Ace Genetics Thread


The 11th of October was the last time I saw the plant, my GREEN HAZE 19 A5, (until 11-November) because I had to go to the Mediterranean coast to work. So even though I was still at almost the same latitude, the 900 meters of altitude that I went down and the 400 kilometers that I got closer to the old and warm Mediterranean, were like arriving to the Subtropical...
The pictures are from last November 1st, with 27°C daytime maximum in the shade, and 20°C nighttime minimum. I have lived in a narrow strip of land about 20 kilometres long between two seas, where in some places there were not even 100 metres between each coast. You can see it in the pictures from both sides, the Mediterránean sea side and the Minor sea side:


So I left my hill and my saw on the 11th of October and didn't return until the 6th of November.
Before I left I sprinkled ashes from the burning of the olive tree pruning and watered the GREEN HAZE 19 A5 (Green OldTimers Haze #19 x A5; born June-17) until the substrate was saturated, adding the little neem oil I had left, and spraying it with B.T.
During my absence, the plant was visited only once by a relative who moves here to take care of my dogs, who sprayed it after 2 weeks with about 20 litres of water without pH regulation; no more was needed, because the following week a DANA storm came from the far Mediterranean, and it rained more than 120 litres x m2, which has not happened here since curiously the last time I planted A.C.E. genetics, the Psilocybo's Malawi Bangui that crossed and selected Psylocibo in Mexico to distribute in the Spanish CannabisCafé... When I arrived, the soil was still so wet, that I may not need to water any more, as it is late November and December when it rains the most in my area.
This is how I found it on the evening and at dawn on the 7th:

(...However, although daytime maximums in the shade are still similar, night-time minimums on the northern slopes of my mountain range are almost 10°C lower than in the Mediterranean area from which I come back...

"Quizá por que mi niñez
sigue jugando en tu playa...
...y escondida tras las cañas
duerme mi primer amor,
que llevo tu luz y tu olor
por donde quiera que vaya..."


Looking to West:



anyone finding any big time hazy flavors in the ACE selections? What is the most flavorful ACE strain you've had so far?

GREEN HAZE 19 A5 (Green OldTimer's Haze 19 x A5 Haze; born June-17).
Looking to East:

image_2085589.jpgimage_2085595.jpgimage_2085584 (1).jpg

Good morning, all of you cousins!
...Here we are: with polar fleece at night, and short sleeves and bermudas at midday... The weather right now on the northern slope of my mountain range is like going to bed at dawn in Alaska, and waking up around noon in Florida... And abnormally cold for this time of year.

Green OldTimers Haze #19 X A5 Haze from the Spanish Growers Association ( ACE), born on 17-June:


Green OldTimers Haze #19 X A5 Haze (A.C.E.; born 17-June)

As I said before, it is not stopping fattening flowers and producing resin these days, although the large proportion of leaves deceives the eye and does not let you see clearly the volume and density of the flowers. The calyxes are now really starting to swell... A pity about the unusually cold night here, more typical of mid-December than November, and the almost one month that has passed practically without supervision...

This is what it looked like this morning (excuse the quality of the photos when the sun is a bit high, even though it is winter, because as other growers in the southern half of the country (I don't remember if Hombre del Monte or El Maní) recently commented, or photographs at dawn or dusk, or some cloudy day, or the brightness of the sun doesn't allow you to see on the screen more than your own reflection, photographing blindly...).
Remember that she was born on 17-June, and that she is partially lying (45° or less) to the East:
