Examples of GOP Leadership

This sounds an awful lot like the right wing in this country complaining that any sort of social support is “handouts” and thus fundamentally wrong. This is a pernicious attitude and one of the reasons the GOP is beyond salvage. It is too riddled with racism, sexism, greed and corruption. Break it up and hope the moderate residue organizes into a new center-right party that works with and not against most of us, and isn’t disfigured by a 160-year-old resentment.
Call it what you want.

I live in an upscale neighborhood now. All the lily whites born with the silver spoon say the same thing as you. They speak of things they don't know about.

You don't know what being poor and hungry is like until you have actually been poor and hungry. And when I say hungry, its not waiting an hour until your husband comes home late from the office. Its you ate the last piece of cheese 2 days ago and you're 11 years old going through a growth spurt. Stealing a snicker from 7/11 hoping you don't get caught, breaking a piece off so your little brother can have a bite for dinner. Don't think I forgot where I came from. But you better believe when I didn't have to depend on someone for help, I wasn't hungry again.
Call it what you want.

I live in an upscale neighborhood now. All the lily whites born with the silver spoon say the same thing as you. They speak of things they don't know about.

You don't know what being poor and hungry is like until you have actually been poor and hungry. And when I say hungry, its not waiting an hour until your husband comes home late from the office. Its you ate the last piece of cheese 2 days ago and you're 11 years old going through a growth spurt. Stealing a snicker from 7/11 hoping you don't get caught, breaking a piece off so your little brother can have a bite for dinner. Don't think I forgot where I came from. But you better believe when I didn't have to depend on someone for help, I wasn't hungry again.
You presume much.
I oppose all who rail against “handouts”, as they are failing to conceal their castle mentality which you put into such well-lit display. “Lily-whites” and “silver spoon” is your sly version of hate speech.
You presume much.
I oppose all who rail against “handouts”, as they are failing to conceal their castle mentality which you put into such well-lit display. “Lily-whites” and “silver spoon” is your sly version of hate speech.
I wasn't directing those stereotypes toward you, just in general. I don't know where you are at on the wealth gap and that's your business.

Yeah, I dislike rich whites who think poor blacks are helpless and they need help and laws based on equity and not equality. I don't want handouts to go people who are able to work but choose not to. Handouts should be for disabled and kids. Or maybe temporary help to get at a better place. I do hate life long welfare recipients, like my mom. She could have done better had she tried.

I also dislike poor that get handouts and sell food stamps to wealthier people at 50 cents on the dollar, especially when they have kids to feed. I was one of the poor kids and it happens a lot. Every 1st and 15th in my old neighborhood was grilling, crack smoking, 40 ouncers and half off groceries to anyone who wanted to buy them. But come the 3rd or 18th and broke with no food at all.
Well if ya support fascism, I guess that makes you a fascist, motivated by fear and hate and driven by racism and bigotry. You voted for Trump twice and the second time you had a good hard look at him too, so there are no excuses. Of course you'll say you didn't vote for Trump, but we know that ya did, we know what's jerking your chain.
They had a good hard look at him before 2016 too. trump has been an asshole his entire life.
I wasn't directing those stereotypes toward you, just in general. I don't know where you are at on the wealth gap and that's your business.

Yeah, I dislike rich whites who think poor blacks are helpless and they need help and laws based on equity and not equality. I don't want handouts to go people who are able to work but choose not to. Handouts should be for disabled and kids. Or maybe temporary help to get at a better place. I do hate life long welfare recipients, like my mom. She could have done better had she tried.

I also dislike poor that get handouts and sell food stamps to wealthier people at 50 cents on the dollar, especially when they have kids to feed. I was one of the poor kids and it happens a lot. Every 1st and 15th in my old neighborhood was grilling, crack smoking, 40 ouncers and half off groceries to anyone who wanted to buy them. But come the 3rd or 18th and broke with no food at all.
Stop calling them handouts. It is a pejorative term, which is why I chose it. It’s a long-standing negative branding campaign by those whose motto might be “better dead than social democrat!”
“The dole” is another disgraced term.
should I keep going?
Yes, please do.

Yes that explains why Detroit is in a state of decline. Proves my point.

Michigan, was the topic, not the most liberal city in Michigan. Michigan as a whole as been a swing state.

lol ok now that your troll brain is caught up with you bringing up Michigan and then crying about 'Democrat cities' spinning away for a few posts,

When exactly would Democrats been able to fix shit in Detroit? The problem has been the Republicans have held control and stopped any ability for the Democrats to clean up the messes that have been built into our state's large urban areas since WW2 when all those returning white men moved into the 'burbs.

https://www.rollitup.org/t/examples-of-gop-leadership.1046402/post-16763189Screen Shot 2022-01-20 at 1.30.25 PM.png

As for your continual stupid spin shit about Michigan being a 'swing state', it is just more proof of the bullshit scam that gerrymandering has been that the Republicans now use to try to 'own the libs' by pointing at the cities they allowed to fester for decades.

And all the scam voter suppression that dickheads like DeSantis are doing (with things like underfunding those communities ability to easily vote, and now attempt to compound this by sending his voting gestapo to intimidate and clog the people voting in hours long lines) being cheered on by trolls and simple minded cultists because of their big lies about 'Voter security'is just more of the same.
I was locked up more than a dozen times and did over a year in Michigan state prison. I've been a victim of police brutality.. Try being 18, white, from a black neighborhood, and skinny in Michigan state reformatory. I got hate and abuse from all sides.

I grew up in low income section 8 predominantly black neighbor hood for the first 20 years of my life.

Let me tell you something I have leaned. Most of us sold drugs and committed crimes. That's why we feared the police.

I have since gotten my record expunged, worked hard, studied and have became successful in my own mind. I know longer fear the police because I have no reason to anymore.

I have brought with me a few people I grew up with that are black and they don't fear the police anymore either. We only did when we made bad choices.

I used to have a "poor me" attitude. Little did I know the only one keeping me down was myself.
You should ask them what it is like to vote where you used to live.

Bunch of bull.

Poor trailer trash whites made from inbred parents have it just as hard.

Race is a cheap excuse.
lol says the guy who is able to blend into white suburbia and play white savior to his black friend.
You should ask them what it is like to vote where you used to live.

lol says the guy who is able to blend into white suburbia and play white savior to his black friend.
Voting was easy. It was a couple blocks away. I voted there. It was just as easy as going to the liquor store. ID please, heres your ballot, thank you. 10 minutes tops.

I'm no savior to my best friend who happens to be black. More like family. I see him 5 days a week for 10 hours a day. Sometimes on the weekends. I would do anything for him and I feel like he would do the same to me. We came up together.

And guess what he did too? Bought a house that wasn't near the neighbor we grew up in.
Shes still alive. Still poor. Still voting Dem so she can get handouts.

Still hates me for being conservative but has no problem when I help her with the bills.
I’m sure there are a lot of other reasons she has to hate you.

If you were really conservative, you wouldn’t have voted for trump.