Slow growth

Here two pics were taken under low light, will give them another week.
View attachment 5079950View attachment 5079951
Are those what you are currently flowering? If so I'm not interested in those.

You specifically said you chopped some plants after 50 days of flower. I'm interested in seeing pictures of those plants.

If they looked like the two pictures you shared then you chopped early, they weren't ready.
Are those what you are currently flowering? If so I'm not interested in those.

You specifically said you chopped some plants after 50 days of flower. I'm interested in seeing pictures of those plants.

If they looked like the two pictures you shared then you chopped early, they weren't ready.
yes, there are my current plants, in general, I don't keep photos of my plants for a long time, don't see what difference it makes, two different strains in my flower room under two different lights, I think they will be ready to chop in a weeks time, that's less than 60 days
yes, there are my current plants, in general, I don't keep photos of my plants for a long time, don't see what difference it makes, two different strains in my flower room under two different lights, I think they will be ready to chop in a weeks time, that's less than 60 days
Ok if you think those are ready in a week then you're harvesting early. It's ok though they're your plants.
philips 4000Ks are 121lm/w because they provide higher greens than 3000Ks thats what usually happens with low cri and high kelvin diodes all around, a top bin cree 80cri 4000K diode pushes 160lm/w for example and again with a better spectrum

even an 80cri 3000 led bulb will provide more green and less red so your lux reading will be higher than a 90cri 3000 led bulb with equal wattage because lux is for human eyes and humans see greens and yellows brighter but reds are more efficient in photosynthesis in accordance with the clorophyll a and b peaks and mccree curve. the only reason the crees i picked for my setup provides 120+lm/w is because its a high cri diode with higher reds not because they are somewhat lower in efficiency as in the case of led bulbs (they run hot and spectrum is worse not bad just worse)

so overall a cree diode will provide more usuable light per w both because its higher in red (spectrum) and on top of that also because it convert more electricity to light instead of heat (efficiency) compared to a led bulb

i ran 28w ft2 which is more than enough and even 50K is not necessary with cree diodes unless supplementing with co2 so i try to shoot for 40K max

Been looking on amazon and ebay, 100w drives start from £20 each, £10 cpu heatsink should take upto 50w, can't find any high watt cree chips,
What's the difference between low watt cree cobs chips and the chips used in led light bulb, could they be the same chips made in the same factory
yes some of the LED household e27 bulbs have lm301B diodes in them but still, these are not as efficient as what you can get in a rack
- driven at higher current / more heat
- more loss due to a driver for each bulb
- less good binning
but it still works flawless, it's cheap and can be bought in ur city stores.

The reflectors you've fashioned look really nice, what materials did you use for them?