Happy thread :)

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Well-Known Member
Imagine infringement on privacy.
New technology always brings issues, look at the internet, everybody thought it would be utopia, but Vlad, crooks and all manner of assholes gave it a sewer too. Your DNA is your property, or that of your family, cause you might not be around. It's not what we will do to enhance human abilities that concerns me, it's what others will do in China and other places that don't have that same values or are lawless. We might reach the point where a kid could create a real virus that could end up killing everybody. Technology empowers the individual, like money, sometimes for the bad too.


Well-Known Member
An air traffic control tower suddenly lost communication with a small twin engine aircraft. A moment later the tower land line rang and was answered by one of the employees.
The passenger riding with the pilot who lost communications was on a cellular phone and yelled "Mayday, mayday!! The pilot had an instant and fatal heart attack. I grabbed his cell phone out of his pocket and he had told me before we took off he had the tower on his speed dial memory. I am flying upside down at 18,000 feet and travelling at 180 mph. Mayday, mayday!!"
The employee in the tower had put him on speaker phone immediately.
"Calm down, we acknowledge you and we’ll guide you down after a few questions. The first thing is not to panic, remain calm!!".
He began his series of questions:
Tower: "How do you know you are travelling at 18,000 feet??"
Aircraft: "I can see that it reads 18,000 feet on the Altimeter dial in front of me."
Tower: "Okay, that’s good, remain calm. How do you know you’re traveling at 180 mph?"
Aircraft: "I can see that it reads 180 mph on the Airspeed dial in front of me."
Tower: Okay, this is great so far, but it’s heavily overcast, so how do you know you're flying upside down?"
Aircraft” “The shit in my pants is running out of my shirt collar.”


Well-Known Member
What are the odds of finding a helicopter repairman and a carbon fiber repair kit on trail when you break your prothesis? The trail provides.

Excuse Fresh Grounds camera work.

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