Sprouts getting brown spots!! Help

So these 2 are just 4 days above ground and getting these brown spots and twisting a little? Too close to light? I moved it up in this pic.. they were about 1inchvabove? Other ones doing ok though? Any thoughts would help Thx



Well-Known Member
whats your medium they don’t seem to be getting a lot of light so i doubt its light stress, maybe something to do with your watering practices, nutrient content of the medium, aeration of the medium, genetics it could be many things but overall they don’t look bad just a little lanky
The medium is just jiffy s organic seed starter, soil just barely moist. Started with putting wetter soil in bottom inch or so , filled rest with barely damp soil put seeds with taproots out in. Now just been waiting 6 days since then and I just put some RO water after I saw those 2 brownish like that.
It appears no, mostly 60-70% peat moss, vermiculite , coir pith and lime , so I guess could be anything like ph, nute def, water issues? Thinking let them go til dirt dry add water with light nutes if they still alive and looking same?
So I have Clonex clone and seedling nutrient ( 1-0.4-1). And fox farm big bloom (0.01-0.3-0.7) ….. I have both of these so would like to use one of these…which one you think? my normal nutes I will be using for rest of grow will be the whole Fox Farms lineup which I’ve used for years. Could also add the Fox Farm Grow big (6-4-4) very diluted (1/4 teas gallon) with big bloom. Idk ????


Well-Known Member
Use 10ml of big bloom & 2ml of grow big to a gallon of water for a baby like that. You could do the math & only make 1L of solution. Would save on waste unless you can keep an air stone in it running from an air pump.
What's the limit of

f(x), if f(x)=1/x?
Ok I’ll let them dry down some then water with that, thx. Should I put them under t5s now ? Just under fluorescents at moment, thought I would move them to t5 after. 2-3 weeks ?


Well-Known Member
So these 2 are just 4 days above ground and getting these brown spots and twisting a little? Too close to light? I moved it up in this pic.. they were about 1inchvabove? Other ones doing ok though? Any thoughts would help Thx
It's your media I tried using jiffy starter mix and ended up tossing all the jiffy and repotting to save my seedings it was way to acidic tried flushing with ph water the media stayed to waterlogged lost half my grow the 20 seedlings that survived struggled for a week then took off the jiffy mix killed every vegetable it touched as well I composted it


Well-Known Member
Ok I’ll let them dry down some then water with that, thx. Should I put them under t5s now ? Just under fluorescents at moment, thought I would move them to t5 after. 2-3 weeks ?
Should be good to switch now. Idk tho.. I use cfl. Wait for someone who uses them to give you a better answer there.
It's your media I tried using jiffy starter mix and ended up tossing all the jiffy and repotting to save my seedings it was way to acidic tried flushing with ph water the media stayed to waterlogged lost half my grow the 20 seedlings that survived struggled for a week then took off the jiffy mix killed every vegetable it touched as well I composted it
I would be apt to think flushing seedlings would kill them. 3 of mine look fine just the 2 have some probs. Hopefully a little care until I put them in bigger pots with some good black gold/ guano/ b meal soil mix will do …


Well-Known Member
Grab some T5's when you can. They're awesome for clones. And more efficient than bulbs.
I would like to get a new set of clone lights. I have some cheap led strips with diffusers on them that have worked before. I have a little table I can put in the small tent to sit a tray of fresh cuts on. The cup of water thing is cool.. but I like faster results. The cuts look way better by the time they root.


Well-Known Member
I would like to get a new set of clone lights. I have some cheap led strips with diffusers on them that have worked before. I have a little table I can put in the small tent to sit a tray of fresh cuts on. The cup of water thing is cool.. but I like faster results. The cuts look way better by the time they root.
t5's are sweet for clones and very early veg. But if they get bigger they'll stretch.

I thought I was on my IPad with the pics, but I can post them later.