Ok, man i am so with you on this, latley, i have been into the Universe and space and all that cool shit, But i was raised a catholic and i am really questioning my "faith". I still believe in god, just because how everything is too perfect, the way the the our Soloar system works, 1 thing relies on another to work the way they do. I.E. The moon has to do with our ocean currents and gravity and all the shit, if we were any closer to the sun we would roast to death, and any further we would freeze to death. Its F'in Crazy. Just think of all the millions of galaxies out there just like our 1 tiny Milkyway galaxy. It would take 100,000 Years at the Speed of light (bout 6 trillion miles a year) to reach the outside of the milkyway. And the milkyway is full of Billions, if not Trillions of suns Way more massive then our very own Sun that Grows our favorite plant in the world

. Just think, how do we know that there is not another Earth somewhere in some other galaxy that there is no possible way to get to, if it takes that long to get the outer edge of our Milkyway we can barley see past it let alone try and live that long or power anything to go that far with our FOSSIL FUEL we just dont, and wont have the technology to find out. But what if we did find out how devastating would it be to all the religions that are out there, we find another Earth doing the same shit we are trying to do, but just dont have the resources to accomplish it.
Oh man sorry for the nerd lesson this stuff is really interesting if you get into it, just watch a Movie called Volcanoes of the Deep Sea, and there are some badass videos on youtube my personal favorite.
Also I am super baked right now on some burmese sativa, lmao gets my brain thinkin all wierd and shit. Haha Gotta love it though, i will STFU now.