Happy thread :)

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They're becoming troglidites
I love your description of the average Southerner, but I think that status is something they are still striving to attain.
The fucking Southern Red States are essentially a breeding ground for the genetically inferior.
They really are, just look at the test scores.
They are simply full of simpletons/dumb fucks.
They don't need Ancestry.com, they're all FUCKING RELATED!!!!
And they make up over a 1/3 of the population.

Jesus, Oh Lord above, release me from this Hell & just fucking kill me

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I was very happy to see laid back antivaxer Aaron Rodgers choke again, 1-5 in NFC championships, what a legend, maybe he should have sought football advice from Rogan instead of medical, hope the condescending prick retires in shame.
Great outcome for sure. There was a lot of yelling/cheering at the TV last night. If our schnauzer was still here, she'd have been frightened more than once. My wife has been a 49er fan for some time. Santa got her a Kaepernick jersey long ago.
Tucker is a total douche bag. He is a nerdy geek who puts down everyone and he is a racist . He likes to put down everyone and treat women like 2nd class citizens. He is even worse than Hannity. I wish Howard would come in and punch him in the face. Howard is a black belt. He was gonna punch Gene Simmons in the face and Gene got all pussy and backed down. Lol . You do not want to fuck with Howard. Tucker should be shaking in his shoes right now because Howard is going to take him down hard. I totally agree with everything Howard said.
I dunno if he's racist, but he certainly sees the money in being one.

He's a garden variety Republican, by that I mean a self-serving cunt.
I love your description of the average Southerner, but I think that status is something they are still striving to attain.
The fucking Southern Red States are essentially a breeding ground for the genetically inferior.
They really are, just look at the test scores.
They are simply full of simpletons/dumb fucks.
They don't need Ancestry.com, they're all FUCKING RELATED!!!!
And they make up over a 1/3 of the population.

Jesus, Oh Lord above, release me from this Hell & just fucking kill me


I will point out that the folks you meet out in the world that left those places are rad. "It's kinda bullshit here where I was born, imma go see what's going on 1000 miles away and if I like it more." is code for having a good moral character or at least a decent sense of adventure.

Hard to find people that are really into fireworks and moonshine...but not all the other terrible stuff that people into those things like. If you are sitting in NYC drinking a $40 dollar drink (under 5 bucks elsewhere) and a fellow sits down with a thick drawl, make friends and conversation. You'll probably have a good time and end up blowing up a dumpster, maybe shooting at stuff, we all think the subway is a hoot and try to stand up without holding on and fall over. At least they understand there's places out there more interesting than "the landing" in st. Louis.
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