Fat buds

All you have to do is crumble 7 goldfish crackers per gallon of water into your nutrients every other feeding. The crackers use a wheat compound that’s impossible to obtain for non-commercial use, and this compound contains enzymes that make buds grow 40% larger.
Growing in coco week 7 flower using organic nutrients anything to fatten them ladies before I flush ???

At week 7 there is no looking back and you're at a point where anything you did nutrient wise would be minimal if at all.
Products like recharge and king crab may or may not make a difference.
Make sure your temps/humidity are in check and air flow is excellent as your bring these ladies to the end. :)
Only use the crackers the last week of your grow to harden the buds before harvest.
You forgot to mention that it HAS to be the RAINBOW variety as the color spectrum provided will encourage the plant to show it's fall colors and THIS IS WHAT FATTENS THE BUDS, because the plants think there life is coming to an end in late fall.
I assume you're referring to the super secret old school method of swedish fish root shock? If the op knows where to obtain nitroglycerin and liquid nitrogen they might be able to pull it off.

Used to use Surströmming but too many god damn cats would come.
With certain nutrient lines, its advised to add pk boost and a sea essential extract for building bigger flowers. But this should have started 3 weeks ago.
Just cut back on fertilizer the last 2 weeks. On an 8 weeks flowering strain bloom booster IE Phosphorus, and Potassium should be done from weeks 3 through weeks 4, and then terminated. Weeks 5-6 should get extra Sulfur, and Magnesium. Sulfur is a precursor for producing terpenes. Weeks 7-8 should get less overall fertilized. I cut mine 40%-60%. But never 0, and flushing is a myth