
I don't know how to negotiate slowly with a people who can look at images of Chauvin torture-murdering Floyd and cry "Blue Lives Matter" and "Floyd was on drugs" in defense of Chauvin.

Personally, I think one must suppress them.
How would you recommend they be suppressed?
Muslim man agree! Trump eat virile member Putin up to speak semen instead of words...

But I intervene here because believe some Christian woman USA want Muslim boyfriend friend...I promise to treat as to best female dromedary of my pen.
Either English is not your first language, or you are a moron.
i think fucker carlson is a closet communist, and getting dangerously close to being a traitor. are we at all sure that he isn't an emplaced asset for putin to employ? sure seems that way to me....
Remember the days of Cronkite and many others of his time frame,where they reported highly vetted factual news objectively, and more importantly in a fair manner attempting to show all sides to let you make an informed decision. How far we've fallen to let this prick command prime time airways spewing his utter BS is shocking, this dude belongs on a far right obscure podcast(not prime time National news w/his lying ass propoganda), or since when do these quote newspeople/journalist have direct lines of communication in real time w/the WhiteHouse like Hannity.OMG
yeah i want to be buried up to my neck in sand and stoned to death- sounds fun..but if i survive will i be allowed to drive?

By the Grace of the Greatest and Only One! Thank you very much for your reply to Muslim man:

I believe that your wanting to be very difficult.
Very, very difficult after being stoned to be able to drive well. And more difficult if you dead (but there is nothing impossible for The Most High and Only Conqueror...) But better you do not tempt fate, and let me Muslim man drive camel.

...So...you say Yes?!? You want to marry a Muslim man?!?
By the Grace of the Greatest and Only One! Thank you very much for your reply to Muslim man:

I believe that your wanting to be very difficult.
Very, very difficult after being stoned to be able to drive well. And more difficult if you dead (but there is nothing impossible for The Most High and Only Conqueror...) But better you do not tempt fate, and let me Muslim man drive camel.

...So...you say Yes?!? You want to marry a Muslim man?!?
You're a Trumper incel living in a shithole red state trailer park.
Salam aleikum! I, a Muslim man, want to be your friend. You want a Muslim friend? I very clean and honest. Last female dromedary of my flock die, and I have a free place now...You want a good Muslim friend?
hey, ms. schylar,how do you feel about being his 7th wife:spew:
but i am and you didn't answer my question Muslim Man.

By the Grace of the Greatest and Only One! Thank you very much for your reply to Muslim man:

I believe that your wanting to be very difficult.
Very, very difficult after being stoned to be able to drive well. And more difficult if you dead (but there is nothing impossible for The Most High and Only Conqueror...) But better you do not tempt fate, and let me Muslim man drive camel.

...So...you say Yes?!? You want to marry a Muslim man?!?

Ahhh...Impatient woman, as impatient as the hawk when it swoops down it lets escape pigeon....

But I keep on wanting houses with your much. I promise to you a ring and the best cave of the Nasrid Sultanate if you say Yes to want....:

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hey, ms. schylar,how do you feel about being his 7th wife:spew:

@schuylaar :
Your not believing envious lying puke mouth.
I never have more than 4 female dromedaries for being very poor Muslim man (but very clean and very honest), and better female camel with eyes like moons reflected at night in oasis, die to my Muslim man the other day.