Pandemic 2020

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That's a $35,000 house here.:D... if it's in a good location.
I just think it’s crass to talk about your “net worth” on a forum. No one cares if you went to school with a prince either lol. Anyways carry on with your “one death from omicron”. If that’s true should be easy to find the numbers to post with your claim. Sounds like granny is a real peach as well lol.
I just think it’s crass to talk about your “net worth” on a forum. No one cares if you went to school with a prince either lol. Anyways carry on with your “one death from omicron”. If that’s true should be easy to find the numbers to post with your claim. Sounds like granny is a real peach as well lol.
Yeah, you're right. .... I guess I just got a little twisted about being called a dumb Okie. I should prob stay out of the Politics Section, as it seems pretty um...left. You all just do and believe what the media tells you. ..... and yes, Granny is a hoot to travel with.

Omicron link...
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Yeah, you're right. .... I guess I just got a little twisted about being called a dumb Okie. I should prob stay out of the Politics Section, as it seems pretty um...left. You all just do and believe what the media tells you. ..... and yes, Granny is a hoot to travel with.

Omicron link...
lmao oh come on, you had that sweet Ron Johnson youtube video that seems totally legit with the alt scientists round table and everything. Pure gold!

I especially loved the 'I earned everything' after bragging about going to school with a prince and global travels as a kid.

Anyways, have a good time at your resorts with the people being about 90% vaccinated around you so that you can continue to live in your bubble!
lmao oh come on, you had that sweet Ron Johnson youtube video that seems totally legit with the alt scientists round table and everything. Pure gold!

I especially loved the 'I earned everything' after bragging about going to school with a prince and global travels as a kid.

Anyways, have a good time at your resorts with the people being about 90% vaccinated around you so that you can continue to live in your bubble!
He’s a self made man. Like trump. lol
As soon as someone tells me how wealthy they are I lose all respect for that person just sayin!

I like it as a retort to conservative folks, most of the inlaws spend an extraordinary amount of time talking about how much money someone has and "they are doing well for themselves" then being bitchy about it. It's how they measure self worth, and man it takes up a big chunk of conversation.

The home prices thing breaks their brain.
No.. I just shit my pants, and then go take a shower. LOL!... But, I see your point. It's kinda funny how different parts of the World react to this whole situation. Around here, there are no masks as of last year... around mid year things started dropping off as far as masks, partitions at the local shops, etc. .. and then we have friends up in Brooklyn that feel like they are in a prison camp. No card, no entry. They have to show vax cards for thier kids everywhere they go, and it's become so communist like, that they are taking a job in England to escape the madness. It's business as usual here tho. As if it never happened. You can go anywhere without a mask, or card. We only travel in the Summer, due to our Grow cycle, and that's the last time I "had" to mask up was at the airport, and on the plane when we went to Alaska in June. My mother in law got reprimanded by a flight attendant for pulling her mask down. She's pretty spry, and I thought we were going to have to turn the plane around because she got so pissed.
Back to the point. I see how yours is plausible. Makes sense. But some of us are so remotely isolated by our Grow ops, that we're just not around people that much. Paige spent 18 days in a row on our property last year because .... well, we didn't have to be anywhere. She's a prepper tho... when we get down to the last 236th roll of toilet paper, it's time to make a run to Sams to stock back up. We buy a steer every year, so we aways have fresh local beef in the freezer that was killed and processed within 20 miles of us. Only time we need supplies is perishable stuff. I buy 3 cases of wine once a month, but otherwise, im here.
On another note... Omincron, as far as I know, has not killed anyone...(maybe 1 in the UK), but otherwise, it's a cold. No biggie. My first was Delta, and Omni about a month ago. Delta was defiantly a hard hitter, but not the worst I've ever felt. (Flu was the worst), but It just lasted for so long. Like 18 days before I felt normal again. Omni was a non event. Sniffles, no fever, over it within a couple of days, and cases in the US seem to be falling faster than they came on. It's time we all got over it, and start living normal lives again.

i was thinking how many times i have to go into my wallet to swipe a card and that if a business or store wishes me to show my card to get in the door? like you do a million times at the club door or you don't get in..ever bought tickets to anything..a show, concert or game? do they let you walk right in and go to your seat? or do you have to show something at the door?

you are quite a magnificent specimen, Shitbird.
The numbers coming out of Denmark are very bad. Reinfections,hospitalizations of young children and infants is skyrocketing along with the admissions to psychiatric wards has gone vertical. Told you covid attacks the brain, the psych wards are filling up, I know I know it's mild.
The numbers coming out of Denmark are very bad. Reinfections,hospitalizations of young children and infants is skyrocketing along with the admissions to psychiatric wards has gone vertical. Told you covid attacks the brain, the psych wards are filling up, I know I know it's mild.

that's why when dealing with an unknown variable such as plague with new variant, the wait and see approach is prudent.
that's why when dealing with an unknown variable such as plague with new variant, the wait and see approach is prudent.
With regards to the current events I have this bet going on in my head that which will come first ,the end of "waiting and seeing" or I hit Soc. Sec. age, Which will come first? And BTW I'm 57 this June.
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