Corrupt as week old road kill. Authoritarian states are a pox on humanity.

I was killing time, waiting patiently for this post that you teased us was forthcoming.
I was happy to see some responses. The olympic story was actually just a bit of candy to get people to read it and engage. The topic about corruption is probably more than what a lot of people want to see when they come here. More attention is given to pedos than current events.

I was planning to let the thread recede and disappear if there was no interest. So, thanks for the interest. I feel kind of stupid putting this much energy into it but I'm writing this for my benefit. I've been reading up on the subject and it's shaping my beliefs. Writing my thoughts down forces me to get it in order. It's also a test to see if what I'm thinking makes sense. If I can't see sense of it in written form how can I make sense of it to others and does it really make sense at all? Forces me to think through what I've learned. Another version of the "Say it out loud" test for sensibility.

The story is much larger than Trump but I'm using him as a tease to keep people's interest. I've done a lot of presentations regarding very dry topics. As they said at the beginning of Dragnet, this story is one of them.
She is a competitor caught with a banned substance and should be disqualified from competing just like any other competitor caught with a banned substance.

No gold medal for you Svetlana, don’t let the door hit your ass on the way out.
Who knows what is going on with Russia, 'could' be that she has a actual medical reason to have it and they are using her to troll by not giving the Olympic committee her actual medical info so that if they do ban her, Putin gets to snowflake about it as being a conspiracy against them because she .

Most likely it is bullshit, but like everything else with these trolls right now is a possible scam to avoid.

all athletes have to be tested, if she's too young to be tested, then she's too young to participate
I was thinking more like she might have a condition that requires that medication not being able to be known if Russia is playing a game of hiding the truth, because is is a minor.

idk, not standing up for them at all. I think it is bullshit too. I don't even know why they continue to let these cheaters compete.
Who knows what is going on with Russia, 'could' be that she has a actual medical reason to have it and they are using her to troll by not giving the Olympic committee her actual medical info so that if they do ban her, Putin gets to snowflake about it as being a conspiracy against them because she .

Most likely it is bullshit, but like everything else with these trolls right now is a possible scam to avoid.

I was thinking more like she might have a condition that requires that medication not being able to be known if Russia is playing a game of hiding the truth, because is is a minor.

idk, not standing up for them at all. I think it is bullshit too. I don't even know why they continue to let these cheaters compete.
if she requires a medication that is banned for athletes, then she can't be an athlete, at least not in open competition...the fucking rules are the rules, for everyone, equally...i would say exactly the same thing if she was an American, a German, or from the duchy of Grand Fenwick...
the olympics are supposed to bring the world together, to celebrate the accomplishments of committed athletes, who strive to be the best at what they do, and using drugs to give some of them an unfair advantage goes against eveything the olympics are supposed to represent
I remember someone being disqualified a few olympics back because of a banned substance that was in the cough medicine the athlete took. There was no discussion, no delay just a disqualification.

A 15 year old Olympic athlete with a heart condition? That dog don’t hunt. They were pumping her with drugs designed to help her train 20 hours a day.
I remember someone being disqualified a few olympics back because of a banned substance that was in the cough medicine the athlete took. There was no discussion, no delay just a disqualification.

A 15 year old Olympic athlete with a heart condition? That dog don’t hunt. They were pumping her with drugs designed to help her train 20 hours a day.
idk, I guess I really don't put it past Putin to set up a 15 year troll. Find a handful of babies with different issues that require different medication to make them right, train the shit out of them for a decade and a half, during which time Putin's athletes all start getting banned left and right for doping, then eventually those kids are competing and he springs the troll and then snowflakes about how Russia is so wronged and that the world is out to get them.

I dont disagree it is likely pure bullshit I am spewing, but after watching trolls for the last 12 years operate, I can't help but try to see how this (or really anything) could be used by someone trying to discredit anything and everything.

But as for people with heart conditions being high level athletes it does happen.
Who Is Felix Sater, and Why Is Donald Trump So Afraid of Him?
This mob-linked operator and ex-con could be the key to the Russiagate investigation.


Every time someone asks Donald Trump if he knows Felix Sater, his Russian-born, Brooklyn-bred former business associate, Trump draws a blank. Despite the fact that Sater worked on and off for a decade with the Trump Organization, and despite his recent headline-making appearance as an exuberant negotiator on behalf of Trump’s hardnosed attorney, Michael Cohen, in seeking to build a “massive Trump Tower in Moscow” last year, Trump ducks.

His past record includes a conviction for lacerating a man’s face with a broken margarita glass in a bar brawl and his involvement in a multimillion-dollar stock fraud and money-laundering scheme. Despite that record, which came before he worked with Trump, Sater spent nearly a decade working with the Trump Organization in search of deals in Russia and other former Soviet republics. But on August 28, Sater made the front pages of the Times and The Washington Post, thanks to leaked copies of e-mails that he sent in late 2015 and early 2016 to Cohen, concerning Sater’s efforts to work with a group of Russian investors to set up a flagship Trump property in the Russian capital.

“Our boy can become president of the USA and we can engineer it,” wrote Sater. “I will get all of [Vladimir] Putins [sic] team to buy in on this, I will manage this process.… I will get Putin on this program and we will get Donald elected.” Echoing a line that would later become Trump’s own description of why he and Putin might get along, Sater wrote that the Russian leader “only wants to deal with a pragmatic leader, and a successful business man is a good candidate for someone who knows how to deal.”

The very definition of corruption. His picture showed up in the Encyclopedia Britannica online dictionary when I googled for their definition of the word.

Early in his adult life, he was a chiseling thief-NY "businessman" in the late 1980's he lost it in a bar and did time for his mayhem. After that, he got involved in a a pump and dump equities fraud scheme and later, used Russian mob connections to sell gas to gas stations, undercutting competition because he withheld taxes from those sales instead of paying them and used mob connections for protection as well as muscle to expand his operations. Somehow, the worm managed to play both sides of the political world off, acting both as a partner with Russian criminals to help them launder money and as an FBI-CIA informant. He played off both sides to get rich. The CIA helped him avoid yet more jail time when they stood up for him in court before sentencing after he was found guilty for his fraud schemes. His fines were tiny and he did no time or parole.

Sater’s connection with Trump starts in the mid-2000s, when Sater joined a real estate firm called the Bayrock Group, which had been founded in 2001 by Tevfik Arif, a former Soviet official from Kazakhstan. Arif hired Sater in 2003, making him the firm’s chief operating officer. The firm later set up its headquarters on the 24th floor of Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue, just below Trump’s own suite of offices. (Sater’s first office suite, with his criminal enterprise called State Street Capital, had its offices in a Trump-owned building, 40 Wall Street, in the mid-1990s.)

The article is pretty good and I'm not going to quote more of it. The thing is, with his connections, he might be more powerful than Trump and Trump his lackey.

Take note of Bayrock. It's corrupt as week old road kill.
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idk, I guess I really don't put it past Putin to set up a 15 year troll. Find a handful of babies with different issues that require different medication to make them right, train the shit out of them for a decade and a half, during which time Putin's athletes all start getting banned left and right for doping, then eventually those kids are competing and he springs the troll and then snowflakes about how Russia is so wronged and that the world is out to get them.

I dont disagree it is likely pure bullshit I am spewing, but after watching trolls for the last 12 years operate, I can't help but try to see how this (or really anything) could be used by someone trying to discredit anything and everything.

But as for people with heart conditions being high level athletes it does happen.
And then they make them wear the damndest outfits. I think this woman was deliberately shaming them.

if she requires a medication that is banned for athletes, then she can't be an athlete, at least not in open competition...the fucking rules are the rules, for everyone, equally...i would say exactly the same thing if she was an American, a German, or from the duchy of Grand Fenwick...
the olympics are supposed to bring the world together, to celebrate the accomplishments of committed athletes, who strive to be the best at what they do, and using drugs to give some of them an unfair advantage goes against eveything the olympics are supposed to represent
Well my thoughts are put a big bag of weed in each athletes quarters and a vaporizer or edibles…..healthy lifestyle and all. Let them get ripped and have a good time. Fuck the win for country bullshit. It’s way past that :(.
Trump, head of the money laundering empire, Trump Inc. is on friendly terms with Kim Jong Un.

Why is that?

Secret documents show how North Korea launders money through U.S. banks
The documents convey a relentless effort by North Korea to penetrate the global financial system to skirt sanctions.

Turns out it was all a big misunderstanding. Kamila Valieva says she accidentally took her grandfather’s heart medicine.


Glad we cleared that up.
Minors and Russians should not be allowed to compete in the Olympic Games. Who would want their child to go through this?

She tested positive for 3 banned substances and was still allowed to compete in the finals, remember the black american athlete they recently threw out over cannabis?