Convoy? ..Convoy!

Fuck them, take their trucks, if ya gotta tow them, fine them $100K and give them a year in jail as a bonus. Warn them, that if their trucks have to be removed, they will be seized and they won't get them back.

Perhaps it would be different if they actually had a fucking cause, but they are a mob without coherent leadership and filled with mentally ill and emotionally unstable people. Their purpose is evaporating before them, as the experts predicted weeks ago and the governments are changing policies in response to expert advice, not in response to these idiots.

This is what happens when people who would be republicans if they were Americans have no political home. Politically these people don't exist, except on the fringes of conservative politics. Every now and again they can coalesce around an issue and more or less self organize. The conservatives would like to get closer to these idiots and their votes, but would get burned if they were too vocal about it.

Trudeau, police promise action coming to end protest
Fuck them, take their trucks, if ya gotta tow them, fine them $100K and give them a year in jail as a bonus. Warn them, that if their trucks have to be removed, they will be seized and they won't get them back.

Perhaps it would be different if they actually had a fucking cause, but they are a mob without coherent leadership and filled with mentally ill and emotionally unstable people. Their purpose is evaporating before them, as the experts predicted weeks ago and the governments are changing policies in response to expert advice, not in response to these idiots.

This is what happens when people who would be republicans if they were Americans have no political home. Politically these people don't exist, except on the fringes of conservative politics. Every now and again they can coalesce around an issue and more or less self organize. The conservatives would like to get closer to these idiots and their votes, but would get burned if they were too vocal about it.

Trudeau, police promise action coming to end protest

Bring in tanks to drag them out, cause as much damage to the trucks as possible.
Fuck them, take their trucks, if ya gotta tow them, fine them $100K and give them a year in jail as a bonus. Warn them, that if their trucks have to be removed, they will be seized and they won't get them back.

Perhaps it would be different if they actually had a fucking cause, but they are a mob without coherent leadership and filled with mentally ill and emotionally unstable people. Their purpose is evaporating before them, as the experts predicted weeks ago and the governments are changing policies in response to expert advice, not in response to these idiots.

This is what happens when people who would be republicans if they were Americans have no political home. Politically these people don't exist, except on the fringes of conservative politics. Every now and again they can coalesce around an issue and more or less self organize. The conservatives would like to get closer to these idiots and their votes, but would get burned if they were too vocal about it.

Trudeau, police promise action coming to end protest

These people have shown they can't use the internet responsibly.

If we aren't willing to shut down social media then the people who will use it to insight chaos need to be kept off of it.
Yes he is, he's going to jail and I hope he stays there for a long fucking time!
it would benefit them if a few of them were arrested? i think he's counting on some kind of sympathy, but only about 35% of Canadians have any sympathy for them what so ever, and less than 20% want any of it to continue...and i'm pretty sure that that 20% are either relatives of the convoy members, people who haven't had to deal with them first hand, or right wing fringe idiots who don't have the balls to join the convoy...
i think they'll be badly disappointed when the expected sympathy never materializes...and they're finally let out of jail, with no money, and no trucks to make money with...wonder if the rich American magats will keep financing them once the convoy is collapsed and their sentences are served?
Like I said, the convoy, as with 1/6 in the states was a mental illness magnet and attracted many with a loose grip on reality. Maybe they should issue the cops butterfly nets and straight jackets for crowd control!

They say Jesus told them to be fear driven antisocial assholes and he's telling everybody else, they are fear driven antisocial assholes. The truth will set you free...
Do the letters tell them that their trucks will be seized and they won't get them back? If they tow it, they keep it and the government is playing for keeps now, as in keeping their trucks and auctioning them off later.
Police give notice to Ottawa truck protesters

Mackenzie Gray is on Parliament Hill where police are distributing notices to protesters, warning that they will be arrested.
Do the letters tell them that their trucks will be seized and they won't get them back? If they tow it, they keep it and the government is playing for keeps now, as in keeping their trucks and auctioning them off later.
Police give notice to Ottawa truck protesters

Mackenzie Gray is on Parliament Hill where police are distributing notices to protesters, warning that they will be arrested.
why are they still there? they should already be in nice warm cells awaiting their trials...and their trucks should be on auction blocks, getting put back to work under responsible, non criminal new owners