18 or 24 hours in VEG

I do 24/0 for the first 4 weeks with autos. From there i switch to 18/6. I try to jump start the veg as much as possible in to establish. Also helps with the cooler months to have 24 on. I grow in a garage.

With Photos i start with 18/6 and then 12/12 for flower.
I now let the sun decide. Stopped growing indoors about 7 years ago. Power here is terrible expensive. I was always 16/8 only because it was less peak time usage and no noticeable loss in yield that I could see.
If I remember correctly the 24hr light/12hr dark cycle took longer to finish. They did a 6 on 12 off. Quicker but reduced yields.
Something like that. Long time ago lol.

That doesn't surprise me, I'd expect that it would require CO2 in order to work.
I use the KISS factor ……follow what nature does…. Clone and seeds I’ll do the 24 hr…. Veg 16/8 …. Flower 12/12 …. I do have dimmers on my LEDS , so when I’m finishing I’ll dime the lights back like in fall where the sun is not as bright per day ….. what ever works for you .