Spider mites 2 weeks befor harvest


Well-Known Member
Hi all l have just discovered l have spider mites and l am about 2 weeks from harvest just wondering if anyone has idea of home treatment that can be used this late in the game cheers

Hydrogen Peroxide wont leave a residue and will kill any mites you can make contact with. Use pure 3% or 5% hydrogen peroxide and after you harvest super clean everything and ideally implement some type of preventative spray plan in the future.
Two weeks before harvest?
They probably been around a lot longer than
That. Unfortunate situation unfortunately in my opinion.
Maybe next time what I do is neem the hell
Out of them in veg then stop when switch
To 12 then I use a rosemary extract and put that in my feed water from there on out.
I garontee there are mites I have dogs exc.
After I started doing that simple said shit ,
They basically just stay off my plants and
I don’t have to spray anything on the bud starts or flower .
Works for me, I’m sure some people on this
Will set it up on fire, cut my dick off with
How it’s the worst way to deal with it.
But hey. Each his own,
Hydrogen Peroxide wont leave a residue and will kill any mites you can make contact with. Use pure 3% or 5% hydrogen peroxide and after you harvest super clean everything and ideally implement some type of preventative spray plan in the future.

Thanks for reply but what do you mean 3% or 5% and how do you spray during light or dark as I am a Quadraplegic any help welcome
I had the same problem thanks to a couple of small vegging plants that were coming in the room at night (lights) then out in the sun during the day picking up mites. Never do that shit!

I was not keen to spray anything on them this close to chop. I methodically vaccuumed the underside of leaves with this contraption daily to see me out until harvest. Kept numbers at bay, never got to the stage of webs. 2 weeks of it.


I have heard if you hang the complete plant to dry upside down, they all will rise up to the rootball for easy disposal. I had to cut mine out of the net in pieces so not an option.

I wet trimmed in this instance, Thankfully very buddy fuck all leaf, disposed of all leaf. No doubt theres a few mites stuck in the sticky buds, probably smoking a few mites through the bong but better than chemicals IMO.
I like predators. But it's a little late now. I'm too lazy to be spraying them all the time.

Another option is citric acid foliar. I've never used it like, but @xtsho does. And it's probably fine to do even at this stage of flower. I don't know. I think he said 2-3 tsp, but some people have had burn at 3 tsp per quart, so maybe start with 2. It'll kill a lot of critters.
Thanks for reply but what do you mean 3% or 5% and how do you spray during light or dark as I am a Quadraplegic any help welcome

I would spray them without intense light on the plants, most pharmacies or stores will carry 3 or 5 percent concentration H2o2 (hydrogen peroxide). At that dilution you can spray directly onto the plants where mites are and it will dehydrate and kill them. As for bud washing with hydrogen peroxide that is an option if you don't want to be smoking mites and mite eggs.

As for preventative sprays there is Green Cleaner, Lost Coast Plant Therapy, Athena IPM and many others you can spray on a weekly basis to keep the plants clean of pests and disease, Plant Therapy is often used until mid-bloom.. Of course anything you spray on the plants will be consumed by you but with hydrogen peroxide it converts back to air & water once dry so there is no harmful residue or film left behind and it will sterilize everything including bugs.

When you're done with this crop you are going to have to definitely use preventative measures because now you have mite pressure in the grow space.
I made up an essential oils spray which sorted them out and can be used late in flower as the oils evaporate. Had them for a few grows but after using this they seem to have disappeared along with the thrips.
Hi all l have just discovered l have spider mites and l am about 2 weeks from harvest just wondering if anyone has idea of home treatment that can be used this late in the game cheers

I woukd use hot shot blocks for 2 days and then rebag then for next time.... if you can get them.....

Don't breath that shit though... only suitable for nin inhabited areas
That happened to my plants while I was in the hospital. I got my son to spray them with Neem oil and it took care of the problem.
I like predators. But it's a little late now. I'm too lazy to be spraying them all the time.

Another option is citric acid foliar. I've never used it like, but @xtsho does. And it's probably fine to do even at this stage of flower. I don't know. I think he said 2-3 tsp, but some people have had burn at 3 tsp per quart, so maybe start with 2. It'll kill a lot of critters.

I do like citric acid. Citric acid is the active ingredient in NukeEm and Dr Zymes. Both are organic and OMRI listed. Both are effective at killing mites, thrips, and other pests. Citric acid is inexpensive, effective, and can be sprayed late in flower.

Anything with oil or chemicals should be avoided.
I like predators. But it's a little late now. I'm too lazy to be spraying them all the time.

Another option is citric acid foliar. I've never used it like, but @xtsho does. And it's probably fine to do even at this stage of flower. I don't know. I think he said 2-3 tsp, but some people have had burn at 3 tsp per quart, so maybe start with 2. It'll kill a lot of critters.
that's what i would use, with the added step of spraying the whole plant down heavily with clean water the next day, and keeping a little extra air flow going in the area, maybe repeat that whole process 3 or 4 days in a row, spray with citric acid one day, clean water the next, then citric acid...to get any new hatchlings...