New grower - how does this look?

Hello all,

this is my first grow

3x3 ac infinity
Spider farmer 3e3000
Biobizz. Lightmix

and so far just a little Biobizz root juice.

this is day 4from sprout. Feels like it’s moving along a little slowly. Am I just being impatient

I have a million questions but I’ll wait until I’ve got my thread going before bombarding everyone

thank yous


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Thank you shaded you answered it lol. I felt like it’s crawling along. I think I planted it to deep then I think I also drowned it so it’s had a hard start to life but I got in moved a little soil and it sprouted and I haven’t given it any water for 3 days till today half a ltr.
What size does it need to be before airflow and exhausting become important at the moment it’s just in there itself with the light
Hello all,

this is my first grow

3x3 ac infinity
Spider farmer 3e3000
Biobizz. Lightmix

and so far just a little Biobizz root juice.

this is day 4from sprout. Feels like it’s moving along a little slowly. Am I just being impatient

I have a million questions but I’ll wait until I’ve got my thread going before bombarding everyone

thank yous
That soil is way to wet
When you start a seed in a fairly large container, it tends to take some time for that "growth spurt". The process is happening beyond your view. Do a simple Google search and learn to water seedlings in larger containers, keep it simple.
She looks fine dude, dont worry about her size it is not a race, just keep her happy and green. Keep the soil moist because that's how microorganisms need it to be, and they will take care of prepping food for your plant. Watering is a practice that takes some experience to understand, but as long as you don't drown her, or ignore her to the point the soil has gone completely dry, she will grow into a beautiful plant.
Thanks all for replying.

yeah I know I’ve overwatered it. In fact the soil in that pic is just freshly watered with 1/2 ltr right before I took it. that’s why it looks so dark it had dried out quite a bit.

I’ve probably been getting carried away reading about this equipment and that nutrient and I’ve made absolutely basic mistakes like watering.

thank you so much for advise. That’s why I joined the forum. I am going for the no smell no sell no tell approach so I don’t really have anyone to ask
So 2 days later (day 6).and leaves starting to yellow. Haven’t given it anything since previous post.
Guessing it is due to overwater. What you think?


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I think messing with baby seedlings can cause them to be stunted and not necessarily something they grow out of
Given your latest experience it might be better to start another in case it doesn’t recover
Also starting another will give you a comparison of how it is doing vs one you started properly
Good luck :leaf:
I think messing with baby seedlings can cause them to be stunted and not necessarily something they grow out of
Given your latest experience it might be better to start another in case it doesn’t recover
Also starting another will give you a comparison of how it is doing vs one you started properly
Good luck :leaf:
Is there anything I should do with this one that could help?
Soak medium now
Soak seed till it sinks usually overnight
Place seed in pot and then put in warm place light isn’t important till it sprouts
Then just let it grow and adapt
Easy as that
Start with that pot you have in your hand, then a 1gal, then transplant into a 3gal or 5 gal.

Its super easy to drown the seedlings if they are in large containers.

Unless u have a auto...