

Well-Known Member
Ahhh, you suffer from the Leave it to Beaver or The Brady Bunch syndrome so many outside America fantasize about. That's lovely.

Third time, how has America been a guiding light to you?

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
Ahhh, you suffer from the Leave it to Beaver or The Brady Bunch syndrome so many outside America fantasize about. That's lovely.

Third time, how has America been a guiding light to you?
haha! More like Futurama!

O it hasn't. Americas perhaps the most war like, lying, corrupt, intimidating, aggressive, arrogant country the worlds seen so far. But it can do better and it can become the guiding light it should of been.
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Well-Known Member
But I do understand that America is in the midst of insurrection and even maybe, just maybe the early stages of breakaway states or worse. I do.

Some of you think i'm anti American and that's far from the truth. The worlds democracies need America to be the guiding light, its protector. But it also needs to be held accountable. It needs to be held accountable because it is a democracy and it wields so much diverstating power. People who question and bring to light should be encouraged so that its people has more control over what its Gov does. It makes America and how its viewed and dealt with on a world scale much, much stronger.
Well hopefully once we are done with this foreign backed attack and oust people like your fellow countryman Rupert Murdoch (the guy that owns what 65% of the information flow you guys get) who is also helping in the destruction of our nation, we can be done hearing the Russian anti-American narrative coming out of people who say they are not anti-American (and doing us a favor by shit talking us nonstop).

Screen Shot 2022-02-18 at 7.01.43 AM.png
Feel free to do your own searching but its been reported a fair bit.

"On Monday, Mr Zelensky told the nation that the situation was "under control" and that there was "no reason to panic".

In an interview aired late on Monday, the Defence Minister acknowledged that "there are risky scenarios" that "are possible and probable in the future".

Oleksiy Danilov, the secretary of Ukraine's National Security and Defence Council, echoed that sentiment, saying that the movement of Russian troops near Ukraine's border was "not news".

"As of today, we don't see any grounds for statements about a full-scale offensive on our country," Mr Danilov said Monday"

The Russian's just shelled a bunch of little kids school in the hopes that they could trigger a false flag 'counter-attack' when the Ukrainians lit them up like they deserved.

And here you are pushing like it is somehow America's fault.

That is


Well-Known Member
haha! More like Futurama!

O it hasn't. Americas perhaps the most war like, lying, corrupt, intimidating, aggressive, arrogant country the worlds seen so far. But it can do better and it can become the guiding light it should of been.
Nobody's perfect.

The US is the most powerful which isn't a bad thing & has chosen the role of the world's policeman, which has been a very good thing in the past. The Serbian Muslims can attest to that. That predisposes a country to be war like. But we're certainly not the most corrupt although it is getting much worse over the last few years. Legislators are addressing the corruption issue, at least one party is anyway. The most lying? No, absolutely not. Seriously how can you put the US behind countries with dictators or other democratic countries like Israel, Hungary, India, etc. Arrogant, absolutely. The role of guiding light is getting much more difficult because of the effectiveness of propaganda through social media. Let's hope it can return to that.


Well-Known Member
Foreign powers have tried to interfere in elections for probably hundreds of years.

So Fogdog is having a go at Australia for bringing in a law to help prevent foreign intervention on elected officials and elections and the US has no laws in place despite it happening in at least (at the very least) the last two US Federal elections? You would think it would be a priority before the next election especially after the attempted take over of your democracy by the Republican party in attempting to instill a Dictator. Who is still free to run in the next election..

I don't know why Fogdog thinks its a bad law but I for one are happy its in place and it is identifying issues and prosecuting. I'm kinda shocked it hasn't been addressed by your lawmakers and people like Fogdog don't want it.
Unfortunately not every country has a top notch government and political system like Australia.



Well-Known Member
Bidens been escalating the whole thing for weeks now. Biden says this, Biden threatens that. Even the leader of Ukraine has asked him to calm down as he is just making things worse. Guess its to try to make him look strong to the American people and booster his polls, Americans love a war. Guess Murdock is also fanning the flames. Dangerous game they are playing.
I would have thought the one amassing troops on the Ukrainian border was the one escalating things but I don’t have your insight.


Well-Known Member
They started upgrading the A-10 warthog a couple years ago, suppose to be even more of a bad ass, they're deployed near Ukraine now. If the shirtless midget gets cute he will lose a lot of tanks and rocket launchers.
I really respect the A10 Warthog, it's built so well that our gov. and military can't get rid of it(they've tried). In order to use them against a capable adversary there would have to be a concentrated effort to take out air defenses and be escorted by fighters,if you just sent A10's in without attrition of air defenses,A LOT of A10's would be lost,the Russian's have a savage multi-layered air defense system accompanying there armor.


Well-Known Member
I would have thought the one amassing troops on the Ukrainian border was the one escalating things but I don’t have your insight.
Who is that guy,Americans don't love war, yeah we are a country w/too many guns and problems,but our warts are there for everyone to see, and we never conquered territory in wars,look at our relationship w/Japan all that nasty island fighting now a close ally.


Well-Known Member
I see Biden's repeated messaging about "invasion imminent" as a troll on Putin. I get the sense that Putin's strategy depended on US saying "oh nooooes, we'll negotiate, what do you want Vlad". Instead it's: "sources say false flag and invasion imminent. If you invade, we will take away your bankroll with sanctions and make all of Russia regret you were ever born" (OK, so not literally, artistic license and all that)
Biden is doing the best he can IMO,like he really needs this shit,I just hope all this BS he has to contend with before Vlad had a temper tantrum for attention added to it all,that he can keep his 78 yo mind in tact,damn the weight of all these issues on the man.


Well-Known Member
But I do understand that America is in the midst of insurrection and even maybe, just maybe the early stages of breakaway states or worse. I do.

Some of you think i'm anti American and that's far from the truth. The worlds democracies need America to be the guiding light, its protector. But it also needs to be held accountable. It needs to be held accountable because it is a democracy and it wields so much diverstating power. People who question and bring to light should be encouraged so that its people has more control over what its Gov does. It makes America and how its viewed and dealt with on a world scale much, much stronger.
You answered your question America needs to be a protector right,maybe just maybe the fact that America's responsibility as a protector is the reason we've been involved in so many wars,WE certainly don't love or relish war,we bleed to,and I'm sure some American's wish we were just a medium size country,mind our bus,w/no responsibility,selfish and protected by 2 oceans w/2 friendly neighbors and just worry about ourselves but warts and all WE respond to injustice and try to help those in need.


Well-Known Member
I'm defiantly not angry.
I love this. It's like saying you can try to piss me off, but I refuse to become angry. I know, just the most common spelling error and not what you meant but great t-shirt nonetheless.

look at our relationship w/Japan all that nasty island fighting now a close ally.
And as a result women no longer walk around topless and they have censored pixelated porn. Not sure if that evens out.


Well-Known Member
US: Up to 190,000 Russian troops now along Ukraine border
Ambassador Michael Carpenter said OPEC has found evidence that 169,000 to 190,000 Russian troops are now at the border, compared to the around 100,000 thought to be in the region on Jan. 30.

The numbers come from troops counted in Belarus, Crimea, Russia National Guard, Russian-backed separatists in Ukraine and other security units.

“Colleagues, this is the most significant military mobilization in Europe since the Second World War,” Carpenter stated.

The report comes days after Russia claimed it was scaling back troops at the border, which western countries have found to be false.

The ambassador, like other U.S. officials, also warned of false flag operations in Russia that could be used to spur an invasion.

"We are aware that Russia is intent on creating a pretext to justify an invasion into Ukraine," Carpenter said. "Therefore, we must resolutely rebut the false narrative about a Ukrainian 'escalation,' which finds no evidence whatsoever in the reports of the OSCE’s Special Monitoring Mission."

Russia has rejected risk-reduction commitments under the Vienna document, with the OPEC calling on Russia to take multiple steps to reduce tensions in the area.

Among the requests are answering specific questions about the buildup of troops and equipment, releasing information about all military operations near Ukraine and withdrawing troops.

Russia has claimed they will not invade Ukraine as President Biden has warned of a “very high” chance of an attack.


Well-Known Member
Russia announces nuclear forces drills amid rising tensions with Ukraine
The drills will be used to display Russia’s nuclear arsenal, one of the biggest in the world, to other countries, The Associated Press reported.

The announcement of the drills comes as the U.S. envoy to the Organization for Security and Co-operation (OSCE) in Europe said Russia has between 169,000 and 190,000 troops at Ukraine's border. On Jan. 30, that number was at 100,000 troops.

"Colleagues, this is the most significant military mobilization in Europe since the Second World War," Ambassador Michael Carpenter stated.

Multiple U.S. officials, including President Biden, have warned of a “very high” chance that Russia could invade Ukraine.

Earlier this week, Russia claimed they were scaling back their military presence on the border, an announcement that has been deemed false by Western countries. U.S. officials told The Washington Post it was a deliberate ruse to mislead the world.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Thursday detailed possible false flag operations Russia could use in order to justify invading Ukraine.

"We are aware that Russia is intent on creating a pretext to justify an invasion into Ukraine," Carpenter said. "Therefore, we must resolutely rebut the false narrative about a Ukrainian 'escalation,' which finds no evidence whatsoever in the reports of the OSCE’s Special Monitoring Mission."

Violence erupted in Ukraine this week as Russian-backed separatists began a shelling operation on the village of Stanytsa Lugansk in the Luhansk region, reportedly hitting a school building.

Oksana Markarova, Ukraine’s ambassador to the U.S., called the act "a brutal violation of the cease-fire" agreement.

Biden will participate in a call with NATO leaders on Friday as NATO allies have bolstered their military presence, saying it is to deter Russian action.

NATO allies have threatened harsh sanctions against Russia if it were to attack Ukraine, but the U.S. has maintained it will not send troops into Ukraine to fight.


Well-Known Member
I really respect the A10 Warthog, it's built so well that our gov. and military can't get rid of it(they've tried). In order to use them against a capable adversary there would have to be a concentrated effort to take out air defenses and be escorted by fighters,if you just sent A10's in without attrition of air defenses,A LOT of A10's would be lost,the Russian's have a savage multi-layered air defense system accompanying there armor.

More bullshit propaganda from the shirtless midget, the US would dominate the battlefield with their radar,drones and air power, look into the little skirmish in Syria about 4 years ago. Those forces with russian equipment and russian military advisers on the ground with them were wiped out in a few hours and not even a wounded US soldier. Russia is famous for showing off their latest tech which they exaggerate the capabilities of but very few are ever made and deployed,they can't afford it. I wouldn't want to invade a country the size of russia with a conventional ground war but defending Ukraine with air power is completely different. The shirtless midget isn't going to use nukes over ukraine, no one wins with nukes.