Creme de la Chem from Mephisto Jan 22

Too lazy to pull them out of the tub for proper portraits…

I mixed up a jug of water and SI ph adjusted to 6.4 (it started at around 8.0). Gave them 900 ml each of that over the span of around half an hour, and then let sit for a couple hours. Just gave them 500 ml each of KoolBloom (half strength) and Terpinator (three quarter strength), and they are watered for the day. House plants will get what is left over…

I hope that letting them absorb the SI initially will strengthen the stalks cuz, especially on the four way cross plants, they are gonna be pretty heavy with buds. The tub is now officially full.

I’ll move the Creme de la Chem into the middle spots in a couple days which will put the 4 way cross plants up near the t5 fixtures burning 10,000k bulbs. Right now those are running for 15 min/hr for the middle 5 hrs of the lighting period. They made the tops of the CdlC just go nuts...

Looking frosty! 6.4 pH - isn’t that slightly too high? I thought 5.8-6.2 was the proper pCpH for most the dissolved nutrients?
Looking frosty! 6.4 pH - isn’t that slightly too high? I thought 5.8-6.2 was the proper pCpH for most the dissolved nutrients?
According to the chart I have, around 6.4 ph is the sweet spot for uptake of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium sulfur, calcium, magnesium, copper and zinc…i fluctuate between 6.0 and 6.4ish on the treatment…image.jpg
I shoot for 6-6.5 varying it as I go but as I get into flower I creep it higher towards the 6.5 to make the P and K more accessable as the N isn't as much of a priority. In late flower I'll even go as high as 6.8 a couple times but that's just based on how they are looking. If you're using purely organics the ph won't matter as the microbes will deal with whatever the water ph is within reason. With salt nutes it's more important since you're feeding them directly and they can only uptake the food in a certain range of ph. At least that's my limited understanding of how it works. I went to organic dry nutes to get away from having to mix nutes all the time and ph my water and I love the simplicity of it.
Engineer the girls are looking terrific! I love the effect the side lighting gives you. I'm so jealous of the density you get from the lowers.
I think I've decided to go with an AC Infinity brand for my 5*5 tent. They have a full 1" bar(22mm),2000D mylar compared to others which are 16-18mm and 600-1680D mylar. They'll hold 150 pounds per bar which is the strongest I've found and a 2 year warranty. Amazon has it for 179 with a coupon which is a pretty sweet deal so hopefully I'll grab it in a couple weeks. The extra space should help with being able to try out your side lighting down the road.
Engineer the girls are looking terrific! I love the effect the side lighting gives you. I'm so jealous of the density you get from the lowers.
I think I've decided to go with an AC Infinity brand for my 5*5 tent. They have a full 1" bar(22mm),2000D mylar compared to others which are 16-18mm and 600-1680D mylar. They'll hold 150 pounds per bar which is the strongest I've found and a 2 year warranty. Amazon has it for 179 with a coupon which is a pretty sweet deal so hopefully I'll grab it in a couple weeks. The extra space should help with being able to try out your side lighting down the road.

I have the AC 5x5. It’s great. Zipper sticks sometimes but for the price can’t beat it. The Mylar on the inside has lasted better than reports on the others.

pH is an interesting topic.

when I was little my grandmother always grew pumpkins and tried to win the annual competitions. She would inject the stem with whole milk using a meat injector. Her pumpkins were always beautiful and big. I wonder if that could be done with the girls and what impact it could have.
Your tent is what inspired me to go bigger, seeing a lemon tree inside made me really want a bigger tent. Glad to know you like the infinity. Pumpkins were one of the vegetables I could never get to grow right. They always got rot on the bottom or grew really small. My tomato's rocked but I gave up on them after a couple years. The milk could have been to help with powdery mildew also. I know it helps as a foliar spray.
I feel like I may experiment With my small strawberry bugs. Just direct inject nutes into the main stalk. The lemon tree needed to be protected this winter but as soon as the weather stabilizes it’s going back out. It limits some of my walk around space and results in sub optimal refractory light. But it kept it alive
I tried to grow a lemon tree in the window about 20 years ago and managed one lousy lemon but I was a horrible gardener and all I really remember was the thorns tearing me up lol. We have friends in Boca Raton, FL and they do tons of citrus in their sunroom. I'd love to have that kind of room here at my place, it has really high glass ceilings and would be perfect for growing huge plants. It's on the list if we ever do a renovation here for sure. Hot tub and a big green house, perfect for chilling in the mountains.
Check out my orchids! Many of these were headed for the trash at Lowes where my GF works. They trash them once they lose their flowers; she gets an alert, checks with the store manager, and saves them. She has around 40 at her house. She also has a box turtle with a bum leg we rescued from the middle of the Colonial Parkway…guess she likes strays. Good for me…image.jpg
I tried to grow a lemon tree in the window about 20 years ago and managed one lousy lemon but I was a horrible gardener and all I really remember was the thorns tearing me up lol. We have friends in Boca Raton, FL and they do tons of citrus in their sunroom. I'd love to have that kind of room here at my place, it has really high glass ceilings and would be perfect for growing huge plants. It's on the list if we ever do a renovation here for sure. Hot tub and a big green house, perfect for chilling in the mountains.
I have to go to Boca next week…fun and ironic!
I have to go to Boca next week…fun and ironic!
A ton of companies have conferences down there I know. Especially during winter months. I'm more of a swamp rat guy now since I can't play golf anymore. Go see some old college buddies and play on airboats. Have fun and enjoy the food.
Fun and sun in Boca…Bike247 is livin’ the dream.

good dose of Signal and water (pH 6.4), followed by Recharge and liquid bone meal today. Left the plants in their relative positions, and rotated them all 45 degrees to the left. They get shifted around tomorrow; CdlC move the middle and four-way cross on the ends.

Today we turn the page on my grow journal/diary…

I don't know if you have seen it but I use a free app on my phone called Bud Labs by Advanced Nutrients for keeping track of my grow. I'm terrible about keeping up with it but it is a good app for tracking your grow. It helps me remember when I planted, when something shows pistils etc... You set your veg and bloom period for each grow and then you can keep notes and set reminders that pop up on your phone. It's easier for me than the three ring binder I used to keep for the first couple years I grew since I always seem to have my phone on me.
Up early so some plant maintenance and rearranging…gave them 500 ml of Signal at 50% strength and 500 ml of Ripen and bat/seabird guano at 50% strength. They are pretty saturated up to the point of run off so tomorrow will be a dry day probably.

I clipped back stuff from the CdlC that will get in the way of the downward light from the suspended LED, and straightened up a long heavy branch on the four way crosses, now on the ends. Also raised the twin two foot T5 fixtures with 10,000k k bulbs so all the tops of the plants see them. I’m holding this pair of lights at 15 min/hr for the middle 5 hours of the lighting period for the next couple weeks. I burned some previous plants with these so slow and steady…

got some Mango Smile seeds the other day from Mephisto, and those will be the outdoor grow here this summer. I hope what I have in the tub finishes off by mid Apr so I can start the indoor crop in the tub for a couple weeks and start their horizontal training…patience…

I’ll checkout the app later today, thanks for the tip…

I don't know about your neck of the woods but damn it got cold up here last night. We lost power yesterday for about 3 hours due to the winds but I wasn't too surprised, just part of the deal when you live out here. Mango smile sounds good I'll have to check it out. Girls are looking good!
Yep was chilly but didn’t lose power…all the lines in my neighborhood are buried, and the others are pretty well reinforced. Sunny and chilly today but spring is just around the corner..
Yep was chilly but didn’t lose power…all the lines in my neighborhood are buried, and the others are pretty well reinforced. Sunny and chilly today but spring is just around the corner..
Buried power lines, what a concept! There's nothing but trees for most of the state and still they insist on having most of the power lines in the rural areas above ground which looks ugly and causes tons of outages every time it gets windy. This was the 4th time in 2 months we've lost power due to trees coming down. I have a generator because I've lived here over 20 years and got tired of depending on them to fix shit. I'd love to get a water wheel generator to put in my creek to generate power full time and just go off grid completely but I've never quite gotten to that stage yet. This week looks really nice weather wise, should be good for yard clean up and garden bed prep. I have to get my blue berry bushes mulched and bear proofed.
Yeah, time for outdoor gardening and clean up. I have 1 gum ball tree left (not on my property); the neighbors cut all theirs down. That one tree, that I can’t cut down, makes my yard look like a bomblet field…ugh. I paid a neighbor’s daughter a 10 cent bounty on them one year…$30 well spent.

the indoor garden continues to sprint toward the finish line. I pulled out a black velvet backdrop for the photos below, but my iPad over accentuates and saturates the colas…I’ll set up some better camera gear next week for better photos, and will run a couple of focus stacked closeups too…

the pistils on the CdlC are withering and turning brown but no sign of that on the 4 way crosses. I might have a phased harvest. That gets complicated since my drying cabinet has an 8 day cycle. So, I harvest the CdlC, put it in the cabinet and hope another 8 days on the 4 way crosses doesn’t burn them. One of the reasons I really prefer to grow 4 of the same strain. Oh well, it is what it is…

I drove down to VA Beach to look at a Mercedes SL63, but darn the luck, already sold…sometimes the easiest decision ya have to make is one that gets made for ya…87B3F904-C2F6-487A-98BE-42E1F3B5039B.jpegFFDC1B81-630A-4658-BF34-CA329A90E09A.jpeg8FC25D82-44C8-4FDB-9D5F-C498C4BD9142.jpeg2EAEE785-4EE5-4411-8847-5F2E2B670C11.jpeg4F4F95F8-FE8C-4571-8906-B51806655531.jpeg95A6D9BB-B299-4408-A6E9-E6539177E062.jpeg4A79EED3-7DA2-4492-97C4-7B64114E893B.jpeg26B1F01F-16D9-43B4-AF58-79F995D91DE8.jpeg8A775C9E-D70F-424D-9391-9A22766C684C.jpeg