Should the US shed blood for Ukraine

Should the USA along with NATO defend Ukraine with troops.

  • Yes

    Votes: 40 40.4%
  • No

    Votes: 59 59.6%

  • Total voters
Double standards. You devastated several countries, nobody ever banned any of your athletes. And they shouldn't be banned. It also has to do with power, both soft and hard
it has to do with bullshit, both soft and hard....
we were careful enough to justify what we did to the rest of the world, and they NEVER rose up to sanction us...we kill civilians by accident, we don't target hospitals and apartment buildings on purpose...
putin would kill every civilian in Ukraine that doesn't bend a knee to him ...fuck him, fuck russia, and fuck russian athletes....Slava Ukraini, comrade
He has a good point, though

When has practically the whole world ever felt the need to unite and implement economic, financial and personal sanctions? I mean, Russia and Iran. That's it. We caught some shit over Vietnam. Canada gave draft resisters sanctuary. Got some blowback from Sweden too. The dictator with the elevator shoes managed to unite most of the world in opposition.

Iran and Russia. peeeuueyy, dude. You've been hugging stinky people. The stench sticks to you.
Iran ftw. The most beautiful, adorable, hospitable people on Earth. Been there twice. Hope to visit again. See what American propaganda has been doing to you guys?
it has to do with bullshit, both soft and hard....
we were careful enough to justify what we did to the rest of the world, and they NEVER rose up to sanction us...we kill civilians by accident, we don't target hospitals and apartment buildings on purpose...
putin would kill every civilian in Ukraine that doesn't bend a knee to him ...fuck him, fuck russia, and fuck russian athletes....Slava Ukraini, comrade
I must admit you're champions at collateral damage
You're a very passionate man :-D
But still, if you truly believe in the power of your arguments, you don't need to turn off the TV of the opposition. Fuck Putin, fuck Zelensky and down with the censorship!
i'm fine with censoring propagandist, censoring liars, censoring the ravings of murderous lying bastards who are trying to resurrect a dead empire for their personal glory...fuck putin, Slava Ukraini
Yes, all Russians need to be considered pariahs and arrested, if you don’t agree with me you might next week
i'm not feeling particularly charitable towards russians right now...and i'm starting to detest this particular troll...pardon me if i get carried away when i address him...he's right about one thing, i am passionate, especially about lying fucks that try to blame the entire world for one monsters acts
Please list countries we devastated after 1945. Because Korea, Vietnam, Iraq and, to a lesser extent, Afghanistan have not been devastated. Two are doing ok, and the other two are plainly prospering.
Iraq and Afghanistan are doing alright? On which planet? Not here on Earth. Vietnam's soil completely devastated by agent orange for generations to come. It used to by such a good cup of coffee. Not anymore. Chew on this:

Depleted uranium bombs in Kosovo and cluster bombs in both Kosovo and Serbia

Distruction of Libya


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Iran ftw. The most beautiful, adorable, hospitable people on Earth. Been there twice. Hope to visit again. See what American propaganda has been doing to you guys?
That's the thing about your kind. It's all about you.

I did generalize. It's the leadership that you stink of, people not so much. Iran or Russia. It's always that way in right wing authoritarian states.

Police and paramilitary forces using live fire into crowds to suppress demonstrations is odious. Nice company you keep.

Iranian police fired live rounds to disperse protesters, say witnesses
Jan 13, 2020
Protests continue as government denies cover-up over shooting down of Ukrainian passenger plane

Iranian authorities fired live ammunition to disperse protesters in Tehran on Sunday night, wounding several people, according to witness accounts provided to the Guardian and footage circulating on social media.

Hundreds of protesters had defied a heavy security presence in the Iranian capital to hold vigils and demonstrations after the government belatedly admitted its own forces had shot down a Ukraine International Airlines passenger jet last Wednesday, killing all 176 people on board.
ahh, the art of war...the definitive handbook on how to wage warfare in the 5th century bc....less than useless on a modern battlefield.
and Zelensy is defending his country, that he was legally elected to lead, against a fucking ruthless piece of verminous filth that is trying to steal their home, their freedom, their lives, to satisfy a fantasy, to secure an old man a place in the history books...well, i guarantee you vlad has his place in the history books, right next to hitler, mussolin, and pol pot...
The art of war says Zelenskiy will win and Putin will be dead, though Zelenskiy might also be dead, he will win in the end none the less. According to the art of war Zelenskiy did everything right and Putin did everything wrong. Know your enemy, but know yourself too, if you know yourself you can never be defeated. In order to defeat an enemy you must first love him and Zelenskiy is doing that too with his propaganda war. He knows the Russian people, he knows what makes them laugh and what makes them cry. He apparently knows his own people too and the simple truth that courage is highly contagious and has been his and their greatest weapon, so far. Along with the open hand there is also a clinched fist.
Women in Iran are in no way subordinate to men. Othersexuals yes. Different culture, respect it.
Oh now. And you accused me of succumbing to propaganda. This is where you say that selling girls to older men is a cultural difference whereas I see it as an archaic abuse of power. No, it's not a "cultural difference" when a girl's life is extinguished for the pleasure of an old man.
Iraq and Afghanistan are doing alright? On which planet? Not here on Earth. Vietnam's soil completely devastated by agent orange for generations to come. It used to by such a good cup of coffee. Not anymore. Chew on this:

Depleted uranium bombs in Kosovo and cluster bombs in both Kosovo and Serbia

Distruction of Libya
do we really want to go to pics of things like this? we can fill whole threads with who did what to who...we try to help when we fuck up, does russia offer aid to the kurds? is china offering reparations to the uyghurs?
shall i start posting page after page of russian atrocities? because i can, even more easily than you can post pics like those
That's the thing about your kind. It's all about you.

I did generalize. It's the leadership that you stink of, people not so much. Iran or Russia. It's always that way in right wing authoritarian states.

Police and paramilitary forces using live fire into crowds to suppress demonstrations is odious. Nice company you keep.

Iranian police fired live rounds to disperse protesters, say witnesses
Jan 13, 2020
Protests continue as government denies cover-up over shooting down of Ukrainian passenger plane

Iranian authorities fired live ammunition to disperse protesters in Tehran on Sunday night, wounding several people, according to witness accounts provided to the Guardian and footage circulating on social media.

Hundreds of protesters had defied a heavy security presence in the Iranian capital to hold vigils and demonstrations after the government belatedly admitted its own forces had shot down a Ukraine International Airlines passenger jet last Wednesday, killing all 176 people on board.
People in Iran don't support their government, they all long for the times before the revolution. Nothing to do with women. And your shittipedia article is wrong. Iran has the highest percentage of female graduates in the region
do we really want to go to pics of things like this? we can fill whole threads with who did what to who...we try to help when we fuck up, does russia offer aid to the kurds? is china offering reparations to the uyghurs?
shall i start posting page after page of russian atrocities? because i can, even more easily than you can post pics like those
That's another one. Kick me on the ground and then offer me your hand. Don't appreciate it
People in Iran don't support their government, they all long for the times before the revolution. Nothing to do with women. And your shittipedia article is wrong. Iran has the highest percentage of female graduates in the region
Russia invades neighboring sovereign nations because their midget dictator got angry.

It's a cultural thing. :roll:

Getting triggered are you? I didn't post anything from wikipedia about women. I just commented on how easy it is for a well placed older Iranian government official or theocrat to buy a girl for his pleasure.

It's a cultural thing. :roll:

That's such a dumbass argument.
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US humane, democracy bringing interventions usually suspiciously connected to oil or other riches. But that's all normal. That's power. All you need is to acknowledge that, and stop living a lie in which your government intervenes to actually help others. Never happened. With any superpower. I would equally be attacking angry delusional Russians defending their govt on a forum, but here I am surrounded by Yankees :-D