AC Inf. Controller 67 help


Well-Known Member
I’m not too tech savvy, but I’m hoping someone here can help or guide me on this.

At home, obviously connected to the controller 67 via Bluetooth, I’m able to see the temp/rH and control the exhaust from the phone app. What I’d like to do is figure a way to intercept the Bluetooth signal from the controller and and “port” it thru wifi to allow remote access to the controller. Not sure on proper terminology, hopefully this makes sense to some.

I would like to achieve this because I work graveyard shift and my 12/12 schedule is lights on over night while I’m at work. I’d like to be able to remotely be able to check temp and what not. Plus I’ll be taking a vacation next month and have nobody to check on my shit. Thankfully I have an auto watering and runoff system in place that functions great. But I’d like to be able to see and control shit when I’m not at home.

I have zero clue if this is possible, and if it is, idk where to start. I tried googling for my answer, but I’m sure I’m using the wrong search phrases because I get nothing. Or maybe I get nothing because it can’t be done.

I know the controller can be, and is, programmed with set point triggers. I’m just the type of person that likes to be able to check on shit often to ensure all is well. If this can be done, I’d like to know where to start.

What does the awesome group here at RIU have to say? Not worth my time, not possible or am I just a fucking idiot?
I know similar shit can be accomplished with Wi-Fi and LAN devices utilizing port forwarding. I have a few Raspberry Pi’s setup this way for other things. Just not sure if possible with Bluetooth to Wi-Fi port forwarding.
I’d be curious too about port forwarding with AC infinity’s Bluetooth

best thought I had was have a pc running at home and have it connected to the controller via Bluetooth. From there I can remote access that PC from anywhere with internet. BUT, I think acinfinity only supports Bluetooth connection with a smartphone ala android/iOS app.

I don’t have a mac or a spare iPhone to leave plugged in at home as a port if that were possible… but now I’m babbling about how far I got figuring this topic out. I am also curious if anyone else has figured something out, I’m not ditching this controller, but may have to consider an upgrade to one that is wi-fi and not Bluetooth or whatever to have easier long distance remote access/monitoring.
I do have a Mac in the room with the tent that’s constantly on. Now I’m going to dig into using the Mac to accomplish this!
You would need a PC with WIFI Capabilities. Not sure if the APP is supported through PC but that's fixed with a program called Bluestacks. From there I'm thinking either screen sharing, or remoting in through either Google, Team View ETC. I'm sure there are easier ways with more effort, but this is something that most people could so immediately. I have the 67 myself but do no have the remoting in setup, no need.
I do have a Mac in the room with the tent that’s constantly on. Now I’m going to dig into using the Mac to accomplish this!
I'm sure that'll work with an Apple Device. I'm anti Apple so you wont get any specifics from me. Windows/ Google FTW.
Just an fyi, the new 69 controller has wi-fi. Should be available in May I believe.
Well hell, thanks for the info! This may save me all the “patch-job fix” shit to do what I’d like to do.

I’m going to reach out to AC Inf and ask if the wi-fi model will be accessible off the local network and over the internet. Like my Inkbird wi-fi humidity controller.
I recommend a TrolMaster Hydro X. Does what you are in need of and much more.
Great recommendation! Unfortunately, that’s more money than I’d like to spend at the moment.

I’ll revisit this consideration in a week or two when I have the funds.
Great recommendation! Unfortunately, that’s more money than I’d like to spend at the moment.

I’ll revisit this consideration in a week or two when I have the funds.

Yeah, I think you'll want the 69 once it comes out, and it should work as you intend and without all sorts of ad-hoc BT/WIFI mechanics that may or may not work. The AC-I app DOES work on macs with recent OS systems, but note that you can only be logged into the app/controller on one device at a time, so I don't know what remote-side access would look like on your phone or whatever, and I'd guess you're looking at something that ends up being a 'remote desktop' kind of situation.
I don’t think we’re too stoopid. Just broke. Starting, $300-2300 controllers, or $10-30 timers
well I have 3 of them now, 2 fan controllers and an outlet controller and I keep thinking of more things to automate but each would require there own 45$ controller. :) :(