Hermaphrodite or not ??

Can you explain a little more. I understand all canibis has the genetics. It's just how easily it is expressed. I don't want a genetic line that easily expresses hermaphrodite. So if that particular HP is expressing hermaphrodite. I don't wanna breed with it. Or is it not showing hermaphrodite, but only a weird looking calyx ?
ok, let's say you have 10 seeds and grow them out. 9 of them do not hermi, 1 does. You think you should kill the mother plant and start all over?
Now let's say you have 10 seeds and 9 hermi, 1 does not...what do you do now? kill the bloodline? or continue with the one that did not hermi?
answer this first tho please.
ok, let's say you have 10 seeds and grow them out. 9 of them do not hermi, 1 does. You think you should kill the mother plant and start all over?
Now let's say you have 10 seeds and 9 hermi, 1 does not...what do you do now? kill the bloodline? or continue with the one that did not hermi?
answer this first tho please.
In my opinion. If 1 out of 10 hermied I'd say or think at least the genetics to express hermie would be low, and possible breed with the line using the none hermied plant/s. If 9 out of 10 hermied I'd or at least think the genetics to express hermie would be high and not breed with the genetic line. Unless there was a know high stressor on the plants. Then maybe retry the line or seeds again and see if the hermies come back without the know stressor. Anyway I look at it. Would be not to breed with genetics that express hermaphrodite easily. Especially if you want to grow sensemilla with so called line of genetics
For reference

In my opinion. If 1 out of 10 hermied I'd say or think at least the genetics to express hermie would be low, and possible breed with the line using the none hermied plant/s. If 9 out of 10 hermied I'd or at least think the genetics to express hermie would be high and not breed with the genetic line. Unless there was a know high stressor on the plants. Then maybe retry the line or seeds again and see if the hermies come back without the know stressor. Anyway I look at it. Would be not to breed with genetics that express hermaphrodite easily. Especially if you want to grow sensemilla with so called line of genetics
decent answer, shows enough understanding of what's going on here. now how many seeds do you have leftover from the pollination that created what you are growing now? the plant we see in those pics, how many more seeds do you have of that?
decent answer, shows enough understanding of what's going on here. now how many seeds do you have leftover from the pollination that created what you are growing now? the plant we see in those pics, how many more seeds do you have of that?
Ok I have plenty of the HP seeds, I have zero now out of the BBXHP that was to be the donor. So that's why I am, was thinking scrap this HP. save the donor pollen from the BBHP and then restart the HP's to do the bx with. Instead of using this HP which could be and looking like it is a hermie. What are your thoughts ?
in my defense i’ve also done seed runs too and i kinda know if you pollinate a hermie with pollen from a different strain then those seeds will not be all hermie x other strain resulting in hermieotherstrain f1s but some will be hermie x hermie resulting in hermie s1s so yeah i’m gonna read some shit online after i water my plants :)
Not sure if I should take it out of there or not. I have another BBXHP going beside it. Actually want to back x it to the HP again but with cs not with a hermie.

Ok I have plenty of the HP seeds, I have zero now out of the BBXHP that was to be the donor.
now you're a breeder, i just had to bring it out of you in word and now we have to develop your execution and confidence. i know space is a huge limiting factor for many indoor growers, with that said, that doesn't alter the correct answer. you have to save enough pollen to fertilize many more HP's, and test by growing out the offspring...of each backcrossing. i gave 10 plants in my example...and your answer is what you now use going forward. FWIW you are waaaayyyy jumping the gun with a wonky pic of a single worrisome calyx. you are gonna need to see those things and many more without flipping out and running to the forum...this is where you say "hold my beer" and get to it.
in my defense i’ve also done seed runs too and i kinda know if you pollinate a hermie with pollen from a different strain then those seeds will not be all hermie x other strain resulting in hermieotherstrain f1s but some will be hermie x hermie resulting in hermie s1s so yeah i’m gonna read some shit online after i water my plants :)

read up on Rodelization as well...it might understand a little bit....
Mud1.jpg2.jpg3.jpg4.jpg5.jpg6.jpg7.jpg8.jpg10.jpg11.jpgmudballs look at these pics again and tell me if this is hermie ? And if I might get unwanted pollen out of it. I'd really like to finish this go with the bx complete, but nervous about it being hermie !! If it isn't I'd do the bx. But if it is even a maybe is a hermie would rather not.
now you're a breeder, i just had to bring it out of you in word and now we have to develop your execution and confidence. i know space is a huge limiting factor for many indoor growers, with that said, that doesn't alter the correct answer. you have to save enough pollen to fertilize many more HP's, and test by growing out the offspring...of each backcrossing. i gave 10 plants in my example...and your answer is what you now use going forward. FWIW you are waaaayyyy jumping the gun with a wonky pic of a single worrisome calyx. you are gonna need to see those things and many more without flipping out and running to the forum...this is where you say "hold my beer" and get to it.
In my defense I have been growing for awhile and have done many crosses. Now you just said it best. Is exactly why I don't wanna use a hemie and do all the testing after the fact to find out I have easily expressing hermie genetics and have to start all over again. That's why I wanna make sure if the is expressing hermaphrodite at all. So just to be sure. This bx was to be the last x for this line. Thought I was on the right track until I noticed the weird growth that I have never seen before. Anyway that's why I am thinking best to grow out some more HP plants and bx without the hermie being expressed !
lol, damn you are a nervous wreck aren't you lol
And running to the forum ? I have been growing for years and this is the first time I have ever posted a question. Did plenty of reading and research on my own but never ask a question. This one just has me stumped cause I have never seen this before. And if u had actually read the thread u would have understood what was going one and what the only question here really was. Is this hermaphrodite expression or not ? Not all the other question you threw out there cause u think your the only one who knows how to breed or not. Anyway thanks for your input. Whether it's in a riddle or not. Peace ✌️
read up on Rodelization as well...it might understand a little bit....

rodelization is cool too if you’re looking for f1s or harvesting pollen to cross another strain but if you have two different strains both producing pollen and flowers how are you gonna know which seed carries what genetic?

some will be f1s of the two plants some will be s1s when the pollen from the hermie hits its own pistil. so for a seed run totally unreliable and thats why when i keep them i label them as “blabla x albalb hermie run” so there may be blabla s1s or albalb s1s or blablaablabl f1s.

there is no way to know