Pandemic 2020

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Anyone that needs a mandate to wear a mask at this point was always going to be stupid about it anyways (at best).

I was pretty happy to hear Fauci (pretty sure it was him that said it) say that the vaccine was holding up against this variant.
time for the reinstatement of mask mandates until this wave breaks. get used to the new norm. on and off on and off….
Mask mandates are going to be lifted in Ontario tomorrow. Good luck getting the assholes who’ve been complaining about wearing a mask to put them back on again. Ford doesn’t have the courage.

The election can’t come soon enough.
Mask mandates are going to be lifted in Ontario tomorrow. Good luck getting the assholes who’ve been complaining about wearing a mask to put them back on again. Ford doesn’t have the courage.

The election can’t come soon enough.
They are dropping masks here in NS too, but I think many will wear them until summer, myself included. When they get the antiviral medications and quick tests to treat early, it will be better for those who care about covid. Better still will be better vaccines, though the ones we have seem to be holding up pretty good. If one is vaxxed and boosted and has access to fast treatment with quick tests and a take home course of treatment things should improve, more for those who care enough to test and treat.
this video is from a hong kong lab from the year 2020 .

But the concern of GOF with the Covid-19 virus is no longer a issue, other countries have found the same type of virus after looking for it in samples that were taken in countries neighboring China years before the pandemic. My money is that the Wuhan lab had the virus and it infected a worker, after which the lab and then the the Chinese government tried to wash the stain away.
Experts weigh in on how the more infectious Omicron subvariant could shape the spring

As several countries report an uptick in COVID-19 cases partly blamed on a more contagious version of the Omicron variant, the question becomes whether Canada's next wave will be a surge or a ripple.

Read in The Canadian Press:
My friend had a pacemaker procedure last week and is not doing any better and I may have found out why. In my reading on covid I came across stories of younger people recovering from covid and later having heart problems and long covid symptoms starting as late as 1 year after recovery. The symptoms that stood out were fainting without warning while pissing themselves, these are my friends symptoms too. This is unusual because loss of bladder control is usually associated with a seizure but in these cases it looks like vagus nerve damage. Pacemakers are used when the internal wiring of the heart is not working properly but in this case the problem appears to be vagus nerve damage from covid. The vagus nerve comes off the brain stem and controls the function of your internal organs. This really sounds like my friend won't last much longer, strokes,heart attacks, high blood pressure and heart rhythm problems are all new to him and happen after a bad covid infection. His wifes health is also declining fast, she was hospitalized twice for her covid case.
this video is from a hong kong lab from the year 2020 .
Welcome to the fight. I know you are new, but your side is doing great. Even though we are in a lull right now, there is still 1000 Americans dying a day. With any luck at all, you guys will be able to celebrate a million dead Americans soon. (in case you are not great at math, I will do it for you) So far there is 973,000 dead, so in less than a month you guys can have a huge party.

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