Getting some surgery tomorrow

I gotta do this shit too. Fuckers been dislocating since I was 18 that's over 18 years, Fuck I'm old. Gotta Hernia surgery about 9 years ago.. they wait till your asleep to shave your balls, and uhh don't eat the same day after your surgery.. you'll puke your brains out.
Should I trim before I go? lol. Hopefully they won’t shave my balls, would be pretty weird if they did I’m getting shoulder surgery.
Should I trim before I go? lol. Hopefully they won’t shave my balls, would be pretty weird if they did I’m getting shoulder surgery.
No if you cut yourself the deals off. It was just slightly traumatizing. I was like it will just be some old lady it will be fine. Then I get there and was not 1 but 3 super hotties like a porno all different styles, one dark, one blonde, one asain..but no ball shave then they wheel me in, and I wake up with shaved I just imagine that they were like taking pictures with my junk posing with it, or all standing around pointing and laughing floppi g it around all hibbidy bibbiddy..It's like getting blackout drunk in mexico and waking up with shaved balls
No if you cut yourself the deals off. It was just slightly traumatizing. I was like it will just be some old lady it will be fine. Then I get there and was not 1 but 3 super hotties like a porno all different styles, one dark, one blonde, one asain..but no ball shave then they wheel me in, and I wake up with shaved I just imagine that they were like taking pictures with my junk posing with it, or all standing around pointing and laughing floppi g it around all hibbidy bibbiddy..It's like getting blackout drunk in mexico and waking up with shaved balls
It's worse than you know. During the excitatory stage of general anesthetic induction guys get raging boners!
You mean where you make sure you attach a metal ring to make a non-radiopaque towel visible for x-ray so you can pack off a thorax or abdomen quickly yet find it again, after the thrill of the trauma is over?

GL with your surgery!! Hope all goes as planned.. Quick humiliating hospital story for entertainment. A couple years back I found a lump on one of the berries... Went in for an ultrasound. Had a cute nurse give me a towel and told me to release the crackin.. She told me she couldn't be in the room alone and someone else would be joining. She left the room... I got all ready and I was getting supper nervous because I was younger and the nurse was very attractive. I thought well at least there will be another person in the room to make it less awkward.. The nurse comes back about 20 minutes later with an even hotter girl.. I felt humiliated sitting there with my berries out and ready for inspection.

Oh and also my GP at the time was my best friends Dad so he got to inspect the goods first. There was a lot of jokes made about his father and my nuts =/ ... BTW everything turned out to be fine, next time I'll die before going through that again :oops:
I gotta do this shit too. Fuckers been dislocating since I was 18 that's over 18 years, Fuck I'm old. Gotta Hernia surgery about 9 years ago.. they wait till your asleep to shave your balls, and uhh don't eat the same day after your surgery.. you'll puke your brains out.
Straight razor really does a nice job with the hot towel treatment prior to shave, then a splash of aftershave to wake you back up.