Convoy? ..Convoy!

Have not followed your lock downs but the steps we took really knocked down Delta when we were in trouble. The difference between the rest of the province who took the mandates seriously as compared the the eastern portion of our province where most of the people were antivax shows the actions had an effect. The flattening of the curve to keep the hospitals from being overloaded rather than preventing people from getting sick that is.

Probably some confusion when I say lockdown I'm not only talking about the province wide stay at home orders, but also the reoccurring targeted closing of the health and fitness and hospitality industries. Without a control everything in anecdotal at best, would the curve have flattened without a lockdown? IMHO probably.
I never knew Canada liked hack actors also
Candice Bergman, really?
The head of the Conservatives?
And she sounds EXACTLY like Reagan.
I pity you :(

She's just a caretaker leader. the Liberal dynasty is sure to continue with Pierre Poilievre as the Conservative leader.

What powers does the Emergencies Act give the Canadian government?

Wesley Wark, a senior fellow at the Centre for International Governance Innovation, says Canadians may be surprised there are plans to invoke the never-before-used Emergencies Act, but it will allow the federal government to take the lead in dealing with the Ottawa protests.

Authorities have seized 13 long guns, handguns, multiple sets of body armor, a machete and a large quantity of ammunition and high-capacity magazines connected to a small, organized group within a larger protest at the Canadian-US border crossing in Coutts, Alberta, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police said Monday.
Probably some confusion when I say lockdown I'm not only talking about the province wide stay at home orders, but also the reoccurring targeted closing of the health and fitness and hospitality industries. Without a control everything in anecdotal at best, would the curve have flattened without a lockdown? IMHO probably.
The health and fitness and hospitality industries in Manitoba marched by the province's drummer, no due to the Federal government. When watching Saskatchewan and Alberta, they seemed to have made up their own way also. I never watched BC or out east all that closely.

Authorities have seized 13 long guns, handguns, multiple sets of body armor, a machete and a large quantity of ammunition and high-capacity magazines connected to a small, organized group within a larger protest at the Canadian-US border crossing in Coutts, Alberta, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police said Monday.
Sheete (spit)
That 'nur nuting (spit)
I gots that many guns in my outhouse down here in Tennessee (spit)

Authorities have seized 13 long guns, handguns, multiple sets of body armor, a machete and a large quantity of ammunition and high-capacity magazines connected to a small, organized group within a larger protest at the Canadian-US border crossing in Coutts, Alberta, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police said Monday.
Do not like this writer as he rarely get out of the "Blame Whitey" perspective but I found this article of interest.

Unacceptable use of Indigenous ceremonies
Even while being told to stop, they are not

Last week, a "peace pipe ceremony" at a "sacred fire" was held for "Freedom Convoy" co-leader Patrick King in Confederation Park in Ottawa.
King believes COVID-19 vaccines are a conspiracy meant to, in his words, "track you, follow you, know your every movement you do."

King has said in social-media posts that an "infiltration" led by Muslims, gay and racialized people are pursuing "an endgame, it’s called depopulation of the Caucasian race, or the Anglo-Saxon. And that’s what the goal is, is to depopulate the Anglo-Saxon race because they are the ones with the strongest bloodlines."

King has vowed to "shut down Ottawa" and won’t leave until Prime Minister Justin Trudeau resigns.

Regardless of his "strong bloodline," a handful of Indigenous peoples felt King needed a pipe — a sign of leadership in our communities. A pipe, when assembled in ceremony, represents the unifying of people, ideas and the earth.

It’s a curious, controversial and, frankly, weird conflation of Indigenous culture and the convoy protest.

The "ceremony" for King comes while protesters occupy downtown Ottawa in an effort to force the federal government to end COVID-19 health restrictions and vaccine mandates.

Protesters have repeatedly used Trudeau’s many stumbles on Indigenous issues — and the words of Indigenous peoples themselves — to promote their message that the Liberal government is incompetent.

That might or might not be true, but one only has to look to Idle No More to see what many more Indigenous peoples thought of Stephen Harper and the Conservative party.

Regardless, Indigenous culture is being used at the convoy protest to make a point. A teepee has been raised, "Indigenous flags" such as the Métis infinity symbol have been flown alongside Confederate flags and swastikas, and protesters have used hand drums to add to the overwhelming noise.

This in spite of Indigenous leaders asking them to stop.

Immediately after the "ceremony" for King, leaders from the Algonquin Anishinabeg Nation Tribal Council, the Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg and the Algonquins of Pikwakanagan (in other words, nearly all First Nations in the area) issued a news release.

"The actions that are taking place on our territory… is unacceptable," the release states. "The Algonquin Nation did not give consent to these ceremonial practices and could cause more harm to who we are as First Nations/Algonquin peoples. First Nations and non-Indigenous people should always remember protocol and that permission from us is needed to proceed… If these actions continue, we have no other choice but to support the Ottawa police in their efforts and actions to stop this at once."

The ceremonies, drum circles and pipe ceremonies haven’t abated. They’ve continued and expanded.

Some are led by "traditional" Indigenous peoples, many of whom are anti-vaxxers and willing to overlook words of white supremacy and offer teachings and ceremonies.

One is Manitoba country music singer Tracy Bone of Keeseekoowenin Ojibway Nation, who proudly spoke at King’s "pipe ceremony" and shared it on social media. Decrying vaccines by saying "everything we have learned in this world is backwards," Bone told King people should be taught to "understand signs like angel numbers 111" (the belief angels send messages to humans by showing them patterns of 1).

Bone has also been offering regular video reports from the convoy protest to "correct" the media’s reporting on it.

The "Freedom Convoy" is about "love" and "connection," she states in a video — a message she displays by using an "Every Child Matters" flag as a cape and covering her face with a red hand print, symbolizing murdered and missing Indigenous women and girls.

One wonders how Bone feels about Bradley Barton, the Ontario trucker guilty of the murder of Cindy Gladue or the long, documented history of
Bone is not the only Indigenous person holding ceremonies, supporting people like Patrick King and trying to give an Indigenous face to the convoy. She’s part of a very small minority, like the 10 per cent of truckers who refuse to get vaccinated, or the less than 30 per cent of Canadians who feel concerned about vaccine mandates, according to a recent study by McMaster University.

Bone, like others in the convoy, is using Indigenous culture against the wishes of the majority of Indigenous peoples and communities. Simply put, they are taking the practices, traditions and customs Indigenous communities use for their own selfish and political purposes.

Even while being told to stop, they are not.

There’s a word for that.

It’s called theft.
Sheete (spit)
That 'nur nuting (spit)
I gots that many guns in my outhouse down here in Tennessee (spit)
you have to come down for a couple of days...we don't have any fucking outhouses, we quit fucking anyone closer than a second cousin, and we got dentists years ago...but we do have a lot of guns...bring your own second cousin, though, and everyone should get along fine :roll:
Lot's of journalists will want to know, especially about the high dollar donors and celebrities, I imagine the Canadian government & RCMP would like to know who gave money to this stupidity too. Causing the emergency powers act to be invoked will mean an investigation as to the causes like, foreign donors and will include insubordinate cops with an agenda, who didn't enforce the law, since it was so wide spread, they must have conspired on some level. We will have our own 1/6 panel on this fiasco.
you have to come down for a couple of days...we don't have any fucking outhouses, we quit fucking anyone closer than a second cousin, and we got dentists years ago...but we do have a lot of guns...bring your own second cousin, though, and everyone should get along fine :roll:
I didn't know you were a Tennessean.
I'm sorry
When I say my rosery tonight, I'll pray for you
God bless you, my son.
He's one of the good ones! There are plenty of assholes in upstate NY, but the urbanites outnumber them state wide. Remember all those asshole republican congress people who are from California?
I live in Connecticut , the Home of the Connecticut Yankee & they are assholes mostly.
Cheap snobs that think they are smarter than you and let you know it.
So, basically every state has its own select version asshole (except NY where there are no assholes)
At least Tennessee has good whiskey to dull they're pain.