Humidity questions


Well-Known Member
Been trying to maintain 50% RH in 2 tents. Flower in one and veg in the other. Struggle includes just learning not to use tapwater in misters. I've clogged 1 filter with minerals because of it. RH in mid to high 30s without humidifier. Just wondering if low RH really even a problem and would forgoing humidification be OK? Don't really know why I've been doing this for so long without asking. For some reason just thought 50ish is good. Flowering in week 7 currently.
You need some RO water to stop it from breaking the humidifier and if you are in week 7 of flowering you should be okay without a humidifier
I don't humidify my flower room, stays in the 30-45% usual on the lower side of that scale. I keep a simple humidifier in my veg room from Amazon and just wipe it down every now and again when it gets grimy. been fine for 6 months.

Don't forget to play around with flow and trimmers on the fans. I've been trying to up my humidity in my veg tent on 15 off 15. you can lead the air out of your flower tent into your veg. nice thing about this two is that you can keep a carbon filter on each exhaust and the smell from the flower room is than double filtered.