How about we give everyone a electric car, and a home solar and wind power. Start spreading that around and see how much oil prices drop. Them fuckers will be so worried they will be sitting on a useless resource that they will give it away. First of all we need to get off someone elses fucking Resources and use our sun and wind and water. (we will never have enough oil in the ground to supply us forever)
Second of all and which is most important let them dumb sobs vote this piles of shit into office, let them deal with what they have caused, can it be worse ? Yes but we will then have an upper hand then dies the Trumplican party forever.
I hear all this shit about how shitty a job Biden is doing, but they don't realize that it's all caused by the Orange King Trud himself but they will.
I am so sick of all the bullshit like we have never seen in our lifetimes, It's both sides too but one is much more of a fucking diasaster then the other.
Trump should be fucking locked up and every single member of his fucking clan too. But the Democrats are letting them get away with this, don't know why but they are and it's going to cost us dearly in the end.
Just listen to Ted fucknut Cruz talking about locking up a staff member who did what ? disclosed a document which wasn't even a protected. We need to start fucking locking all those up and shoot that mother fucker that started this whole thing, the orange one himself along with bannon and the rest of those nobs. (Treason to our country deserves death)
Could you imagine if this was the last election with Hillary, which I now believe it was, they cheated to get those seats on the SCOTUS with Mitch McConnels help and others high ups.
The end of the story is going to be if these so called American's vote in Republican's in this midterm we are done because our Great Untied States of America will have fallen to those who believe democracy is not what they want and we are going to pay a heavy price. Is that the cost of Democracy ?
On a side note, does anyone feel like getting extremely fucked up for the end of times.

... I do !! Sorry about my druken ramble but WTF People ?