Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
I finally get a few hours to myself and all I want to do is smoke a little and post out here. Does not look like that is happening. I cannot click on anything besides this thread.....Arrrrgh, very frustrating.
I don't even wait anymore..its almost daily..found a good backup, someone passed on to me and its not part on the enemies war....
Still my fav. here..but .... not going to wait...:roll:

Burp........ My second helping of turkey today,, This time a turkey and cheese sandwich with mayo and lettuce ,,, Burp... 2 1/2 hrs till The Santa Parade ..At least this one is closer to home ... Pizza for dinner ..
I can't leave leftover turkey along..remember the guy in Forest Gump always on about the 2,000,000 ways to do shrimp..I'm like that with turkey..but I still like it right off the bone in the fridge... Great invention turkeys....

LOL Sucker ..... Nah im sure he has good intentions ... We have to go get a tree , we cut our own.. Its gotta be fresh..

Twist one up.........


Well-Known Member
Cant twist one , The kids are here , Gotta sneak in bowl rips here and there,, I got incense burning so a rip here and there they aint the wiser ,,but its not often that they all are all outside so its been a day of mild buzz's


New Member
Cant twist one , The kids are here , Gotta sneak in bowl rips here and there,, I got incense burning so a rip here and there they aint the wiser ,,but its not often that they all are all outside so its been a day of mild buzz's
I laugh to myself sometimes, I think about when my kids were young and I had to hide the bong rips. never got caught...:weed:


Well-Known Member
Hey..look at vette in the snow globe.......
What a crap tech day.... sites running like hell... had power surge today and screwed up TV box TV guide..just spent 1/2 with this girl (who laughed at everything I said)..why can't you met these people in public..so she takes all the time to reprogram my converter from her office..(they're supposed to send tech)... So lets recap the past 36 hours.. sites fucked..computer crashes about 10 times daily...screen has yellow tint on one side..and TV converter was fucked...had tummy ache... ate too many xanax yesterday.........SEE..SEE what happens when twisty runs out of weed..... must be a morale in that story......Oh ya.... DON"T RUN OUT........


Well-Known Member
Cant twist one , The kids are here , Gotta sneak in bowl rips here and there,, I got incense burning so a rip here and there they aint the wiser ,,but its not often that they all are all outside so its been a day of mild buzz's
Hmmm that makes me think if my dad or mom did the same when i was young? cause i remember often times i would come home from school and smell "smoke" never knew at that age the difference between weed and cig smell... so i always thought "hey was mom smoking cigs in her bathroom" (she used to smoke)

haha damn that sheds light on my situation.... haha im glad that not only My parents did it :)


New Member
Hey..look at vette in the snow globe.......
What a crap tech day.... sites running like hell... had power surge today and screwed up TV box TV guide..just spent 1/2 with this girl (who laughed at everything I said)..why can't you met these people in public..so she takes all the time to reprogram my converter from her office..(they're supposed to send tech)... So lets recap the past 36 hours.. sites fucked..computer crashes about 10 times daily...screen has yellow tint on one side..and TV converter was fucked...had tummy ache... ate too many xanax yesterday.........SEE..SEE what happens when twisty runs out of weed..... must be a morale in that story......Oh ya.... DON"T RUN OUT........

I feel for yah twisty... holidays are STRESSFUL.... Cracker always puts one mason jar in the freeze for the NEXT holiday season. No matter what, that puppy sits in the freeze till next year. Boy Scouts UNITE!!!

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Alrighty then, another wake n bake Saturday morning for Kilobit. Wanted to go star gazing cause it isn't that cold, but feck, it's windy as shite, telescope and wind don't mix well, sooooooooooo haha:joint:. Now to go get some Dinky Donuts coffee and cruise around the parkways till the gym opens. Talk at ya then. Happy fecking Saturday, oh yeah, it's the last regular season college football day to boot, so burn'em and watch.


Well-Known Member
Woke up Took a leak, made a cup of coffee had a smoke , snuck a few bowl hits in before the kids got up ,while I let the dogs out,, not baked but buzzed ..

Good Morning


Well-Known Member
Still up from the night before...I played a rockin show at this local college bar...I always seem to be up when this wake and bake thread comes around.


Well-Known Member
Come to Vegas I'll make you an "honorary" rock star...we got cowbells, vibraslaps, shakers, tambourines, and all other sorts of percussion..We have a couple jams where we require some crowd participation