Call it what you want.This sounds an awful lot like the right wing in this country complaining that any sort of social support is “handouts” and thus fundamentally wrong. This is a pernicious attitude and one of the reasons the GOP is beyond salvage. It is too riddled with racism, sexism, greed and corruption. Break it up and hope the moderate residue organizes into a new center-right party that works with and not against most of us, and isn’t disfigured by a 160-year-old resentment.
I live in an upscale neighborhood now. All the lily whites born with the silver spoon say the same thing as you. They speak of things they don't know about.
You don't know what being poor and hungry is like until you have actually been poor and hungry. And when I say hungry, its not waiting an hour until your husband comes home late from the office. Its you ate the last piece of cheese 2 days ago and you're 11 years old going through a growth spurt. Stealing a snicker from 7/11 hoping you don't get caught, breaking a piece off so your little brother can have a bite for dinner. Don't think I forgot where I came from. But you better believe when I didn't have to depend on someone for help, I wasn't hungry again.