Who remembers the 60's?

One day, back in the day, I turned on the tv, and The Steve Allen Show was on. They had a guest on, Frank Zappa. Clean-shaven, in suit & tie, there to play a tune on - a bicycle frame. Which he did, not a long piece, but definitely identifiable as music.
It's been so long I couldn't place the date, maybe someone here could verify.
Steve Allen was at the top of the heap when we watched his show.....I think his wife was part of the talk show....I never saw Zappa damn it. I saw Steve, back in mid-70's at a local college giving the graduation speech. He still had "it "....very eloquent and really entertaining. He was the Johnny Carson of that period. Jack Parr (spelling ? ) was another popular talk show host back then. Haven't heard his name in a long time.......I'm rambling....apologies.
Steve Allen was at the top of the heap when we watched his show.....I think his wife was part of the talk show....I never saw Zappa damn it. I saw Steve, back in mid-70's at a local college giving the graduation speech. He still had "it "....very eloquent and really entertaining. He was the Johnny Carson of that period. Jack Parr (spelling ? ) was another popular talk show host back then. Haven't heard his name in a long time.......I'm rambling....apologies.
Steve Allen was brilliant and a real Renaissance Man.

Fugs, they were special for upstate NY 60’s punks
I happen to run onto an article about the " Fugs ".......said they were labeled as
" Avant - rock - noise band " ( I never heard of that genre ). I guess vulgarity was their wheel-house. I only ever heard the books along song.