Happy thread :)

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Well-Known Member
I don't advocate looking in 3000 year old texts to condone behavior today. But. . . . . I always assumed herb was part of the holy smoke that is such a big part of religion. It was the original burnt offering. Much better than a fatted calf in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
Yah that kinda narrows it down.
Best I could come up with. Genesis.
[1:29] God said, "See, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit; you shall have them for food.
This quote is a bit different using 'herb'.


See?bongsmilie Cooking with Cannabis? I think RIU has a forum for that. Honorable Mentions for the Poppy.
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Well-Known Member
I don't advocate looking in 3000 year old texts to condone behavior today. But. . . . . I always assumed herb was part of the holy smoke that is such a big part of religion. It was the original burnt offering. Much better than a fatted calf in my opinion.
Why not? The religious nuts do.


Ursus marijanus
I don't advocate looking in 3000 year old texts to condone behavior today. But. . . . . I always assumed herb was part of the holy smoke that is such a big part of religion. It was the original burnt offering. Much better than a fatted calf in my opinion.
As Moses stood in the strong smoke of the burning bush, he had a strange and wondrous thought and pondered mightily on its prophesy.

“Dude I could so do some Jack In The Box drive-thru and a sixer of West Coast IPA!”


Well-Known Member
I want meat seeds now.
Okay so the times were a little different with wording..look at the Constitution and how many ways you can interpret words that are no longer used to understand the meaning aaaaaaaaannnnnnd we argue over this one document like the Bible..to apply to todays world..a world with technology- whole industries that didn't even exist.


Ursus marijanus
Okay so the times were a little different with wording..look at the Constitution and how many ways you can interpret words that are no longer used to understand the meaning aaaaaaaaannnnnnd we argue over this one document like the Bible..to apply to todays world..a world with technology- whole industries that didn't even exist.
That comma in the Second Amendment has made for a lot of bad law.

The Bible says nothing about some of the big modern problems. The hypocrisy of the Church is perhaps best illustrated by the absence of terms like climate change, genderqueer and quantum. You’d think that if that were “the book to steer us” it might warn us about hazards of future tech.

To me the really sad thing is that, when I wandered briefly in evangelical circles, this has been used to foment an attitude that higher learning is evil. The first time a pastor who spoke in tongues lambasted me for being in college was the beginning of the end for me. Fundamentalists of any stripe cannot tolerate change, which means that they are enemies of any thriving, adaptable society.

And the damned hard right want all that to be law. Damn them by their own laws.
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Don't Bogart

Well-Known Member
This quote is a bit different using 'herb'.
Well, that's a feel good interpretation. I'm kind of a person that likes translation vs. interpretation when it comes to the bible.
J.W. got in trouble for that. Writing the good book to their own liking.
But.... I don't mind reading between the lines.
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