Is Afghan Kush Really Worth This Much?

well depends on who grew it, its ancestry and supply and demand.If its done perfect from proven stock figure some ozs can be 300 or more and oz so 16x 300 would be 4800 and I know alot of different ozs from other strains selling for more or less.Saw some trainwreck going for outragous $450 and oz and some real good diesel going for $200 so yeah prices can be that much if done by a good grower with practice but not lower grade inexpirenced grows..
I was looking for some nice kush picks when i look at wikipedia and i see this

this is an exsact quote

"Afghan Kush is an expensive variety of cannabis with prices at around $3,200 per pound."

if you dont belive me look at the site here
Afghan Kush - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

neways do you guys think this is true or just a load of caca?

In england we have the pound as currency and we work primarily in kilo's, which is fairly strange when you consider we sell in ounces. Anyway, a kilo here costs from 3.3 to 4, 000 pounds or 6.5 to 7.5 thousand dollars. A pound in weight is about half a kilo. So a pound over here costs at least $3, 200 per pound.

In my country we don't have low quality weed. Unless someone fucks up a grow.
well depends on who grew it, its ancestry and supply and demand.If its done perfect from proven stock figure some ozs can be 300 or more and oz so 16x 300 would be 4800 and I know alot of different ozs from other strains selling for more or less.Saw some trainwreck going for outragous $450 and oz and some real good diesel going for $200 so yeah prices can be that much if done by a good grower with practice but not lower grade inexpirenced grows..

I just picked up an Oz of Afghan for $425 this morning. It hurt me to do it, but it had been so dry around here as of late.
I was looking for some nice kush picks when i look at wikipedia and i see this

this is an exsact quote

"Afghan Kush is an expensive variety of cannabis with prices at around $3,200 per pound."

if you dont belive me look at the site here
Afghan Kush - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

neways do you guys think this is true or just a load of caca?
It mostly depends on the region you are at that dictates the price. Then comes the laws of supply and demand. Then comes if the strain is being circulated alot. Hell whenever we have the flood ( as we call it ) when the outdoor product starts moving out in huge amounts it does not affect the prices of indoor product too much. Bottom line indoor in terms of thc potency surpasses that of outdoor.
thats pretty cheap any brand name could get 4 easy around here and that is low end if you really wanted you could get 5g fr a lb
3200 is pretty cheap for afghani thats 800 a qp if you can find more then half ounce of og purp or afghani in toronto it goes for 90$ for a quarter
3200 isnt bad at all, if you turned around and sold all of it and managed not to smoke it then you could double your money just by selling for 100 a quarter