Can I add ewc to soiless mix to be used with GH floraseries

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
Sorry I’m high
Can someone refresh my memory on what we are arguing about beyond troll patrol?
I read it all but like I said I’m high


Well-Known Member
Well I admire your experimental attitude, but I think you will have more concrete results if you grow them all with the same soil/medium and nutes, otherwise there is no real comparison. Grow them all organic with different lst and pruning, then you have something to compare.
I'd rather see a couple pots with only organics, and a couple with the added Flora salts.

It'd also be cool to see how the soil is on the second and third round using the same soil.


Well-Known Member
Yep, what we've been calling sativa is really indica and what we've been calling indica is sativa. This is according to Robert C Clarke. It's not my theory, but I've also yet to have seen any reputable botanist disagree or debate him on the matter.
Angus from the real seed company talks at length on this topic in a couple of interviews he’s done among other people, definitely worth a listen.

It’s also not just defined by the finished buds effects, but more the overall plants growth pattern and leaf shapes.
Pretty sure I’ve heard afghanica thrown in the mix to add some extra confusion haha.


Well-Known Member
That’s just bullshit. I’ve not even smoked much since the 80s and I can tell the difference between Indica and Sativa by smell and sight.
They grow different too and have evolved based on their environment over thousands of years.

I've known the differences since I was a teenager. This is the stupidest argument of the week.

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
Angus from the real seed company talks at length on this topic in a couple of interviews he’s done among other people, definitely worth a listen.

It’s also not just defined by the finished buds effects, but more the overall plants growth pattern and leaf shapes.
Pretty sure I’ve heard afghanica thrown in the mix to add some extra confusion haha.
Yes, it's not quite as simple as I made it sound. It's definitely interesting to follow. These days most genetics are hybrids anyways.


Well-Known Member
Nice. That's what I was thinking. Did you put it on all the pots? I'm gonna follow along.

Hypoaspis miles are your friend to get rid of gnats the easy way. There's also nematodes and Bti, but Hypoaspis are my favorite.
Yeah seems to work from keeping them off I also put a bit of perlite at the bottom also might help might not but doesn’t hurt to do it .. when I mixed everything up I added nails crushed mosquito dunks.. ima get the mosquito BITS or actually the powder form someone recommended on here


Well-Known Member
Yeah seems to work from keeping them off I also put a bit of perlite at the bottom also might help might not but doesn’t hurt to do it .. when I mixed everything up I added nails crushed mosquito dunks.. ima get the mosquito BITS or actually the powder form someone recommended on here
Look for Microbe LIft BCM. They've even got it at Petco and shit for Coi ponds and shit.