Pandemic 2020

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Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Canada's numbers are rising again.
Ya the new owners of our company and new managers (who were not managers before the buyout) are hinting that now that covid is “over” maybe I should think about returning to the office :(. I go the the cardiac care unit for an appointment in May so I’ll talk to them and see what they say. If doctors say nay then there is fuck all the company can do, they have to accommodate me lol. Keeping in mind I’ve been doing my job from my home office for 3 years now effectively. We’ve lost almost half of the staff (12) since the buy out but there’s no problem with the new management team, everything is great lol.


Well-Known Member
Whoa. Until death my friend. Sorry to hear:hug:
[/QUOTE Thank you for the heartfelt response to you and others also,we all bare burdens as human beings,the older we get the more it is revealed,I'm sure everybody would love to bottle up the carefree days of childhood when mortality didn't enter into our picture and the pursuit of adventure and happiness dominated our days,I'm sure just about every adult could use a sip from that bottle now.


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"We can't model what's going to happen next." The guy makes a rational argument to wait until April before even making the decision regarding when to stop wearing masks. He says people who are more safety conscious, people who have comorbidities (such as diabetes) or immune deficient will have to wear N95 masks if everybody else is not wearing simple masks to cover their mouths. He makes a good point that many people can't afford N95 masks so that kind of mask must be made available to them for free. He's basically saying dropping mandates now is reckless and does real harm to people who are most vulnerable to the disease.

Oregon is dropping mask mandates tomorrow. So I start wearing an N95. I'm going to have to make a decision about shaving my beard off. It's a vanity but I've worn a beard ever since I could grow one.
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Well-Known Member
Something positive for a change, front line workers should get this first if it's safe and effective.

So, this idea uses inhalant to deliver particles into the lungs that can bind to active sites on the virus and neutralize them. I couldn't open the report, just saw the graphical abstract but it sounds interesting. Would this be something you could do before leaving the house and be protected for the whole day or would you have to take several doses in a day? Or too soon to tell?


Well-Known Member
So, this idea uses inhalant to deliver particles into the lungs that can bind to active sites on the virus and neutralize them. I couldn't open the report, just saw the graphical abstract but it sounds interesting. Would this be something you could do before leaving the house and be protected for the whole day or would you have to take several doses in a day? Or too soon to tell?
I read about this a while back, it helps trigger a different part of the immune system earlier by recognizing the virus where it most often enters the body, through the nose,mouth,throat and lungs. If this is the same one I read about it's a nasal spray.


Well-Known Member
Looks like the Netherlands is seeing a near vertical rise in cases. What do the hospitals look like over there @Sativied ?
I get most of my covid news from you and this thread nowadays, hardly anyone here even talks about covid anymore, so let me check.

Ok I see if you look at the recent peak compared to the past years it is a near vertical rise. A 15% increase now is more than total cases during earlier waves though. It’s been fairly steady over the past 10 days. The number of infections today is almost exactly the 7-day average.


The recent increase has a lot to do with repeating a superspread event that started the first wave in 2020, carnaval, where the catholic southern provinces party in the streets and bars for 4 days straight, dressing and masking up, everyone screwing with everyone. This started on 27th of feb, reflected in the graph above.



This one provides a good picture to determine trends, indicating the growth already peaked.


A girl on tv responding to the news the last restrictions will be lifted too: “I’m glad they will finally abolish corona”. The whole point of showing her last out of dozens they interviewed is of course to show how absurd it is, but then, in practice, that’s how most people act.


Well-Known Member
The longer the pandemic goes the more complicated the waves are from country to country and wave to wave. Length of time between waves, vaccination rate and booster rate, number of previous infections and how long ago and which variant.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
I think with this variant the best indicator of impact is the hospital admissions and honestly I’ve stopped looking :(. Pretty much no testing is being done here so the infection numbers are a poor indicator. Our hospitals are opening up for non emergency procedures and after 2 years of waiting in looking at end of May possibly for my operation….. yay lol.


Well-Known Member
The longer the pandemic goes the more complicated the waves are from country to country and wave to wave. Length of time between waves, vaccination rate and booster rate, number of previous infections and how long ago and which variant.
Yes while it was already hard from the start. Population density was always a major factor here, comparing NL to a not very densily populated city works better. A single event can have a major impact nationwide here.

I wish they had waited a few more months before lifting restrictions, the weather will get a lot better soon, meaning more open windows and more living and gathering outdoors. Masks mandate in public transport will end very soon while that doesn’t seem to be a major annoyance of people. 15% unvaccinated still leaves almost 3mil people at serious risk and it’s not like they are concentrated to one specific area. Based on blood donor tests, however, 98% has antibodies (from vax, infection or both).
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