Read this, if you don't want to give your identity away on rollitup

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Usually pick up Glenfiddich 12. Trying something different.

I have a 45 day strain also, nothing wrong with this bud.
It was chopped early due to nanners, but it's still good shit. I've harvested that one even earlier. I don't care what the haters want to say. I've grown it past 70 days too. I prefer the more stoney shit usually, but my wife likes it lighter so it's a win win for me. I've got plenty of it.

Oh, and I just took that pic. That bud was harvested over a year ago.
If your producing with intent to supply in a country it is illegal that is when it can become a problem. Most growers in unfriendly places grow for personal use or health issues, not for huge commercial monetary gain. They cater for themselves as they don't want to be involved with criminality an shady people ( not to say anyone is shady or a criminal).
it’s fucked. Well not totally. I have been battling root aphids for a sec. Im not sure if it’s the aphids or a deficiency. Or a deficiency because of the aphids. Half the tray with yellowed top leaves bottom leaves fine and healthy but possibly stunted plants not sure how they’d turn out if healthy. Other half of the tray showing normal fade. All new strains in this room. So haven’t had a chance to dial it in yet. not sure of the yield or smoke yet. Not a welcoming site I’ll tell ya that much.

edit: I posted a few pics back a post or two.

Found the winged root aphid. Room that big with RA's is fucked.

Yea they got into the bud in this room. Very shitty situation. So bad. Unfortunately I am unable to use anything strong enough to kill them.
yeah, you pretty much have to go nuclear on them with imidicloprid to eradicate them. They will just laugh at organic treatments....bioceres wp (beauveria bassiana) works somewhat but you gotta really soak every rootball with it and its expensive. Also, beneficial nematodes can be useful. You look close enough to harvest though.
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