
America needs to start putting every Russian in a concentration camp.

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not really but we are just as heinous as everyone else..Putin can only stage and we will rise to the occasion..he has nowhere to go and will use a world event to slink on back (withdraw) to Mother Russia. + Putin's aging too..do we know HIS mental health?
Has anyone else noticed all this shit started when FUCKING TRUMP WAS IN FUCKING OFFICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
He made a fucking mess all around the World.
He set the ball rolling and Putin saw the opening & of course took it & the World did basically fucking nothing when Russia/Putin invaded Crimea.
Fuck these economic sanctions, they're just a slap on the wrist.
Screw that, chop their fucking arm off.
But now you will see a re-alignment between Russia & fucking COMMUNIST!!!! China who really fucking hate us now thanks to Trump's embargos that did fucking nothing except raise prices (inflation, anyone? )
No need for bullets.
Let's see who wins.
It won't be Russia (unless China backs them, but they won't, too much $$$$ involved)
I didn't know where to place this because it sorta fit's in the Happy thread also.
Fuck Ukraine, those Russkie fucks are fucking with the wrong country now.
Imagine a fleet of Irishmen & women drunk on Porter & Poitin attacking?
Oh boy, this should be fun (fast forward to 1:30)
And for you that don't know what Poitin & Porter are, these are those, just two of Ireland's many hundreds of thousands of beneficial contributions to Humankind.

1st Poitin, also known as the Breath of Life/Mother's milk. It's made from potatoes of course & is the 1st true Irish whiskey & it will cause pain, but a nice pain (if you know what I mean :) )

This is the best I ever drank & it's made right down the road from my mum's house in Galway,Ireland (treat yourself to a bottle for St. Pats)

View attachment 5074520

This is Porter

View attachment 5074522

And this is a small snippet from the Greatest Film ever made, shot by my Da's house in Connemara & yes, pubs are like that in the West of Ireland. :)

Squire Dannaher, Michealine Hogue Flynn, and SEAN THORNTON
LOVE that movie…seen it countless times
Left or right. Doesn't matter to the guy whose windpipe is squeezed shut by the cop's knee.

What does matter is people are still claiming Eric Chauvin's innocence and they are all hard right authoritarians. I don't know what f.left people you are talking about who oppose this country becoming a multicultural democracy.
Any body who can back Chauvin's action w/clear video evidence is FKD in the head, As for far left they are too stubborn to realize that a large % of the country is not ready to back all of their ideas and they need to drop their all or nothing mentality,CHANG IN THIS DIVERSE LAND CAN ONLY COME SLOWLY through negotiation, prioritize where to really dig in. EG 3 battles that are all or nothing right now are the Reps assault on pro-choice and voting rights, and some kind of gun control legislation, people do not need weapons of war to protect themselves.
NATO and the Royal Navy will be nearby and cable defense has now taken on a new importance. It would be a very serious mistake if they sank an Irish fisherman, they would most likely be sunk themselves by NATO. Russia has a single ship that can do this shit and taking it out would be convenient. Navies defend trade and trade happens over undersea cables these days. They could also be mining these cables to destroy them at a time of their choosing, so they will need to be inspected, monitored and defended. If they are doing this and they find mined undersea cables, NATO will sink on sight any Russian vessel with the capabilities to do it and there are not very many. Mining cables would be an act of war in this day and age.

I can assure you the Royal Navy would take a very keen interest in this matter on their doorstep with cables going to the financial hub in London at risk. They probably have submarines that can hear what the Russians are doing in great detail and cutting cables makes noise.

This will push Ireland to full NATO membership, Sweden and Finland are already considering joining because of Russian aggression. If Russia wants war it will be up against 30 countries plus another three and most of them have larger economies than Russia. Europe is also rethinking it's dependency on Russian oil and gas and moving to a new green grid in a decade, this will speed it up. Oil and gas are about all Russia exports and the major source of income, the average Russian has an income of just $400/mth, if they start a war, it will soon be nothing.
Yup, Russia's economy is solely based on it's resources,basically a Petro-State,a winter Saudi Arabia, unless they still make those beautiful little Trabant cars, doesn't everybody desire one of those?:rolleyes:
putin wants to regain some of the millions of square kilometers and millions of citizens they lost after both world wars, but the citizens don't want to be regained...they look at russia now and see a country run by a corrupt government (sound familiar?), making immoral choices in a grab for lost power and glory.
i think if we abandon one single eastern european nation to russian aggression, we'll regret it, and not some day, we'll regret it immediately, bcause that will be a trigger for him to try again, and then we'll HAVE to go kick his ass, and it will be a longer, bloodier fight
It's looking like a major miscalculation on Vlads part as far as weakening NATO goes,more and more NATO countries are lining up daily w/military commitments of some kind, He is now pulling the Nato organization that was drifting apart closer together. The exact opposite scenario of which his big move intended to accomplish.
Any body who can back Chauvin's action w/clear video evidence is FKD in the head, As for far left they are too stubborn to realize that a large % of the country is not ready to back all of their ideas and they need to drop their all or nothing mentality,CHANG IN THIS DIVERSE LAND CAN ONLY COME SLOWLY through negotiation, prioritize where to really dig in. EG 3 battles that are all or nothing right now are the Reps assault on pro-choice and voting rights, and some kind of gun control legislation, people do not need weapons of war to protect themselves.
I don't know how to negotiate slowly with a people who can look at images of Chauvin torture-murdering Floyd and cry "Blue Lives Matter" and "Floyd was on drugs" in defense of Chauvin.

Personally, I think one must suppress them.
Why now? Why would Vlad want to cause shit like this over the Ukraine now and not while Trump was in power? He owned Trump and had the world by the balls, or so it would seem. I know recently Russia deployed troops to Belorussia and Kazakhstan because of internal political trouble and has been making angry noise at Finland and Sweden for some reason. No NATO ally would follow Trump into war with Russia and such a move would have fractured the alliance, not that Trump would do anything about a Ukraine invasion anyway.

Like I said, this would have been much easier with Trump in the WH, he could have invaded Ukraine and gotten away with it by the time Biden got into office it would have been too late. So something is motivating Vlad to be a bad boy at this particular time, there's something we're not seeing here, Vlad is risking far too much, for far too little gain.
Why now? Why would Vlad want to cause shit like this over the Ukraine now and not while Trump was in power? He owned Trump and had the world by the balls, or so it would seem. I know recently Russia deployed troops to Belorussia and Kazakhstan because of internal political trouble and has been making angry noise at Finland and Sweden for some reason. No NATO ally would follow Trump into war with Russia and such a move would have fractured the alliance, not that Trump would do anything about a Ukraine invasion anyway.

Like I said, this would have been much easier with Trump in the WH, he could have invaded Ukraine and gotten away with it by the time Biden got into office it would have been too late. So something is motivating Vlad to be a bad boy at this particular time, there's something we're not seeing here, Vlad is risking far too much, for far too little gain.

i see it as a test to segue Trump back in in 2024.

he's like a little kid walking right up to the line where you told him to stop; but he's still as close as possible to that line without touching..saying 'i'm not touching it'..'i'm not touching it'..'i'm not touching it'.

he's basically trying to piss everyone off but the Asian theatre.

i believe he's hoping there's some mistake from a country, any country so Putin can take afront and order attack.

Putin is the bully on the block.
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LL has a point. Russia and Ukraine were tied at the hip for a long while, the eastern part of Ukraine was given to Ukraine by Russia while they were part of the Soviet Union. Putin would like nothing better to reanimate the Soviet Union. But for the current crisis he is concerned with Ukraine joining NATO and having the West's armies jut a stone throw away from Russia. If NATO was right next door the Russians would have to be on high alert all the time as it would be in the West's interest to get rid of the Russian Mafia that is controlling Russia now. Then the West can go on to just worrying about China (the Middle East, can't do nothing about it). Ukraine is Putin's Red Line. Which sucks for Ukraine.

Not only armies but more worryingly for Putin is missile launchers. There is no/little time to track and retaliate.

It’s akin to Putin wanting to install missile launchers in Mexico… of course this situation is more complex than that but ultimately it’s the same. Just like having missiles on your doorstep aimed at you, nobody wants that. So what do you do? Put yourself in his shoes. Amass an army as a show of strength? Invade? But ultimately going to be WW3 and nobody wins except the folks in nuclear bunkers… and you don’t really ‘win’ just survive. You can see his options are limited
Not only armies but more worryingly for Putin is missile launchers. There is no/little time to track and retaliate.

It’s akin to Putin wanting to install missile launchers in Mexico… of course this situation is more complex than that but ultimately it’s the same. Just like having missiles on your doorstep aimed at you, nobody wants that. So what do you do? Put yourself in his shoes. Amass an army as a show of strength? Invade? But ultimately going to be WW3 and nobody wins except the folks in nuclear bunkers… and you don’t really ‘win’ just survive. You can see his options are limited
It would be a lot more convince of a argument if Putin didn't already invade Ukraine and occupy Crimea and attack citizens in every democratic nation with cyber attacks and militarized trolling.

IMO Ukraine wanting to defend themselves just makes sense.
It would be a lot more convince of a argument if Putin didn't already invade Ukraine and occupy Crimea and attack citizens in every democratic nation with cyber attacks and militarized trolling.

IMO Ukraine wanting to defend themselves just makes sense.
But they only invade once their puppet leader was driven out by the Ukrainians.
It would be a lot more convince of a argument if Putin didn't already invade Ukraine and occupy Crimea and attack citizens in every democratic nation with cyber attacks and militarized trolling.

IMO Ukraine wanting to defend themselves just makes sense.

My point still stands regarding missiles on your border. You don’t seem to have a solution.

What country doesn’t do cyber attacks? Do you think the west has no spies/agendas?

We just expose their flaws through media outlets and they expose ours.

Of course it should defend itself and helped to do so (within reason) But do you know these Russian troops are yearly exercises being carried out? This year there are more of them which is Putins way of saying stay out (NATO) of Ukraine. Now it’s flared up on the media like some new shit is going down when it ain’t really..
yeah...but then, who would nato keep an eye on? kim jong un? get real...
They would not go for it, it would be accountability to a certain extent. And that would be like a crack in the dam. There is no way the ruling class in Russia is about to give up on their cash cow.
My point still stands regarding missiles on your border. You don’t seem to have a solution.

What country doesn’t do cyber attacks? Do you think the west has no spies/agendas?

We just expose their flaws through media outlets and they expose ours.

Of course it should defend itself and helped to do so (within reason) But do you know these Russian troops are yearly exercises being carried out? This year there are more of them which is Putins way of saying stay out (NATO) of Ukraine. Now it’s flared up on the media like some new shit is going down when it ain’t really..
Yeah, I am just some random troll on a random pot website, of course I don't have a solution to a potential world war breaking out because a rouge dictator is saber rattling and attacking his neighbors.

As for the Russian propaganda whataboutism, I call bullshit.

Putin has invaded and occupied Ukraine and has moved several tens of thousands of troops onto their border. If there is a war that breaks out it is fully on him. Putin is not president of Ukraine, so why should he get to decide who they form an alliance with?