State of the Union

Very funny but I guess no one ever told you that Finland was once part of Russia, or that Russia attacked Finland forcing them to cede 1/3rd of their country to Russia. Is that part of Finland part of Russia? Biden loves the uneducated. WTH! You want to use that warmonger POS to support your argument! Way too funny.
so you don't know the difference in asking "is" or "was"? trump didn't ask if it was. non-smart you are.
Yes I think it’s clearly harder than you think to be perfect. As proven by your last few posts. So stop ragging out about every little tiny detail. Embrace that the orange lunatic is gone. He lost by a fucking landslide.
He lost for sure. Where do you get the landslide nonsense——— off topic again and you’re pulling me in—focus-let’s stay on topic.
As a Canadian, I resent you bragging about your cheap gas.

edit: gas is double that price up here. Fucking Joe Biden.

Since when does an American President control the markets?

Biden announces that the US and 30 other countries will release 60 million barrels of oil to cool surging prices

I think President Biden is doing what he has the power to do.

Perhaps someone could call Putin and ask him to just give the oil to us?
Greed runs the markets in my opinion.
Very funny but I guess no one ever told you that Finland was once part of Russia, or that Russia attacked Finland forcing them to cede 1/3rd of their country to Russia. Is that part of Finland part of Russia? Biden loves the uneducated. WTH! You want to use that warmonger POS to support your argument! Way too funny.
Warmonger! What a MAGA thing to say! Compare to the Whore of Babylon who rolled over and peed himself in the presence of any other autocrat.
wipes tear
more funny stuff from WI:

He suggested Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg's Center for Tech and Civic Life's $8.8 million grant to the cities of Milwaukee, Madison, Racine, Kenosha and Green Bay constituted election bribery.
There were 196 Wisconsin municipalities that received grant money.
Three courts in the past year, along with the Wisconsin Elections Commission, have rejected claims that the grants were illegal
I'll try.
Aww the poor Indians, guess you never learned that pipelines are relatively benign when it comes to habitat. As soon as a reliable substitute for oil and gas comes along that would be a good idea but presently we cannot compete in the world markets with out oil and gas which is why the Chinese started the "global warming" BS that the gullibles swallowed hook line and sinker. (The uneducated)
Here’s trump claiming 306 is a landslide.

"We had a massive landslide victory, as you know, in the Electoral College. I guess the final numbers are now at 306," Trump said

In 2020

The ballots were cast by individual electors in all 50 states and the District of Columbia mirror their state's popular vote, and Biden won 306 votes to Trump's 232 votes.

According to trump it was a landslide :roll:
Aww the poor Indians, guess you never learned that pipelines are relatively benign when it comes to habitat. As soon as a reliable substitute for oil and gas comes along that would be a good idea but presently we cannot compete in the world markets with out oil and gas which is why the Chinese started the "global warming" BS that the gullibles' swallowed hook line and sinker. (The uneducated)

Oh cool can I come to your House and run a oil pipeline through it or perhaps only non-white skinned folk don't qualify for human rights?
more funny stuff from WI:

He suggested Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg's Center for Tech and Civic Life's $8.8 million grant to the cities of Milwaukee, Madison, Racine, Kenosha and Green Bay constituted election bribery.
There were 196 Wisconsin municipalities that received grant money.
Three courts in the past year, along with the Wisconsin Elections Commission, have rejected claims that the grants were illegal
Odd I guess you don't know the maximum amount a citizen can contribute to a political campaign is $6000. Or that Zuckerberg involved more than 400 million dollars in trying to get that idiot Biden elected. The Wisconson elections commission is in deep crap right now and "three courts" hah get a grip. Name the courts and stop with the anonymous sources crap your propaganda networks use to make fools out of the populace.

Odd I guess you don't know the maximum amount a citizen can contribute to a political campaign is $6000. Or that Zuckerberg involved more than 400 million dollars in trying to get that idiot Biden elected. The Wisconson elections commission is in deep crap right now and "three courts" hah get a grip. Name the courts and stop with the anonymous sources crap your propaganda networks use to make fools out of the populace.

Calling Biden an idiot after who(m?) we just endured is deluded.
Ask Texas why the won’t turbines failed. They weren’t properly equipped to work in the freezing weather. They work they just Have to be installed properly.
The biggest failure were the solar panels used to power the gas pipeline valves. When they were covered with layers of ice and snow for days the batteries they were supposed to charge went dead. As for the turbines not being equipped to work in freezing weather that is not entirely correct. When the turbines were repeatedly rained on and that moisture froze making a thickness of ice 3 plus inches any wind turbine would have had a hard time functioning under those conditions.
Educate yourself.