Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
Sirloin steaks, flowers, and the human girls in the house are all smiling now.

The plant girls, well the older ones are praying and getting flipped to flower tonight, the cuttings have started to put out new growth but are a bit lime in color, not sure if too much light or too little, running at 450-500 ppfd right now, think I may pull it back to about 300 and see if they darken up. All in all a fun grow so far. Around 11ish weeks and I'll get to try their scissor hash and a few weeks after that some greenish but dry flower.


Well-Known Member
Benadryl, seriously. @manfredo it works for anxiety too, although in this instance I'd ask for a prescription for Inderal (propanolol) and take that for your anxiety. It's amazingly effective and reduces b/p too.
Thank you for mentioning that. I see my primary care doctor tomorrow. I was expecting an SSRI. which I have had terrible luck with. They do not agree with me. I will ask for Inderal.

I have been taking Benadryl in the eve it knock me out, but that about all it is helping with. Plus I have an enlarged prostate and the label says not to use before discussing with a doctor.

God, I hope I don't get a finger up the butt tomorrow :o

Sleep has also been tuff.

I am also going to ask him to check my testosterone and endocorine system, but I think it's probably depression and anxiety. Symptoms are very similar.

I did get my right shoulder (the worse one) injected today...He was supposed to the the other shoulder today, but he took pity on my pathetic self!! In fact he injected me like never before....2 places inside the joint and about 6 around the joint...I lost tract. He said "I'm fixing you up good". We'll see in a day or 3.