That’s the main question for me too. If he’s this self-destructive, what’s the end game. Not like I really care where the eastern border of Ukraine exactly starts or ends, and interviews with regular Ukrainian show they already gave up on the areas that are now basically Russia again. But in yesterday’s speech Putin clearly suggested the entire government of the Ukraine is illegitimate, repeating his view Ukraine is not really a nation and it’s created by communist Russia. Seems he thinks he can replace Ukraine’s government with one that will take orders from him again.
After fully securing the areas they recognized yesterday he will move on if nobody stops him. Crimea is out of water and the nearest supply is in an area of Ukraine that doesn’t want to be Russian.
Read also: Russian-occupied Crimea running out of water despite snowy weather – with Moscow still searching for way out Consequently, he argues, Moscow will be forced to put more pressure on Kyiv in the hopes that the Ukrainian authorities will release enough water for Kyiv to avert a...
Not sure if he’s still cunning though, seems he’s getting old and going through his bucket list. After his latest speech it’s obvious my earlier comment about him thinking he’s the reincarnation of Catherina the Great isn’t that far off.
Or more specifically, the destruction of the influence/power the USA has in regions where Russia and China want more. I don’t think China is eager to partner up with Russia in an actual war, but they do both have the same problem (US restricting them) so I’m sure they will team up in other ways, already have. China, however, has a lot more to lose. Cutting off trade with China would be costly for the west but devastating for China and those many now rich Chinese will not be pleased, just like the many millions who will lose their jobs. But then I talked with a few crazy rich chinese and they are absolutely convinced the camps in China are nothing more than propaganda from the US. I’ll watch the video you posted tonight.
I think you mentioned how the wars of today are different than other wars in many ways.
Simple slaughter on the battlefield isn't enough to win completely or very profitable & if you can't make money off of war, what's the use.

But somewhere someone's making a shitload of cash.
And that is the weapon of the future
When I said Russia & China ganging up to fuck us up, I meant economic warfare.
With China's already massive global influence in 3rd world/African/Asian nations, which are DEVELOPING nations I might add, rich in minerals & China is poised to skyrocket past the US within 50 years (if we're here)
Russia needs China, but China really doesn't need Russia.
Why do this for Russia, what do they gain.?
Only one thing I can see
Then it makes sense
Russia came begging to China for help
China said sure, but I want you to do something for me
Anything. says Vladimir
Invade Ukraine
I was thinking of doing just that! (says Vlad)
Because then I can use you as an excuse to take back Taiwan & you will fuck yourself in the process because you'll be cut off from the rest of the World & I'll just keep on making & selling shit.
Plus there's no way the US can fuck with us while fucking with you, that would be IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!
I kill 2 birds with one invasion say's China (they really don't like Russians, but then again, who does. (Why do they always look like they need to take a shit but all the stalls are taken

Who will stop me? (China says)
Not us say's the US, because we're involved with Russia & no one else gives a rat's ass about Taiwan.
Watch China (they are sneeky/cheap motherfuckers at least most of the ones I knew personally (I spent a lot of time in Chinatown watching old Kung Fu movies) it's in their DNA.
(It's a joke mod/I love the Chinese

One thing I would like ya'll do tonight when you're on your knees saying your prayers, please say a prayer for Uncle Joe.
Unlike those motherfucking traitorous indescribably fucked up Republicans that support Russia, I support OUR FUCKING POTUS NOT THE FUCKING ENEMY OF THIS NATION!!!!
Jesus fucking Christ, can't Biden catch a break
The World is exploding around him/us & 1/3 of this nation & half of the Senate wants him to fail.
They have actually said it.
So, even if you don't believe in God (like me) just do something symbolic, like lift a glass/burn one/eat something/rattle some bones, etc.
I'm getting a very large candle, like 4"x 12" & it's going to be my eternal flame dedicated to Joe (it's the Catholic in me

Yup, I'm going to light the biggest fucking candle I can find.