Convoy? ..Convoy!

Correct but only 10% of them are a nuisance to society, like the other idiots in the convoy.

Most tow truck drivers would pounce on an opportunity to make a lot of money as they can be a particularly opportunistic group. The vultures of the highway.
They probably could, most of them are
Fairly clever too.
Knowing if you go unlawfully hook one of those convoy trucks, probably be your last.
You’re correct towing semi is big money,
Whatever tow company choose to do
Those truckers blacklist the tow company in a heartbeat. Besides they brought in the horses. Fuck with that horse and you’ll be looking at animals rights lawsuits exc blah blah.
They probably could, most of them are
Fairly clever too.
Knowing if you go unlawfully hook one of those convoy trucks, probably be your last.
You’re correct towing semi is big money,
Whatever tow company choose to do
Those truckers blacklist the tow company in a heartbeat.
doubt it. Only a small percentage of the trucking industry is on the side of the malcontents.
doubt it. Only a small percentage of the trucking industry is on the side of the malcontents.
ever heard the phrase "tempest in a teacup?"....looks like numbers have been VASTLY overinflated...
more like a couple thousand, no where near 50,000...and almost all of the "viral" images are mislabeled, from years ago...
i think they could tow all of them in short order, and if one of the commie companies that allowed their driver to participate tries to "blacklist"
any tow companies, i'm pretty sure the tow companies can make it without their dirty dollars....matter of fact, i think almost everyone who lives in Ottowa hate the motherfuckers, and wouldn't piss on one of them if they were on fire...
On the bright side, it’s going to be harder to get to Sarnia.
Opinions from the internet, sound thinking.

"I believe the Canadian trucker strike is not about Covid at all. It’s a US Republican funded plan to further disrupt our supply chain so we will blame it on Biden."
Blame Biden for screwing up the Super Bowl lol

Curious about documented physical harm to people during blm and antifa protests in 2020-2021 or effects on local economies/business owners vs the protests currently happening in Canada.

apparently people have had there masks ripped off and gay immigrants from Russia are afraid to go outside! Because, hate?

“I just don’t feel safe to be there," Romanov, who travels downtown every day to work as a food delivery driver, told NBC News. “I do not feel safe in downtown Ottawa right now because I have a feeling if people will learn that I’m a refugee and a gay, I’m afraid of some trouble there and to be honest, I am a little bit disappointed that this protest (is) still happening across Canada."

There is another person referenced in that article that says his building was set on fire but cannot confirm it was the protestors. That would be a terrible line to cross and those kinds of “protestors” should be tried and jailed.

reporting sure seems to be skewed this time around
Curious about documented physical harm to people during blm and antifa protests in 2020-2021 or effects on local economies/business owners vs the protests currently happening in Canada.

apparently people have had there masks ripped off and gay immigrants from Russia are afraid to go outside! Because, hate?

“I just don’t feel safe to be there," Romanov, who travels downtown every day to work as a food delivery driver, told NBC News. “I do not feel safe in downtown Ottawa right now because I have a feeling if people will learn that I’m a refugee and a gay, I’m afraid of some trouble there and to be honest, I am a little bit disappointed that this protest (is) still happening across Canada."

There is another person referenced in that article that says his building was set on fire but cannot confirm it was the protestors. That would be a terrible line to cross and those kinds of “protestors” should be tried and jailed.

reporting sure seems to be skewed this time around
We know for sure a right wing radical named Kyle shot a few
Curious about documented physical harm to people during blm and antifa protests in 2020-2021 or effects on local economies/business owners vs the protests currently happening in Canada.

apparently people have had there masks ripped off and gay immigrants from Russia are afraid to go outside! Because, hate?

“I just don’t feel safe to be there," Romanov, who travels downtown every day to work as a food delivery driver, told NBC News. “I do not feel safe in downtown Ottawa right now because I have a feeling if people will learn that I’m a refugee and a gay, I’m afraid of some trouble there and to be honest, I am a little bit disappointed that this protest (is) still happening across Canada."

There is another person referenced in that article that says his building was set on fire but cannot confirm it was the protestors. That would be a terrible line to cross and those kinds of “protestors” should be tried and jailed.

reporting sure seems to be skewed this time around
Shouldn't the struggle against creeping fascism in the US stay in the US? Same with BLM protests against police brutality and heroic actions by Antifa to oppose fascist goons. Why take the struggle north and into a country that has little to do with the remnants of the "peculiar institution"?