there and think you can change the world. Dumb Ass.You are on a GROW site.YOu never have anything to ab about growing.Just like to troll and find someone you dont like or agree with..Nothing you say or do will Change anything .So just keep spitting shit out
Projection at its finest :lol: :hug:
. I didn't start the hating here Ya'll did Staff members You just keep harping on the past.and yes both kinds here

Put Your HEART in DIXIE or GET YOUR ASS OUT ! Nothing the Dems or REP. do effect me I will be doing the same thing every year..And yes there are still Haters in Alabama..Not all

We are not the ones defending a flag made only of hatred.
U.S. News & World Report (2019) • Alabama ranked No. 50 – dead last – in the publication's latest education rankings.
Look at the required curriculum!

1) The world was made 6000 years ago. Fossils are a test of faith.
2) God has a pointy white hood He wears on Saturdays.
3)A sixgun on your hip is ok, masking up is not.