Chuck to Free Weed!


Well-Known Member
Sen. Schumer plans to pass legislation that decriminalizes marijuana on a federal level

NEW YORK — Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer renewed his calls on Friday for the federal decriminalization of marijuana, gathering some of his congressional buds in lower Manhattan to make his case after working to roll up Republican support over the past several months. “Change has been urgently needed for a long time,” Schumer said, highlighting the disproportionate impact marijuana laws have had on Black communities. “The good news is we’re on the edge of getting change, because the opinions throughout America are changing.”

Get Mitch on board by hyping Kentucky's historic Hemp value!
The SAFE act has passed the House 5 times, and the MORE act passed again last Dec. Congress needs to get off their asses before anything will happen, and with all the "old guard" in place being fed the "evil demon weed" BS for 50 years, don't see much happening anytime soon unless a bolt of lightning hits their head and they have an epiphany.
Isn't ole Chucky Boy just a darling? He's for legalization now, but not too long ago he was a prohibitionist.

Fuck him and his "permission".
People should just grow it, trade in it, if they are inclined to and not need permission from anyone.

Legalization will be a shitshow and protect "big weed" while stomping on freedom. Same shit all the time. Legal and regulated is a trap. It takes your right and turns it into a revokable government granted privilege and you silly liberals fall for that shit all the time. Also, fuck Neil Young that free speech stealing copout.
Isn't ole Chucky Boy just a darling? He's for legalization now, but not too long ago he was a prohibitionist.
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I tried to find this prohibitionist history that you say is there but couldn't find it. No way you are full of shit is there?

Legalization will be a shitshow and protect "big weed" while stomping on freedom.
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I actually think this has a chance of passing sooner rather than later. The biggest pushback will be from deep pocketed private entities setting up grow operations in recently legalized states. If it passes there could be a flood of weed from other states flowing in. Oregon has already passed a bill to import and export cannabis across state lines and there is over a million pounds of cannabis just waiting to be exported.

"The policy would give the state’s marijuana businesses the ability to export some of that excess marijuana that’s driven down prices and redirect it to underserved markets in surrounding states."


Neil Young probably spent all day scrubbing the internet. If you used google, what did you expect?
Schumer, one of the "old guard" changed his stance in 2018 only when he saw how it would help him in the voting booth. Before that, he was just like the rest of the old codgers touting the "evil demon weed" flag
Kudos to him for,trying, but it will just hit Congress, and be ignored unless something drastic happens. Many times "legalization" bills have passed the Senate, only to be stalled and not voted on by Congress.
Reason magazine, published an article on 4/20/18.

Chucky was for a "drug free America" NOT LONG AGO. Almost Biden level hypocrite. Biden was all for locking people up and throwing away the key for drugs, except, well, Hunter.
Reason magazine, published an article on 4/20/18.

Chucky was for a "drug free America" NOT LONG AGO. Almost Biden level hypocrite. Biden was all for locking people up and throwing away the key for drugs, except, well, Hunter.
Exactly!!!!!!! Took what I was typing right away from me, LOL!!!!! Once he found that 2/3 of Americans were on board with "Legalization" he was all about changing his stance and gathering the wagons. Only once the "old guard" in Congress dies off, retires, or are voted out will we see much progress forward. The Senate has already "approved" the MORE Act 5 times, to only have it sit in the "we won't deal with this bin" by Congress.
Who cares about the past. If they can push this through then look towards the future of cannabis decriminalized at the federal level. It doesn't really matter what some politician said a few years ago. They all talk out of both sides of their mouths. Hell, John Boehner the former Republican Speaker of the House is a high paid lobbyist for the cannabis industry.

It would be a win for Biden so he's be on board. Most of America is baffled that cannabis is a schedule 1 drug but Meth and cocaine is schedule 2. A majority of Americans are for decriminalization. Biden would take a victory lap and pretend like he was for it all along. Politics 101.
Who cares about the past.

I could forgive most of the prohibitionists if they restituted the people they harmed.

Chuck and his policies put some good people in jail, advanced the racist drug war and stole property. That's why we should care about the past.
Where are the reparations in this bill?

Turn Schumer upside down and shake him and watch all the stolen money fall out of BOTH SIDES of his pockets. He should apologize to all the black people his prohibitionist policies sent to jail! Reparations Now !!!

When I say "reparations", I mean take the money from any politicians today who voted prohibitionist then and give it to all their victims. Not from any of you stoners alive today who never owned any prohibition slaves.

Justice !!
Doth your memory fail you?

Did he ask the 2004 Chuck Schumer who accepted honors for being a Prohibitionist?

That version of the snake Schumer woulda jizzed Semena all over his present day Manchin.

ahhhhhh, the opine changes; look at Sinema she's completely opposite of what she was when Emily's List endorsed her. They no longer endorse her.
I could forgive most of the prohibitionists if they restituted the people they harmed.

Chuck and his policies put some good people in jail, advanced the racist drug war and stole property. That's why we should care about the past.

I should clarify what I said as the past is important. I should have said we need to move on and if this clown wants to start the car then let him.