They found it...what do I do now?



Today a cable technician denied me service at my house because it smelled like growing weed and my bong was in the living room. He left, contacting his supervisor on the way out. Am I fried? What power does a cable guy have in spoiling my crop?


Well-Known Member
He has no real power but if he calls the cops or his supervisor does then you could definately be srewed.


Well-Known Member
get rid of everything A-SAP if you cant bring yourself to ditch them give them to a friend and allow him a share of it.

What power does a cable guy have in spoiling my crop?

Try the power to dial a telephone and call the cops on you. He is obviously not cool and I assume he would have called the cops unless his superviser instructed him not to. you better get rid of everything until you are 100%

Dont forget it either:hump:


he didn't see any plants though. all he saw was my bong. i know that it's in my best interests to not get popped. i have a friend employed by the same company and he said he sees shit all the time.

i'm relocating them but they're coming back home before the month is out.


Well-Known Member
Get it out. I got popped a while back for CDS Intent to Distribute. This was way back in the first week of january (this year). I am going to rehab classes (pointless) Once a week. That class requires me to go to two N.A. Or A.A. meetings a week as well. this coupled with the fact that I work 75 hours a week and have a grow room to maintain makes for a very busy/friendless life. Dont get caught dude its nooooooo fun trust me on that. Its now nearing the end of june and I still havent seen my final courtdate yet. I started the program in january and stilll have another 16 weeks left!!!! GRRRRRR!!! Idk how I passed the few piss tests but i did lol. My first court date they decided to drop the intent to distribute down to just possesion. I got really lucky.

p.s. it was 5 pounds :(


yea. i got greedy. i wanted HD cable with TIVO in my bedroom...WITH my pot garden. i was going to wait a few days but thanks for all the good advice, posters!

on the bright side, i got a nice new grow place already. thank god for family. i only kept the 3 fems that showed sex already.



Well-Known Member
When you grow, you have a responsibility to yourself NOT to be stupid.
Leaving Bongs or other paraphenalia laying around is just plain sloppy.
Remember the smallest thing can start an avalanche that can ruin you.
Be smart, be responsible.

And if your room reeks of grow, why not have your cable installed either
before you start up a batch, or after you harvest?


Just some idiot
It's a shame we all have to worry about growing a weed. It's downright unamerican!!! Glad to hear you found a place...better safe than sorry.


Well-Known Member
wow if he felt that strong to leave and not give service i would cease the grow op. this is the key factor in your freedom.


Well-Known Member
Well if you paid the fucker on your bill already and you got no service then you have SOME leverage. Since you already moved the plants, invite the cable guy back in to check your entire house, and if he refuses to do the service, then say "I paid you now give me my cable or I'll get you fired" that will shut him the hell up.


Well-Known Member
Shoulda just ran up to him before he contacted his supervisor and bribed him with whatever you had in your wallet. Or clear the fuck out and wipe your empty grow room down and shoot some shit in there to make it look normal, lay low for a month or two.


Well-Known Member
Oh an another thing CLEAN YOUR BONG. You can say it is used for tobacco if the cops find it and if they do they WILL have the bowl tested for resin. My friend got busted for having THC resin in his bowl even though there was no weed so be carefull.


Oh an another thing CLEAN YOUR BONG. You can say it is used for tobacco if the cops find it and if they do they WILL have the bowl tested for resin. My friend got busted for having THC resin in his bowl even though there was no weed so be carefull.

got like 15 bowls and 3 bongs...dat's a lot of cleaning. thanks tho i wouldn't have thought to do it.

so the owner of the new grow area isn't going to let me keep it i'm fucked. anyone want 3 ladies? This is very depressing. i don't even really want to'll make me cry.