16/8 vs 18/6 Any Noticeable Difference, other than your power bill?

I Kno what I seen with my own eyes and that was different plants flowering at different times and some were flowering at 14 hrs and possibly could of started flowering at 16 hrs...all that matters
I see a week between a strain. And a month to finish. And nothing not tainted by fast finishing ruderalis flowers over 13 hours here. Sunlight or fake.
Keep buying those umbrella drink named S-2's and 3"s. Were supposed to be Autos. Again I say know your stuff.
I've run a seed or two . 001.jpg
yeah its true it's about if the "Pfr horomone" reaches a critical threshold
plus, cannabis seeds dont need a period of winter cold but during veg a phase of, at least, medium temps to cause "vernalization"
I was going to speak on the pfr hormone it builds up and at a certain point is when it initiates flower but I'm drinking Coronas and eating vegan tacos so I didn't bother lol
I smoked skittlz, it was good.

But not the best.

So far my favorite strain of all time I think was Ambrosia... But I tried smoking it again and didn't like it the second time.

I'm starting to make a list of my favorite strains that work best for me, but it's constantly changing.

Praying that Purple Haze will be good.

I've never smoked it.

They don't have it here in San Francisco to buy.
Find some Space Monkey or real Northern Lights. Good times I assure.
24/7 is best growth for seedlings but keep ppfd accordingly low
but it doesnt matter much with photoperiodics its your call when you flower them
how much u harvest is genetics + light/area + your expertise
tbh you don't have much room I'd put 12/12fs so they flower ASAP
which is between 4-6 weeks
b4 that photos are not mature and will just veg
if they flower too soon, u can easily reveg them and cash in on boost
I heard some strains dont like that but such a genetic just throw it into the trashcan
maybe look up what the breeder says about how much they stretch, young plants stretch usually excessively
Actually I do have a lot of room..

The window goes pretty tall.

I set up the grow lights to be hooked at the very top so I can adjust it all the way up to
5 1/2 feet tall. My window is taller than me and I'm 6 feet tall.

But with the pots , they take up 12 inches and then the light has to be a little further from the tipity top, so estimate 5.5 feet tall of grow space....

BUT of course not as much width, so I'll be trying to make a tall lollipop

Candy, Candy, Candy.
Current time or date. How about mid summer.
It only varies by half an hour.

12 hours and 30 minutes

The pink chart that I uploaded shows the sunlight hours.

So it's relatively consistent.. because it's so close to the equator because it's so close to the equator
I apologize. 13 hours max. My bad. It is intensity that we lack and therefore can cause your issue if under artificial light. Not outdoors. As it seems light requirements are substantially delayed in a natural grow. Where as our LED's meet or exceed the minimums and induce flower for unaware growers. Such as my self. Glad I learned something. Happier I only get beans on my latitude.
Still flowering under 14 hours is just wrong on the suppliers end.
I apologize. 13 hours max. My bad. It is intensity that we lack and therefore can cause your issue if under artificial light. Not outdoors. As it seems light requirements are substantially delayed in a natural grow. Where as our LED's meet or exceed the minimums and induce flower for unaware growers. Such as my self. Glad I learned something. Happier I only get beans on my latitude.
Still flowering under 14 hours is just wrong on the suppliers end.
My seeds were really good genetics.

I got them from Growers choice which is a company based here in Eureka California.

They offer a 100% germination guarantee as long as I follow certain procedures.

I was really thrilled to put those seeds in the ground for the first time.

I'm like really extremely tired now so I need to log off and risk for a while because I've been up doing gardening stuff..lol☮️
On the hours of light in Bogota. Not your un informed self over parring beans you could have pimped. Show me a shrub bigger than that fro you grew. Until then buy Ed Rosenthalls guide. Damn.
I would but they sleeping like babies I don't see how you have outdoor plants right now especially that big I lived in Michigan and we usually still had snow on the ground about this time of year