Which deficiency is this?


Well-Known Member
No heat the serrations are standing up. Tell us all you can for proper diagnosis. As stated your leaf looks dark which is a sign of n tox. The tips are mildly burnt now. Temps,lights media , age water feed etc will get you better answers


Well-Known Member
No heat the serrations are standing up. Tell us all you can for proper diagnosis. As stated your leaf looks dark which is a sign of n tox. The tips are mildly burnt now. Temps,lights media , age water feed etc will get you better answers


Well-Known Member
Definitely too much n imo but might be other issues going on too so give info not more leaf pics


Well-Known Member
Definitely too much n imo but might be other issues going on too so give info not more leaf pics
I give them bat guano. Maybe that was the problem for Nitrogen Toxicity. But I also see rusty spots on leafs. What should I do you think?

It’s not too warm around 24 C degree. And 60% humidity.



Well-Known Member
you have toxicity not deficiency. I wouldn’t add anything but water. If it’s a calcium problem it’s most like being locked out not deficient in media but


Well-Known Member
Imo I’d probably ride that out and just skip a feed and water only, monitor . But I’m pretty low level I’d see what others think as well


Well-Known Member
What’s your medium consist of besides worm castings. Did you add to soil before or too dress? Do you ph water? Are you feeding any liquid fertilizer?

If it was my plant I’d just cut back on feed, but with you using organics that’s not really an option. I mean when I run a big variety in a room I get a few like this and they always finish no issue.