Examples of GOP Leadership

Matt Gaetz Gets Humiliating Reality Check To His Face On Live Local TV
The Trump-adoring Florida Republican's baseless claim was quickly chopped down.
I think that description is a little off, Gaetz got to ramble on his lies after a brief question trying to defend his bs. lol at his pretending like the Michigan affidavits didn't get laughed out of court.


A federal judge on Monday excoriated a group of Republican-aligned lawyers including Sidney Powell and L. Lin Wood over their legal efforts to overturn the 2020 election results.

US District Judge Linda Parker made the comments at a contentious hearing on Zoom whose purpose was to determine whether the lawyers should face sanctions.

Parker repeatedly criticized the attorneys as failing to do "minimal" research on the "evidence" they presented as part of their multipronged effort — which Powell called the "Kraken" — to nullify the election results in Michigan, Georgia, Wisconsin, and Arizona.

"The court is concerned that these affidavits were submitted in bad faith," Parker said.

After the so-called Kraken failed, Michigan and the city of Detroit filed complaints with the bar seeking punishment for Powell, Wood, and the lawyers who had signed on to their lawsuits, including Julia Haller, Howard Kleinhendler, Gregory Rohl, Brandon Johnson, Scott Hagerstrom, and Stefanie Lambert Junttila.

Wood sought to distance himself from the Kraken at the beginning of the hearing, saying he had "played absolutely no role in the drafting of the complaint" in Michigan.

"I did not review any of the documents with respect to the complaint," Wood said, later adding, "I just had no involvement in it whatsoever."

But David Fink, an attorney representing Detroit, contested that claim, saying that Wood had endorsed the effort on social media and that Wood's own lawyer had said he was associated with the case.

"He's ready to tell people when it helps him that he's involved in this case," Fink said. He later accused the Kraken team of "claiming things that couldn't have happened, either by law or fact," and of "not vetting anything that they find."

Parker also said the lawyers had filed affidavits without adequately investigating their claims.

"I don't think I've ever really seen an affidavit" like this, Parker said after reading through one whose author speculated at length about whether the US Postal Service had tampered with mail ballots in the 2020 election.

"This is really fantastical," Parker said. "How can any of you, as officers of the court, present this type of an affidavit?"

Haller responded that the affiant had submitted information he believed to be true.

"You think that by the language in the affidavit, Ms. Haller, that he is stating that he actually believes his conclusions to be true?" Parker pressed.

Shortly after, Powell spoke for the first time in the hearing, saying that they had filed a "massive" federal lawsuit alleging nationwide election fraud and that the only way to test those allegations was through the "crucible" of a trial.

The judge dismissed Powell's statement, saying that "volume" "certainly doesn't equate with legitimacy."

Fink piled on. The Kraken team "made these allegations based on the paranoid delusions of some witness who never even gets to the punchline," he said. If they don't have evidence, they can't make "miscellaneous, defamatory, and, frankly, phony" allegations, he added.

In his closing remarks, Fink accused the plaintiffs of having "played a very strange game of passing the buck" as it related to their role in the Kraken lawsuits.

He noted that Monday's hearing came a little over six months after the deadly Capitol insurrection on January 6, adding that it "horrified most of us, maybe not all of us, on the screen," at which point Wood interrupted and accused Fink of defamation.

The argument grew so heated that the court reporter interjected, noted that the hearing had been going on since 8:30 a.m. ET, and asked the lawyers to stop talking over each other so that she could accurately document the proceeding.

Parker reimposed order, and Fink accused the Kraken lawyers of using their licenses to "abuse the processes" of the court in a "devastating way."

Fink also drew a direct line between the Kraken team's efforts and the Capitol siege.

"Because of the lies spread in this courtroom, not only did people die on January 6, but many people throughout the world ... came to doubt the strength of our democratic institutions in this country," he said, adding that the court had a responsibility to sanction the Kraken lawyers.

"Because of the way that these lawyers have dishonored our profession, because of the way that these lawyers have taken advantage of this court and this courtroom," the Kraken team should be referred to the bar for disciplinary proceedings, he said, adding that they should also be referred to the chief judge of the Eastern District of Michigan and prohibited from ever practicing law in the district.

Powell later said that she objected to "nearly everything" Fink said and that she'd never witnessed anything like his remarks in her years of being an attorney.

Parker then thanked Powell and the other lawyers for their remarks and wrapped the hearing, saying that though it was a long proceeding, "it has been a necessary day."
I think that description is a little off, Gaetz got to ramble on his lies after a brief question trying to defend his bs. lol at his pretending like the Michigan affidavits didn't get laughed out of court.


It's good to see the tide turn for liberal democracy at home and abroad, now if you guys can win in November, we can keep the ball rolling downhill gaining mass and momentum. Eliminating Vlad will be a major victory, as will winning in Ukraine, all the stars have aligned Hanimmal, even the republican base is behind it. Usually foreign affairs don't matter that much, but not in this case. Vlad is fucked and over a barrel and it took Joe about a year of quietly supporting the Ukrainians with some modern arms from NATO stocks. Those arms in the hands of courageous and determined Ukrainians have blunted Vlad's attacks and along with his many blunders, have given us time to reinforce them, give them hope and create a nightmare for Vlad.

What a difference leadership makes, not just Zelenskiy's either.
I think that description is a little off, Gaetz got to ramble on his lies after a brief question trying to defend his bs. lol at his pretending like the Michigan affidavits didn't get laughed out of court.


It is refreshing seeing the tables turn. Gatetz did ramble, he did shit out a stream of lies to defend himself. But he had a weak defese. There was no power in his words.

I can feel the winds shifting. It could be just a temporary thing though. A LOT depends on the elections in November.
Fuck they won't even bust him for a no show at congress, maybe Garland will tack it on to the rest of the charges. Seditious conspiracy, contempt of congress and voter fraud...
They’ll nail him for that tagless mattress.

Rubio Says Trump Was 'Sarcastic' When Calling Putin a 'Genius'
Former President Donald Trump was being "sarcastic" when he referred to Russian President Vladimir Putin as a "genius," Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., said Tuesday.

"I heard that interview," Rubio said during an interview on CNBC's "Squawk Box." "I’m not going off the press reports. I heard the interview. I didn't hear him say that. I heard what I heard. A guy who was being sarcastic. He was saying, 'Oh, look at this guy, he's a genius, this, that and the other."

Trump came under fire last week after his comments on the Clay Travis and Buck Sexton radio show, on which he referred to Putin as being "savvy" and a "genius."

"The problem is people think Donald Trump is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations," Rubio told CNBC. "He doesn’t talk like that. He doesn't talk like some analyst at a think tank. He doesn't talk like most people in Washington."

Rubio conceded that he does not agree with everything Trump has said about Russia, but pointed out that in the interview, Trump talked about the need for crushing sanctions on Russia.

Rubio also recalled in 2014 or 2015, asking then-Vice President Joe Biden why the Obama administration wasn't sending defensive weapons to Ukraine, and the answer was "because we're afraid they'll use it and start a bigger and broader conflict."

The senator also pointed out that it was the Obama administration that sent Ukraine blankets and ready-to-eat meals, while the Trump administration started arming and equipping the Ukrainians.

"If it wasn't for what the Trump administration did and laid the groundwork for, there's no way Ukraine would still be able to hold out today," Rubio said.

The senator also called it "unfortunate" when words are used against people such as Trump.

"It's not just him," Rubio said. "[Former Secretary of State] Mike Pompeo made a comment, but he wasn't calling Putin a genius out of admiration. What he was saying is look, this is a crafty guy, that we have to respect his craftiness because he's an adversary. But somehow that got twisted into somehow Mike Pompeo is pro-Russia when he has a long history of being strong on Putin, going back to when he was in Congress."
motherfucking lying piece of shit...does the republican oath of office contain the line "i do hereby swear and affirm that i will never tell the truth to anyone, about anything, unless it serves my purposes better than a lie." ?
That would just make for a giggling judge. We need more serious frivolity once court is involved.
i don't think court is ever going to be involved...somehow this fucking low life grifter piece of shit seems to be immune to prosecution...he and his larcenous brood of parasites will die of old age in a place much, much too good for the likes of them
Report: Wisconsin Legislature Should Decertify 2020 Election Results
The Republican-controlled Wisconsin Legislature could decertify President Joe Biden's electoral victory in the state and choose to change the results of the popular vote, according to a special investigator's report released on Tuesday, WISN reported.

Michael Gableman, a former state Supreme Court justice who oversaw the Republican-backed review, said, "The Legislature should take a very hard look at the option of decertification of the 2020 Wisconsin presidential election."

However, Gableman told a committee gathering that decertifying the election results would not change who is currently the president of the United States.

Joe Biden won Wisconsin by some 21,000 votes.

Gableman's report harshly criticizes the state's election administrators and argues for dismantling Wisconsin's bipartisan election board and limiting mail voting, Politico reported.

He slammed the state board for how it sent absentee ballots to nursing homes and handled their return during the pandemic, even though that procedure was approved at the time by five of the six commissioners on the bipartisan board.

Republicans, however, have since then argued that the decision was illegal.

Gableman also suggested that Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg's Center for Tech and Civic Life's $8.8 million grant to Milwaukee, Madison, Racine, Kenosha and Green Bay constituted election bribery.

Ann Jacobs, the Democratic chair of the Wisconsin Elections Commission, tweeted during the hearing at which the report was released, "WOW — Gableman goes full in crazy conspiracy theory and demands that Wisconsin 'Decertify' the election."

Gableman also urged a political rather than bipartisan body to certify the state’s electors, writing that certification should not be subject to the "whim of the courts," adding that "in the event of widespread contest, the thumb should be on the scale in favor of withholding certification of electors," Channel 3000 reported.

Jacobs called this "a shocking recommendation," stating on Twitter that "phrased another way — it recommends that the popular vote in Wisconsin be merely advisory. And could/would be overridden by a partisan legislature."

The Republican investigation into the Wisconsin election results has cost taxpayers nearly $700,000, according to WISN.
some people just can't stop slinging mud for long enough to realize they've already lost
Matt Gaetz Gets Humiliating Reality Check To His Face On Live Local TV
The Trump-adoring Florida Republican's baseless claim was quickly chopped down.
And yet if he ran again, even under indictment, he would probably win his district or come close. It's the people who create such creatures and they are born of their hate and fear, an Id monster, like that of the movie forbidden planet. Trump is another Id monster.
Fuck they won't even bust him for a no show at congress, maybe Garland will tack it on to the rest of the charges. Seditious conspiracy, contempt of congress and voter fraud...
what charges? Garland is a fucking pussy. i've about had it with this shit show of his, some major indictments need to start going out. they may not be able to nail trump to the wall, but a lot of other republicans should be facing charges, and jail time....
trump is getting off in new york, i haven't hard fuck all out of Georgia in weeks...looks like trump and the republicans are going to get off scott free, because our AG is afraid to prosecute anything but a 100% sure thing...
And yet if he ran again, even under indictment, he would probably win his district or come close. It's the people who create such creatures and they are born of their hate and fear, an Id monster, like that of the movie forbidden planet. Trump is another Id monster.
and WHY isn't that child molesting piece of slime in jail already?