Convoy? ..Convoy!

Instead of your good ideas like turning firehoses on protesters, soaking them with urine, or killing them by dropping weights on their heads from tall buildings, how about dropping the vaccine mandates and give people the freedom to choose whether or not to get vaccinated. That would end the protests. I mean, if ending the protest is really your goal then why not?
Instead of your good ideas like turning firehoses on protesters, soaking them with urine, or killing them by dropping weights on their heads from tall buildings, how about dropping the vaccine mandates and give people the freedom to choose whether or not to get vaccinated. That would end the protests. I mean, if ending the protest is really your goal then why not?
What vaccine mandate?

They never didn't have the option to choose to not get the vaccine, they are just snow flaking about others not wanting to have to pay for them when they get sick or have them spread the virus across borders because they are brainwashed death cultists.
Instead of your good ideas like turning firehoses on protesters, soaking them with urine, or killing them by dropping weights on their heads from tall buildings, how about dropping the vaccine mandates and give people the freedom to choose whether or not to get vaccinated. That would end the protests. I mean, if ending the protest is really your goal then why not?
well, at this point, since the government is tired of doing this :wall: with fucking antivaxx fuckhead morons, why not?
if you cocksuckers would have cooperated from the beginning, instead of being whining cunts, we would quite probably be at herd immunity, and this would all be moot, but cowardly neckbeard qanon conspiracy theorist morons had to kick up a fuss and fuck everything for everyone, just like they try to fuck up everything they can't quite understand...which is, quite literally, almost everything...
but at this point? i'm vacced and boosted, and seem to have good natural it's fine with me if they stop all the measures to stop the spread, the unvaxxed are 97 times more likely to die than the vaccinated, seems like a win to me....except for the very young who can't be vaccinated, and those with pre existing conditions that prevent it...but hey, they're weak links, right, fuck them....fuck everyone who doesn't want to inhale your fucking virus ridden breath....
Instead of your good ideas like turning firehoses on protesters, soaking them with urine, or killing them by dropping weights on their heads from tall buildings, how about dropping the vaccine mandates and give people the freedom to choose whether or not to get vaccinated. That would end the protests. I mean, if ending the protest is really your goal then why not?
Instead of your good ideas like turning firehoses on protesters, soaking them with urine, or killing them by dropping weights on their heads from tall buildings, how about dropping the vaccine mandates and give people the freedom to choose whether or not to get vaccinated. That would end the protests. I mean, if ending the protest is really your goal then why not?
There are no vaccine mandates in Canada.
Some people have legitimate grievances, this bunch ain't among them. The freedom they demand, is the freedom of a lot less than 10% of the population to determine public policy, sorry, we elect people for that regularly and these clowns ain't among them.

Moving on these fools on a weekend is a mistake, it should be done late at night (no kids) and on a week day, secure the area first and let no one else in FFS! There are a lot of 18 to 30 YO hangers on, many of them are even vaxxed who show up to mostly rubber neck.

Restrictions are being lifted, but on expert advice, not that of some neck beard wearing a flag while blocking a road.
But what freedom is it they want but don’t have? The freedom to trump (hehehe) my freedom to “safely” eat, shop, and partake many public venues? Fuck that!!!!!
Instead of your good ideas like turning firehoses on protesters, soaking them with urine, or killing them by dropping weights on their heads from tall buildings, how about dropping the vaccine mandates and give people the freedom to choose whether or not to get vaccinated. That would end the protests. I mean, if ending the protest is really your goal then why not?
They are 100% free to choose to not get vaccinated, they just will not be able to transport a commercial vehicle across the border until that mandate runs its course.

You don't get to decide a law doesn't apply to you when it's an inconvenience.
They are 100% free to choose to not get vaccinated, they just will not be able to transport a commercial vehicle across the border until that mandate runs its course.

You don't get to decide a law doesn't apply to you when it's an inconvenience.
Well said. Completely agree. If you don't like the law, change it, don't break it. Not unless you are willing to face the consequences. I don't think anybody tried to crash the border. So, it's not as if they broke the law that mandated vaccination of truckers crossing the border.

Anti-mandate sentiment is a reasonable source of disagreement. I can argue for or against mandates without needing to cite fake bs conspiracies. That said, the protesters weren't sticking to reason. Nor were their actions, such as targeting and menacing healthcare workers, reasonable.

Regarding the laws that they broke, there is a long history of protesters doing the time for their crimes. If one is willing to go so far as to break laws they should deal with it in the courts. Doing time is part of the protest. Activists can gain support when they show the depth of their commitment from prison.


Something tells me that these "truckers" (I'm skeptical that they are actually working truckers) are going to howl like struck dogs when they see their punishments. I'm very curious to see how many of the arrested are even Canadian.
Instead of your good ideas like turning firehoses on protesters, soaking them with urine, or killing them by dropping weights on their heads from tall buildings, how about dropping the vaccine mandates and give people the freedom to choose whether or not to get vaccinated. That would end the protests. I mean, if ending the protest is really your goal then why not?
Interning the idiots, towing the trucks and impounding them will end it too. We elect people to determine public policy based on expert advice, it is NOT gonna be determined by some neck beard idiot wearing a flag while blocking a road. A super majority of Canadians want these assholes imprisoned for a couple of years and I'm among them. Confiscate the trucks and auction them off, and suspend their licenses, bring in a few thousand more experienced truckers from the middle east and Asia, some idiots need replacing.
well, at this point, since the government is tired of doing this :wall: with fucking antivaxx fuckhead morons, why not?
if you cocksuckers would have cooperated from the beginning, instead of being whining cunts, we would quite probably be at herd immunity, and this would all be moot, but cowardly neckbeard qanon conspiracy theorist morons had to kick up a fuss and fuck everything for everyone, just like they try to fuck up everything they can't quite understand...which is, quite literally, almost everything...
but at this point? i'm vacced and boosted, and seem to have good natural it's fine with me if they stop all the measures to stop the spread, the unvaxxed are 97 times more likely to die than the vaccinated, seems like a win to me....except for the very young who can't be vaccinated, and those with pre existing conditions that prevent it...but hey, they're weak links, right, fuck them....fuck everyone who doesn't want to inhale your fucking virus ridden breath....
Covid can cause miscarriage too.
Isolate and concentrate force, first do the border crossings, identify and detain the hardcore elements and impound the trucks. Next concentrate on Ottawa and do it section by section if required, clearing out idiots and towing trucks. They should kettle the hard cores and not disperse them, they need to be arrested, heavily fined and not allowed to reform into new blockades.
Instead of your good ideas like turning firehoses on protesters, soaking them with urine, or killing them by dropping weights on their heads from tall buildings, how about dropping the vaccine mandates and give people the freedom to choose whether or not to get vaccinated. That would end the protests. I mean, if ending the protest is really your goal then why not?
well, at this point, since the government is tired of doing this :wall: with fucking antivaxx fuckhead morons, why not?
if you cocksuckers would have cooperated from the beginning, instead of being whining cunts, we would quite probably be at herd immunity, and this would all be moot, but cowardly neckbeard qanon conspiracy theorist morons had to kick up a fuss and fuck everything for everyone, just like they try to fuck up everything they can't quite understand...which is, quite literally, almost everything...
but at this point? i'm vacced and boosted, and seem to have good natural it's fine with me if they stop all the measures to stop the spread, the unvaxxed are 97 times more likely to die than the vaccinated, seems like a win to me....except for the very young who can't be vaccinated, and those with pre existing conditions that prevent it...but hey, they're weak links, right, fuck them....fuck everyone who doesn't want to inhale your fucking virus ridden breath....
I know multiple people who have been double jabbed and boosted and have still gotten covid. Why would you still, after all we know and have seen, still want to mandate a leaky vaccine? Heck, data out of the UK is now showing that a higher % of vaccinated folks are getting infected vs unvaxxed. The people who still want vax mandates clearly aren't following the science they preach of, just some pitbulls who can't drop their bone.
I know multiple people who have been double jabbed and boosted and have still gotten covid. Why would you still, after all we know and have seen, still want to mandate a leaky vaccine? Heck, data out of the UK is now showing that a higher % of vaccinated folks are getting infected vs unvaxxed. The people who still want vax mandates clearly aren't following the science they preach of, just some pitbulls who can't drop their bone.

I got the vaccine even though i had covid once because my employer required it and i make good money. I got covid again last month lol. The first time zero symptoms, the second was like a bad flu.
Yeah Republicans are so radical for endorsing traffic jams... but its totally mainstream when democrats endorse burning and looting. I'm totally with you.
I guess you're all in on the insurrectionists storming the capitol and Trump's sedition. You can't steal your way to power and the fact that you know you have to cheat to win means you also know you're a loser. The Canadian clowns will be dealt with soon enough, nearly 3/4s of the country want them jailed for 2 years, according to a recent poll. It's a great way to become unpopular fast and when you're unpopular the government can have their way with ya, since nobody gives a fuck about ya.
I guess you're all in on the insurrectionists storming the capitol and Trump's sedition. You can't steal your way to power and the fact that you know you have to cheat to win means you also know you're a loser. The Canadian clowns will be dealt with soon enough, nearly 3/4s of the country want them jailed for 2 years, according to a recent poll. It's a great way to become unpopular fast and when you're unpopular the government can have their way with ya, since nobody gives a fuck about ya.

I'm an independent. I was a Trump Supporter until recently if I'm being honest. I really believed in the drain the swamp message. That's what I'm about. But, Alas, in the end he became part of the swamp.