Thundercat's Groooooooow

Here is the strainer I use, its perfect because the tiny seeds wont go through it! Plus, it will hold alot of seed! Good ole wallyworld.
Ok, so what is the big deal about your syringes?? i thought you already got your spores for inoculation? n what the hell is a footprint, Vs a spore?? --sorry for asking so many rudementary questions, but i dont know dick about this, and i wanna LEARN. You guys needa help me cuz i wanna be a well rounded farmer man. I already have a main goal to becoe a master grower within a couple years, but learnin how to grow shrooms too along the way would just make me downright happy man :D seriously.

Next itll be poppies LOL -- just kidding. i aint tryin to become DRUGCO or anything, i just wanna be every hippies best friend :D
You have to have syringes to inoc the jars with. A spore print is millions of spores that drop from a fresh mushroom cap that look like a finger print in a way.You cant just scrape spores in a jar from a print. You have to hydrate the spores before they germinate, thats where the syringe comes in.
Yo kush my shit is simmered and I'm jst waiting 5 minutes like you said, and then I'm gonna rinse and dry!. I'll post some pics while they dry. That seed is dirty as fuck. I rinsed it like 5-6times while I was skimming the sunflower seeds out. I also skimmed anything that floated! After the 5th or 6th time, the water seemed pretty clear til I started simmering it. Then it was brown again.

So King, Kush pretty much covered the spore print thing. Spore prints are really cool though, every differant type of mushroom has it own type of spore print, it really is like a finger print. You can buy prints, or premade syringes. I got the prints so I can learn how to do all of this myself. Then I had to order some syringes in order to be able to inoculate the jars. I think I'm gonna have them monday, maybe tomorrow, but I don't have my hopes up. Once I get them, I will make spore syringes, and then I can shoot up my jars, and stick them in my incubator.
Yeah...that shit is dirty as hell! But it grows mushrooms like you wouldnt believe! Also, when you dry it on the PT's, it helps to spread em out and take the edges of the PT and shift the seeds around every 15 min or so. Lookin good...hurry up syringes!!
I've got it spread out on pt on the lid for the 30 gallon. I've been movin it around every time the top looks dry. Oh by the way, how much water should I put in the PC. My instructions that came with it are kinda vague. Its gonna be a couple hours still, but I'm just thinkin ahead. I was thinking about just soaking my seeds for tomorrow, instead of simmering them. I can't PC them until then, Kush do you think now till tomorrow prolly around noon would be enough time to soak. Thought it would save me time. Also guys pics will either be later or tomorrow, there is something screwy goin on with my internet. It has barely been letting me on here, and the pages are all fucked up. It won't let me on photobucket at all. But I've been taking them all along the way!!
I've got it spread out on pt on the lid for the 30 gallon. I've been movin it around every time the top looks dry. Oh by the way, how much water should I put in the PC. My instructions that came with it are kinda vague. Its gonna be a couple hours still, but I'm just thinkin ahead. I was thinking about just soaking my seeds for tomorrow, instead of simmering them. I can't PC them until then, Kush do you think now till tomorrow prolly around noon would be enough time to soak. Thought it would save me time. Also guys pics will either be later or tomorrow, there is something screwy goin on with my internet. It has barely been letting me on here, and the pages are all fucked up. It won't let me on photobucket at all. But I've been taking them all along the way!!
Does the PC have a tray at the bottom? As for soaking..its fine...but it takes 23 1/2 hrs The site has been runnin slow as hell for me too...2 min inbetween each click of the
The new cooker I got has a tray, and is a 15 psi, so I only have to go for an hour. I wasn't sure how much water I needed though. I'm gonna be loading up the PC when I get home, so I'm just makin sure I got the info.
OK well I turned them off about 10 minutes ago. So tomorrow I'll be able to open them up, and tape the holes on them. Hopefully I didn't fuck anything up. If I get my syringes tomorrow I'll make up the spores and shoot up the jars! I PCed 11 WBS jars total ( I used both cookers, and I still might return the small one it didn't work very well) I also did one jar with just water in it, I was planning on using that to make up my spore syringes.

So Kush what would happen if you shot like 1cc of one strain, and 1cc of another strain both into the same jar, anything? Or would they both just grow in that jar?

Well my incubator is up and running it seems to be staying pretty warm so far. I didn't get a thermometer today, but I had an old one that I taped to the top of the lid. It was reading 80, and it seemed warmer on the bottom. All the glass jars I had in the tub are warm.

So my computer is working normal agian so I am gonna try to post all these pics now. Well see how it goes. Thanks for the help today Kush. Now once the syringes get here the fun really starts!!
If you put 2 strains in a jar, 1 will take over the other...resulting in just 1 strain. Btw, just started a new grow log...check it out when you get a chance
Lol, another one huh, a leave me a link I'll check it for sure! I was just curious about the 2 strains thing. I'm just waiting for the pics to upload to photobucket, then I'll post them here.
Well I thought I'd include this first one just in case any body wanted a midnight snack!

lol Now here is the rest from today, I'll try to put them in order.
The new PC-

The tub with the empty jars inside.

The lower tub for the incubator.

After the simmer and rinse.

The Start and finish of drying.


The next are into the jars and then cooker.






Ok well thats enough giant pictures, its been a long day, and oh boy I get to do it all again tomorrow!!!
Looks good!! Next time I would give the jars a good shakin after you put in the verm in...just give em a good shakin after you tape em up. Looks like we will be harvesting about the same time...on my new grow that is. Also, I forgot to mentoin to you when you make your syringes, you have to let them sit for atleast 8hrs so the spores can he-hydrate....I know it sucks. :(
This morning I took them out, taped them up, and shook them up real good. Then into the fungus drawer in the fridge! I decided to just boil some water to fill my syringes, cus the water that was at the bottom of that one jar was gross, shit in it. So I'll have to wait for them to cool, and then for the spores to hydrate, lol yaaaa!
Do I need to PC a cup to do the spores in, or can I just clean one with alcohol or bleach?

I got that tracking number last night in my email. He told me that the package was shipped on wednesday, and it should be here monday. Ups says its gonna be here on tuesday, and the first time code on package (pick up scan) was at 3:51 yesterday. So personally I think after I talked to him yesterday, he put them in the mail. Either way, according to the tracking, my package is about 30 minutes north of here in another city as of 8:02 this morning. My hopes aren't too high, but maybe it'll be here today, or atleast monday.

I'm tryin to get motivated, and I'm gonna start working on the second batch of seed here in a bit. I got 11 jars done yesterday, I'm gonna try to get another 12 done today.
Thanks JG, that had what I needed to know. I just wasn't sure if I was gonna have to Pc the shot glass, or cup, or if cleaning with alcohol was good enough, which it seems to be. I won't be doing this till monday or tuesday, but I'm tryin to get prepared.