Why do Republicans suck?

vaccinated for what? far as i know, there is no covid vaccine for animals...parvo, rabies, and distemper vaccines are mandatory for dogs and cats in a lot of places, most livestock is only vaccinated once, with what they call 7 way or 8 way vaccine, then they won't vaccinate them again unless there is something going around
as to whether or not republicans vaccinate their animals, i have no idea, but i would imagine so, they see themselves as in control of everyone and everything, and they're not the ones getting vaccinated, so it would fall in line with "do as i say, not as i do"...which is the republican way
Tbh, that is the word both left and right abide by. "Do as I say, not as I do" Let's not be as dumb as the Republicans and assume everything is honky dory. These asshats in high up positions don't deserve the blood and sweat of every able body working their fingers to the bone. Dem and GOP have both fucked me and so many countless others without so much as a "How do you do" courtesy lube. Fuck this system. It's garbage at best.
Tbh, that is the word both left and right abide by. "Do as I say, not as I do" Let's not be as dumb as the Republicans and assume everything is honky dory. These asshats in high up positions don't deserve the blood and sweat of every able body working their fingers to the bone. Dem and GOP have both fucked me and so many countless others without so much as a "How do you do" courtesy lube. Fuck this system. It's garbage at best.
This is propaganda.
You are silly to think you haven't been sullied by propaganda. Both left and right.
No shit sherlock. The propaganda is everywhere and constant, it is impossible to escape. Humanity is not immune to the shit we see.

You are right that both the 'right' and 'left' are being bombarded with propaganda. The problem though is that it is being produced by the same set of militarized trolls that are designed to nudge people who won't vote for the 'right/would be dictators' into a 'both sides are bad' mindset so that they are far less likely to vote or waste it on a third party spoiler candidate.


Though I feel like you both are more heavy handed with the propaganda. "to produce an emotional rather than a rational response"

I tried for rational and you all went batshit crazy.

It is worth learning the attack being conducted on us all so that you can better shield yourself and the people you care about from it by recognizing faster when you are getting sucked into the programming.
No shit sherlock. The propaganda is everywhere and constant, it is impossible to escape. Humanity is not immune to the shit we see.

You are right that both the 'right' and 'left' are being bombarded with propaganda. The problem though is that it is being produced by the same set of militarized trolls that are designed to nudge people who won't vote for the 'right/would be dictators' into a 'both sides are bad' mindset so that they are far less likely to vote or waste it on a third party spoiler candidate.



It is worth learning the attack being conducted on us all so that you can better shield yourself and the people you care about from it by recognizing faster when you are getting sucked into the programming.
Didn't say it wasn't worth learning. In FACT that is exactly what I was saying. People need to realize this system is crap. It doesn't mean I am asking for people to loose faith in their people, just the crooked ass politicians who are not doing anyone any good. Beyond that it isn't my place to tell you what to believe, only to share what I see and have lived through. Those truths tell me we are ALLLL F'D.
Look here, you go ahead and believe what you want and say your peace. I am doing the same. You don't want war, I don't want war. I want people to flourish, you want people to flourish. At least I hope you all do. That is my basic message. Rant over. If you all wish to argue about that I will assume you just don't care about people and only yourself.
Didn't say it wasn't worth learning. In FACT that is exactly what I was saying. People need to realize this system is crap. It doesn't mean I am asking for people to loose faith in their people, just the crooked ass politicians who are not doing anyone any good. Beyond that it isn't my place to tell you what to believe, only to share what I see and have lived through. Those truths tell me we are ALLLL F'D.
This is what is naive. Pretending like the system is crap sounds all edgy or whatever, but really is just being childish if you actually believe it.

The system can be changed, and slowly it has been over the last several decades. We are just getting to the point that we have one major political party that is truly representative of the entirety of our country, who are doing the work that needs to get done so that we can set ourselves up for success.

To snowflake how it is all bad now is just the propaganda talking.

Look here, you go ahead and believe what you want and say your peace. I am doing the same. You don't want war, I don't want war. I want people to flourish, you want people to flourish. At least I hope you all do. That is my basic message. Rant over. If you all wish to argue about that I will assume you just don't care about people and only yourself.
lmao it is not arguing to point out that the programming is being done by one side of the coin that is using sock puppets cat fishing as 'them' to trick people into thinking it is a 'both sides' issue.
Redhats should nominate Marjorie Taylor Greene as their next presidential candidate. qanon and proud boys rise up.
You tricking people into thinking that parties that belong to the same SINGLE government are "our saviors" are the naive ones.
The ONLY savoirs in all of this is the PEOPLE.

You all make me laugh. Good day.