Is it a hermaphrodite?

From Michigan and fighting my first dui. 4500 in with attorney so far. Already got papers that they suspended my license for now till I resolve the matter. The 4500 was just getting started

That's what my lawyer cost me who operated a ghost office in Tampa, FL. 3 mos. after hiring him I plead guilty.

Me hiring a lawyer only extended the whole ordeal. Had I plead guilty early on the whole thing would have been over in 2.5 months instead of 6. Florida has many mandatory minimums on DUI (DUI school, 50 hrs com service, 6mos license suspension).

Hope your attorney gets you out of some penalties. DUI was a dark time, I felt awful and like my life was over. LOL. It wasn't. Stay strong.
That's what my lawyer cost me who operated a ghost office in Tampa, FL. 3 mos. after hiring him I plead guilty.

Me hiring a lawyer only extended the whole ordeal. Had I plead guilty early on the whole thing would have been over in 2.5 months instead of 6. Florida has many mandatory minimums on DUI (DUI school, 50 hrs com service, 6mos license suspension).

Hope your attorney gets you out of some penalties. DUI was a dark time, I felt awful and like my life was over. LOL. It wasn't. Stay strong.
I just got sentenced other day. 1500 in fines. 4500 to attorney. 6 alcohol classes. License restricted till April. I’m sure that the classes will cost. Case was dropped to a impaired. Not sure how that helped because I feel it’s still a dui. Plus side I slowed my drinking way way down. Was a major reality check. I lived like I was untouchable for many many a years. Not to worried about the restricted license. I work 6 elevens every week and my boss typed me up a letter to keep in car. Whole situation was fucked up but we live to learn. I just gotta try to be a better person and not drive if I drank. Glad I didn’t get a breathalyzer in car or put on that color code bs. It helped a lot in court that I’m in New York for work. Seemed like they didn’t wanna hit me as hard. They know I know I fucked up.
I just got sentenced other day. 1500 in fines. 4500 to attorney. 6 alcohol classes. License restricted till April. I’m sure that the classes will cost. Case was dropped to a impaired. Not sure how that helped because I feel it’s still a dui. Plus side I slowed my drinking way way down. Was a major reality check. I lived like I was untouchable for many many a years. Not to worried about the restricted license. I work 6 elevens every week and my boss typed me up a letter to keep in car. Whole situation was fucked up but we live to learn. I just gotta try to be a better person and not drive if I drank. Glad I didn’t get a breathalyzer in car or put on that color code bs. It helped a lot in court that I’m in New York for work. Seemed like they didn’t wanna hit me as hard. They know I know I fucked up.
Also love that weed is legal in Michigan. They asked me if I would drop dirty. I told them for pot and there literal words were “ that’s legal , we mean real drugs “.