Why do Republicans suck?

The rich..The ones that owned the slaves..Average farmer didn't own anything but a farm..What about all the rest of the people that fought...It wasn't because they all wanted slaves...And everyone flies the flag here..Just go to B ham. Where they kill each other and no one cares..Get out in the Country that dont happen..
But they fought for slavery.
That flag is a banner celebrating humans owning other humans.
The rich..The ones that owned the slaves..Average farmer didn't own anything but a farm..What about all the rest of the people that fought...It wasn't because they all wanted slaves...And everyone flies the flag here..Just go to B ham. Where they kill each other and no one cares..Get out in the Country that dont happen..
They fought because they their masters told them to. Just like the Jan 6 rioters did when they were conned by Donald.

Did you know that hookworm is making a comeback in the south? disgusting
So that means all southerns are like that.....Just like yankees thinking the war was just about that..Sir your full of shit again if you think that....Still got Giant Flag right on 65 south still flying...
No, not all southerners. A lot of southerners are Black. Some of the white ones moved from the north and a lot of younger white people don't believe in that "heritage" shit. Also the generation just now coming of age aren't all buying into that "heritage" lie.

Do you know when that "heritage" lie and the resurrection of that idiot flag of yours was made into propaganda? I'll answer because you are clearly too simple to know. It was in the 1920's when fascism first reared its ugly head in the US. At the time, the KKK was running the show. You guys are mindless idiots.
Just stay up there and defund the cop...I seems all you do on this site is talk shit make trouble shouldn't do that as a staff member....Every thread your Bull Shit is on..And what the hell does that mean?
If you were truly trying to honor your heritage, you would fly this flag, not the racist KKK carrying battle flag.
The Confederate Flag Is Pure Racism (Not Southern Heritage)
They claim the battle flag represents their Southern heritage, as if that heritage comprises an innocent history of mint juleps and church-going. The problem with that claim, as the history of the use of the flag demonstrates, is that the heritage it symbolises is also that of enslavement, inequality, violence and gross injustice.
the history of the flag is very clear and unambiguously connected to white supremacy. That history is undeniable, whether people want to acknowledge it or not."

If you were truly trying to honor your heritage, you would fly this flag, not the racist KKK carrying battle flag.
The Confederate Flag Is Pure Racism (Not Southern Heritage)
They claim the battle flag represents their Southern heritage, as if that heritage comprises an innocent history of mint juleps and church-going. The problem with that claim, as the history of the use of the flag demonstrates, is that the heritage it symbolises is also that of enslavement, inequality, violence and gross injustice.
the history of the flag is very clear and unambiguously connected to white supremacy. That history is undeniable, whether people want to acknowledge it or not."

View attachment 5069277
While that is the correct battle flag, I consider the other to be the banner of the immoral institution being fought about.

Many of the tRumpers thought JFK was dressed up as tRump during the latest rally in Arizona.:o:o:o:oo_Oo_Oo_Oo_Oo_O:cuss::cuss::cuss::cuss::cuss: They c;laimed the person at the rally was to short for tRump:wall::wall::wall:

QAnon Believers Think JFK Disguised Himself As Trump At Arizona Rally
Apparently, there is no conspiracy theory too wild for some QAnon followers.

Case in point: Members of a QAnon group based in Dallas have floated the theory that John F. Kennedy is not only alive, but disguised himself as former President Donald Trump over the weekend to attend a rally in Florence, Arizona.

As evidence, the group’s leader, Michael Protzman, claims Trump appeared to be shorter than he should have been, Vice News reported.

“You could tell it wasn’t Trump,” Protzman said in a live chat excerpted below, referring to a moment where the former president invited Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake to the stage.

They also claim Tupac, and Kobe Bryant were there :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: o_Oo_Oo_O:hump::hump::hump::oops::oops::oops::oops:
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The Flag Represents The men That fought and died for the southern States
It's a reminder of how traitorous/contemptible/stupid the Southern States were & are.
That's what most intelligent Americans think of anything or anyone that's below the Mason-Dixon line, those fucking Medicaid/Welfare sucking (did you know that's Southern states, like 14 out of 15 ARE AT THE FUCKING BOTTOM of the food chain & are the poorest states in the US & are also Red States (wow, who would have thunk it!!!)


They put hardly any taxes into the USA's coffers. but they sure as shit know how to take it.
Racist/primitive/ignorant/dumb-as-fuck/dead weights, that's a Southerner.
Now also toxic due to they're refusal to wear masks/get the vaccine
Shame that they are still a part of the US, they're just a drag.
Hey, I bet you love this song, right?
Turn it up :)
