It's never OK, but I believe if you look back on past US administrations, you'd find there was always some killing going on somewhere, mostly in the name of commerce. US corporations have been responsible for more deaths since WWII than any other factor, well maybe Pol Pot could come close, but the corporations kill with many assassinators, chemicals, remember Bhopal India, 1984 during the Reagan administration and how he covered their ass and patched that up, up to 40,000 deaths from that one disaster. But mainly the deaths come from some kind of US intervention, CIA, Military, errant bomb as in the Sudan thing, but mostly orchestrated by corporations. Viet nam (In the name of oil deposits in the Mekong Delta), Iraq, Oil, Oil, Oil, plus a foothold in the middle east lo lock up oil supplies accross the area. You all know if Iraq was a success, (We have secured the oil contracts for the reserves), Iran was going to be next, and Maybe Obama will slow that scenario down, but again, being surrounded day-in-day-out by billionaire oil barrons may tend to sway your judgement. Yes, one death is too many, but when the most powerful government is controlled by the most powerful corporations, death for poor people that are in the way of "progress" is inevitable.