Pandemic 2020

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Well-Known Member
The main difference, in this part of europe anyway, is the ratio. Between anti-vax and sane people. Between far right and the rest. There's the same overlap though. Far right politicians claiming absurd nonsense about vaccinations.

He got 6 months in prison. I'm guessing that would be different in the US.

Far right fascist threatening dems with "tribunals".

Although the smoking gun is missing, they clearly have ties with Russia

They (the far right party) proclaimed today they are pro-life. Irrational far right populism became a US export product. Because Spain, Poland, Ireland, Morocco and other countries didn't/don't allow abortions, we sent abortion ships and parked them at their coasts so women there could be helped. That's how by far most here feel about abortion rights. That's how absurd far right is being right now. They basically parrot nonsense from conservative americans on social media. It's laughable. We have a low tolerance for irrational bs in NL, especially the part actually called Holland, but most countries in Europe have similar Trump wannabees feeding the same flawed human beings.

Your comments about a different tune has been something of public debate here recently. Whether the sane portion of society is keeping a door open for the nutters to return to earth. Instead of pushing them further away and declaring them subhuman. The ratio difference makes that an entirely different discussion here. I have no idea how I'd handle a situation where seemingly the other half are batshit crazy anti-vax fascists, but I'm sure it would only motivate me more to demand from others they stay rational and reasonable. It's really the only thing that can get us through this era of information, need to vax people against bs and give them a daily booster shot.

The recuctio ad absurdum was Dr's implication you cannot suggest people should not hate on people suffering or dying from covid and still wish the most horrible covid experience on Trump. That's like saying you can't hate on a lack of gun control cause a gun can kill hitler.
Strip their organs when they die......and then they will serve a purpose


Well-Known Member
Unvaccinated people are 97 times more likely to die of Covid than those who are vaccinated and boosted, according to data presented by CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky.
That sounds like a high number. I've had it twice, unvaxxed. Both times were not that bad. But they also say that natural immunity is 27 times better than the shots. There's numbers all over the internet contradicting each other. Hard to know which source to believe.


Well-Known Member
For those that are healthy, it's really more about being considerate of others and not wanting to kill someone else's gramps just because our masculinity is challenged by a mask.
Well... I live pretty remote. I don't work in the general public, and only leave my place to go into town about twice a week. Im very careful, not because of Covid, but because of the Flu. Which is much worse in my experience. I pretty much limit my exposure to humans all together.


Well-Known Member
We live roughly the same, except I do mask up to keep from spreading it to others.
Well, I just listened in on a 5 hour round table from some of the Worlds leading virologists, and they say masks don't work that way. It protects you... some. Best protection is an N100, which is ridiculously large and cumbersome. The problem with masks is that it does not filter on your exhale. It only filters one way, and not that effectively, and that's to you. When you wear a mask, it makes no difference to protect others. Science.


Well-Known Member
Well, I just listened in on a 5 hour round table from some of the Worlds leading virologists, and they say masks don't work that way. It protects you... some. Best protection is an N100, which is ridiculously large and cumbersome. The problem with masks is that it does not filter on your exhale. It only filters one way, and not that effectively, and that's to you. When you wear a mask, it makes no difference to protect others. Science.
so Dr's & nurses don't need to wear masks in surgery?...Science?

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
Well, I just listened in on a 5 hour round table from some of the Worlds leading virologists, and they say masks don't work that way. It protects you... some. Best protection is an N100, which is ridiculously large and cumbersome. The problem with masks is that it does not filter on your exhale. It only filters one way, and not that effectively, and that's to you. When you wear a mask, it makes no difference to protect others. Science.
Lol, your such a douche. Still harping on the effectiveness of masks. Weak.


Well-Known Member
Well, I just listened in on a 5 hour round table from some of the Worlds leading virologists, and they say masks don't work that way. It protects you... some. Best protection is an N100, which is ridiculously large and cumbersome. The problem with masks is that it does not filter on your exhale. It only filters one way, and not that effectively, and that's to you. When you wear a mask, it makes no difference to protect others. Science.


Well-Known Member
Well, I just listened in on a 5 hour round table from some of the Worlds leading virologists, and they say masks don't work that way. It protects you... some. Best protection is an N100, which is ridiculously large and cumbersome. The problem with masks is that it does not filter on your exhale. It only filters one way, and not that effectively, and that's to you. When you wear a mask, it makes no difference to protect others. Science.
You probably don't have the "best" air filter on your car, but you're probably running one anyway and not looking for reasons to not use one, sooooo...the whole "questioning the principles of air filtration like it's a brand new thing" reads like a joke to me.


Well-Known Member
Douche... retard?... can't you guys just have a conversation? I never called either one of you out for your thoughts. Anyways, here's the link if you're smart enough to digest some information from people way smarter than any of us here.
Don't blame them, they have tourette's syndrome apparently ! and so easily triggered, keep on posting and soon you'll become a trumptard selfish baby killer :)


Well-Known Member
The average person trying to tell us how masks don't do anything while there are literally millions of people around the world working in various industries that use them to reduce particle inhalation, is trusted far less than the hobo on the streetcorner telling me he just needs a few bucks for gas to get home.
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