well, at this point, since the government is tired of doing this

with fucking antivaxx fuckhead morons, why not?
if you cocksuckers would have cooperated from the beginning, instead of being whining cunts, we would quite probably be at herd immunity, and this would all be moot, but cowardly neckbeard qanon conspiracy theorist morons had to kick up a fuss and fuck everything for everyone, just like they try to fuck up everything they can't quite understand...which is, quite literally, almost everything...
but at this point? i'm vacced and boosted, and seem to have good natural immunity...so it's fine with me if they stop all the measures to stop the spread, the unvaxxed are 97 times more likely to die than the vaccinated, seems like a win to me....except for the very young who can't be vaccinated, and those with pre existing conditions that prevent it...but hey, they're weak links, right, fuck them....fuck everyone who doesn't want to inhale your fucking virus ridden breath....